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Dealing with Boredom

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    Dealing with Boredom

    I want to quit drinking. I usually spend my spare time with friends at bars. I?m not sure what to do with myself now?any suggestions for killing some time?

    Dealing with Boredom

    Orchid Lover,

    It can be a challenge. What I do: read, anything and everything. watch TV, especially the news. Run. Cook. Post here on MWO.

    I hope to move on to journaling, writing gratitude lists, doing some visualization stuff.

    You will find others will have much better and lengthier lists of things they do! Drinking does take a lot of time, whether you are in bars or at home.

    Right now I am trying not to devour everything in the kitchen and/or run to the wine store!



      Dealing with Boredom

      Hi Orchid! Welcome!!:welcome: Dealing with boredom is definitely and issue that most, if not all of us deal with here! Like Ann said, drinking has taken up a significant amount of our time, and when we stop with that, how should we fill the hours? I have to say, I spent hours here, reading all the threads, following the links-- Have you had a look at the Toolbox? It's in my signature and it's a great place to pick up lots of ideas from lots of different people about how to start and keep on this journey. The Newbies Nest is also a great place to join in-- there are all sorts of people in all different stages of quitting, and if you read back a few days, you're sure to find some people you have things in common with. Posting and reading here is a great way to spend some time. I also spend time watching films, exercising, reading, cleaning!-- Anyway, good to have you here!


        Dealing with Boredom

        Volunteer at a local animal shelter. Bake a cake for a shut in neighbor. Count all the tiles in you kitchen (or bathroom), my personal favorite that has helped pass many a weekend. Buy a fun jigsaw puzzle and race to see how fast you can put it together. It keeps both your hands and mind occupied. Take up candy making for the holidays and share with family friends and co-workers.
        As you can tell, I had to learn how to distract myself.
        Hope you can do the same.
        No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


          Dealing with Boredom

          Hi there Orchid. It seems like a lot of people take up the gym/some kind of fitness thing. I won't be doing that as I have children I have to stay home with, but I will be digging my exercise DVDs out! I'm also reading a lot, both on here and regular books.

          Is it that you're worried about boredom, or not getting to spend time with friends or both? Do your friends know that you're quitting?


            Dealing with Boredom

            Orchid - welcome. Glad you have joined us. I spend a lot of time on MWO, which not only keeps me connected and "unbored" but also strong. I also have gotten back into a few hobbies. And although I'm still procrastinating on this one - exercise/fitness is a biggie, and probably the most helpful to level out our moods. What do you enjoy doing?

            Willow makes an excellent point. Will your friends support your decision to quit drinking?

            Orchid, hang in there. It really does get easier, but it takes some time to ease into a new normal. You'll get there. Stay close.

            LB - I used to love doing jigsaw puzzles when I was younger. I used to spend hours working them with my grandma. What a fabulous idea. I'm buying one tomorrow (93 - the number of tiles in my kitchen) LOL.
            Everything is going to be amazing


              Dealing with Boredom

              Find the bars that do things and do but try not to drink as much. Many bars have volleyball, bike outings, running groups, trivia groups... try that route first so you don't feel so isolated. Then maybe branch off to do these things away from bars.

              I just posted about boredom! It's a biggie for so many people. I am sure it's part of my issue now too. I have decided to tough it out but start adding things back into my life soon. Oddly, one of the times in my adult life I drank the least was when I worked at a bar! I was working til two. I would go home and maybe have one glass of wine and be so tired that would be enough to fall asleep. Maybe you get a job in a bar! ha!


                Dealing with Boredom

                Now is the time to do that thing "youve always wanted to, but never had time"

                There is an infinite amount of hobbies out there, so grab on to one and learn every little thing you me, THAT will keep you busy
                Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                  Dealing with Boredom

                  Hi Orchidliver! Can you organize closets? Clean? This normally helps me to pass time. Or walking outside. Can you try a class in gym?
                  AF since 10/20/2013
                  Smoke free since 09/24/2007
                  Meat free since 09/20/2008
                  With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles


                    Dealing with Boredom

                    Just wanted to thank you all for the warm welcome...I definitely think this forum is going to help me during the upcoming holidays.


                      Dealing with Boredom

                      Hey Orchid, how are you holding up? Isn't it amazing how booze just sucks the will to do anything right out of us? Even when drinking heavily, I always referred to vodka as the "stupid juice," or the "useless juice," because it made me stupid and/or useless. But take the booze out of the equation and at first, I always thought, ok, now what am I going to do instead of drink until I pass out?

                      Anyway, you might want to consider replacing your bar habit with a coffeehouse habit. Starbucks is ok, but I find it's easier to meet people in the smaller independent, more bohemian coffeehouses. People are friendlier and more outgoing there. There's usually a bunch of board games sitting around - challenge someone to a game.

                      Also, one thing that really helped me find things to do was find events going on in my area on It's odd how technologically connected we are these days, but it seems more difficult to meet people. I've met an interesting and electic assortment of people that share similar interests on meetup, and those activities scheduled by the meetup groups keep me preoccupied at times I would have otherwise spent drinking.

                      I also spend time at the dog park when I feel like drinking. Dog owners are generally a pretty friendly group.

                      Basically I look for anything to get me out of the house. My routine for so many years was to come home from work and drink in front of the TV until I passed out, so being at home and bored has gotten to be oppressive for me. So rather than renting a DVD or streaming Netflix at home, I prefer to go to the movies alone. Anyway, like MossRose said, you'll discover a new normal.
                      In the middle of my life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood, as I had lost the straight path. It is a difficult thing to speak about, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood is. Just thinking about it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death, but in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there. --Dante, paraphrased

