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New...Don't Know What To Do...

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    New...Don't Know What To Do...

    How did your mom die? Not from RA... ?
    Who is giving you the methadone? That Dr must be able to help you along with seeking and finding supervised treatment. Were you just trying to tough it out? How have you been doing?


      New...Don't Know What To Do...

      Hello Love....sounds like you have had such a hard time...the folks here are caring and constant...stay close...get a plan and ask if you need help from us xxx
      ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


        New...Don't Know What To Do...

        My mom also had RA she died after a surgery from an infection due to negligence on the part of the hospital. Right now I am waiting for my doctor appointment and just trying as best I can but it's hard because my pain has been getting really bad lately and this morning I woke up with my hand swollen I smoked a couple joints but I have not drank anything yet today. My boyfriend is drunk already though. I am going to tell my doctor everything when I see her.

        I get my methadone through a drug treatment program here for opiates.
        ?That's the problem with drinking,
        If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget;
        if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate;
        and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.?
        ― Charles Bukowski
        Days AF: 13 :h


          New...Don't Know What To Do...

          That's a good start of a plan Love....try to gather as much support as you can to help you. Good luck with the doctor . X
          ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


            New...Don't Know What To Do...

            Thank you. although I'm starting to get shaky and get bad cravings...
            ?That's the problem with drinking,
            If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget;
            if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate;
            and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.?
            ― Charles Bukowski
            Days AF: 13 :h


              New...Don't Know What To Do...

              Please let us know what the doctor says. I'm with the rest of the group here in that I think you need some professional help here to get you off the al first. Tackle the weed later. You might benefit from some counseling as well - find a counselor who has expertise or specialises in addiction. Withdrawal is tricky stuff and if you're getting shaky and sick, you may be past of point of going this alone. I am no doctor here, but withdrawal can be very dangerous and I think you might be in for a tougher time of it, particularly when your boyfriend is continuing to drink and guessing not much support for you. You need someone who is responsible and can watch over you as you go through this if at all possible. Please stay close and keep us posted as you can.

              You have been through so much at such an early age. You have your whole life ahead of you that you can enjoy healthy and addiction free. Realizing you have a problem is a great first step. You didn't get addicted over night so understand it's going to take time to rid your body of this poison and retrain your brain. It can happen. There are lots of people on these boards that are living proof. Stay strong! Sending hugs to you!


                New...Don't Know What To Do...

                Loveless- When you picked your name for this forum- what did it mean to you? I really think you might benefit from using this thread as your own personal journal. Many of us do it. I do it to keep myself accountable and to keep myself coming here. Sometimes it's really very slow and you may not get a response... so if you journal to yourself and have to come back again and again, you will be more likely to keep some goal in mind and stay away from the drinking for longer periods of time.

                Thinking of you.


                  New...Don't Know What To Do...

                  I chose my name because I feel like I have no one in my life who supports me and no where to turn. Everyone in my life is just using me, putting me down, or too drunk to care at all.
                  ?That's the problem with drinking,
                  If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget;
                  if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate;
                  and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.?
                  ― Charles Bukowski
                  Days AF: 13 :h


                    New...Don't Know What To Do...

                    You are in a real tough spot Love. You have had to experience life issues far sooner than you should have had too.
                    If you feel this way about the people in your life, it's time to figure out a way to get physical distance from them.
                    START plotting your 'escape'.
                    One of the best things you can do is drastically change your environment. Get your resources lined up, maybe even ask you Dr for advice on how to go about it... he may know some decent 'homes' that would get you away from where you are as a jumping off spot. You have to turn a deaf ear to those people that put you down. They are just making sure that you feel below them when really they hate themselves, so they are bullies.

                    Hey, do you have earphones or earplugs? This is good stuff even if you only like 50% of it... the music is soothing... And you can listen to it again and again...


                      New...Don't Know What To Do...

                      Loveless;1585957 wrote: I chose my name because I feel like I have no one in my life who supports me and no where to turn. Everyone in my life is just using me, putting me down, or too drunk to care at all.
                      Well I got to tell you. I can't call you by that name, I believe Lovely is a lovely name for you.
                      Liberated 5/11/2013


                        New...Don't Know What To Do...

                        LL - you are here and this means you love yourself at least! And with drinking we surround ourselves with people that may not care as you say. Once you will part with AL you will find that there are other caring people around you and you will see love and care.
                        AF since 10/20/2013
                        Smoke free since 09/24/2007
                        Meat free since 09/20/2008
                        With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles


                          New...Don't Know What To Do...

                          I agree with Sam. Lovely. You will find supporting love here. People really do care. I think most of us if not all of us have felt exactly as you do. Unmoved, unwanted....etc. This place had really given me back my self respect and I smile when I look in the mirror now. Thanks to mwo everyone respects and loves me. They actually can count on me.
                          Stick close and you will see true progress in your life. Sure it takes work, but it's way easier then drinking and regretting.
                          No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                            New...Don't Know What To Do...

                            Thank you.
                            ?That's the problem with drinking,
                            If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget;
                            if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate;
                            and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.?
                            ― Charles Bukowski
                            Days AF: 13 :h


                              New...Don't Know What To Do...

                              Samstone;1586089 wrote: Well I got to tell you. I can't call you by that name, I believe Lovely is a lovely name for you.
                              I agree with you Sam - Let's see if we can get Loveless to change to Lovely! How about it Lovely? It fits you so much better! :h

