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The May Day Club!

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    The May Day Club!

    Hi all,
    As suggested by Amanda, let's share this month together. Tomorrow is May Day!

    I propose that we together envision wrapping ribbons around a May Day pole. The pole is hope for living fully. We each have a ribbon, together they intertwine as we dance for our Selves around the May Day pole. Sometimes we falter, sometimes we dance in glee, our hopefulness and joy in renewal lifts others among us back into the dance... the dance around the May Day pole. In the end the dance may have seemed haphazard, but it is a perfect as can be, just as a tree in its apparent chaos of limbs here, leaves there, roots all over the place... silently holding its knowing of being exactly what it was meant to be. Perfection.

    I further propose that those who choose to be in this "May Day Club" only make the commitment to be here with us, posting regularly, on this thread. Let's check in with one another, relate to one another, support, laugh and cry with, suffer and rejoice with one another. No commitment to be AF, to even be in moderation. We are all now and will continue to be on different parts of the path. And that will serve each of us, to relate to all the varied phases of this challenge.

    Please, I would love to stick together, preferably on a single thread for ease of keeping up with everyone's progress.

    Whatdya say?

    (roots, limbs, leaves, trunk, bark and all....)

    The May Day Club!

    And the reason I feel so impelled to join together is... well, in reading numerous posts by those here, I felt so impressed by how much wisdom, beauty, consciousness you all posess, and I could relate to it... Oh! and that means I had to realize that I could relate to it because, even though I usually feel like a (well, you all know what it feels like) that I too must be wise, beautiful and conscientious!

    Let us reflect in one another all that we are beneath our addiction.

    As my posting name I chose 'imatree' because I have a passion for trees, and some sort of connection. The whole roots, limbs, apparent haphazardness that somehow manifests in perfection.... And just now I imagined how this little cherry tree right outside my door, the sweetest tree you could imagine, would be if I poured a 12 pack of beer into its roots everynight... sometimes adding some tequila, or maybe just a big bottle of wine... would it really like those martinis as much as I do?


      The May Day Club!

      I have a question does that mean we would only post on this one thread for the month of May and no other threads or start no other threads?
      AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
      Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


        The May Day Club!

        Oh, no rules for sure. I'm just suggesting a single thread for keeping in touch daily with those newbies among us for the sake of convenience. I, for instance, with being a full time working mom, find it hard to keep up with the various threads of those I've connected with.

        Still we ought to peruse as many threads as we can to keep involved!


          The May Day Club!

          I'm in! I've been here since March, but I'm still in the baby steps stages. Although I will most definitely have to continue to read ALL of the other threads because MWO is my new addiction. Thanks for the invite!



            The May Day Club!

            OK I'm in. I am not so new but I still have allot to work on.

            Thank You for inviting me!
            AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
            Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


              The May Day Club!

              Great that we both had the same idea at the same time. How spooky is that. Suggest that we continue for the moment with the newbies in need thread as so many people had already committed to that and it may be confusing to chop and change. The idea of a single thread really makes sense, think it would be great if we had a few people who volunteered to host them on perhaps a monthly basis. Do you want to do next month?


                The May Day Club!

                This is my first week here so I still qualify as a noob. I'll be sure to post here daily!

                Day 4 AF! I have plans this evening that do not involve alcohol, lets see if I can stick to them.
                Suddenly I see
                This is what I want to be
                suddenly I see
                Why the hell it means so much to me.

                -KT Tunstall


                  The May Day Club!

                  im in

                  I'm in for any way you want to do it. I'm so sick of drinking and need all the help I can get. Bird


                    The May Day Club!

                    Tree: I'd love to join the May Day club. I'm also in the beginning stages. I'm really having a long, hard look at my drinking. Thank you & will continue reading & sharing on this thread for the month of May.
                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012


                      The May Day Club!

                      Im happy to post each day here too!!!! sounds silly but ive not got the hang of these threads etc on my 11 AF day and i feel positive finding this place is the best thing ive done in ages.....i feel i know you all readin your threads and it makes me happy....too know i can just log on and you all here......


                        The May Day Club!

                        Count me in this month!



                          The May Day Club!

                          Good note, Amanda. Yes, let's keep it to one thread. I'm on my way now to "Newbies in Need" to start tracking - today is Day One!


                            The May Day Club!

                            Hello May Day Club,

                            Just checking in to see how you are all doing, day one May day and it is a beautiful day here in eastern Washington. I am day 9 AF, and I have discovered abstaining doesn't work for me at least not for now. So I must stay AF, I hope to be of what ever support I can to anyone, as much as I will more than likely need support.

                            So I wish everyone a great May Day!!

                            AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
                            Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


                              The May Day Club!

                              Hi Kitkat,
                              We're neighbors - I'm in Western WA.
                              Looks like we're continuing this threading under "Newbies in need" - with a new thread starting each morning for all of us new embarkees.

