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messed up, need encouragement badly

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    messed up, need encouragement badly

    Hi tough,

    Sorry you are so low. I understand too well. Just keep moving forward and believe that you can do this successfully.

    All the best~


      messed up, need encouragement badly

      Hi TinT,

      Sorry to hear you are having a rough time. Hang in there, you'll be ok. Hope you feel better soon.

      Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


        messed up, need encouragement badly

        Been there done that many times....It's especially crushing when you have done mods or AF successfully for a while and then BANG, something happens and you're off the wagon. Especially bad in my situation because I tend to crave drink when I up/happy, not down...So, I could have done mods/AF for a while and live a fairly normal, levelled out life and something great happens and, of course, you think you gotta celebrate. Gets me every time and then it takes me days of even weeks to get back on track. It's pretty bad. I hope, you can just pick yourself up again and start where you left off. The guilt will get better when you feel physically better too. So sorry, but I know exactly what you're going through...


          messed up, need encouragement badly

          Hi Tex, from a fellow Texan I?m telling you to quit beating yourself up. You know you have a problem and you are trying to do something about it. Instead of beating yourself up you should be proud of yourself for finding a place where you can quit drinking. This is the place. Everyone of us has laid an egg like this. There is nothing you can do now except walk around it and say ?yep, it?s an Egg? then walk away, it is in the past and you are on a quest to make your life better. I know the alcohol causes you to feel this way when you binge. Get a couple bottles of pedealite and it will hydrate your body back to where it should be. It will make a big difference, take it from a marathon drinker, it works. Then just get back on track. I have been working on staying sober on this site since 2005. I have had great progress, but I have also had great disappointment. The first thing I learned is Never Give UP. You can do this. Trying to stop before you really started the program is pretty much like trying to stop before you knew we existed. You can do this. It took me 5 years to quit smoking. I would quit only to start again. But I kept trying until I was able to get some medicine to help me get over the cravings. I used Zyban and the patch; and it took me 6 months of trying to get it done. With a little help I was able to do what I could not do by myself. It is the same with the booze I took topa the first time I quit and it worked. But, I am the one who didn?t take it long enough so I relapsed. Now I am taking Campral and it is working great . I had one little twinge of a craving yesterday on the way home from work but as soon as I got in the house I got the L-Glutamine and it disappeared. Give yourself a little room to grow. Listen to the Clearing CD; it worked wonders for me. You are just getting started, take a deep breath and think of the how you found MWO and what it is going to feel like when you get your life back. You can do this, just slow down a little bit and let the system work for you.

          Hang on, the train has just left the station. :thumbs:

          God Bless,
          What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
          ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


            messed up, need encouragement badly

            Look forward, not back. Let yesterday go and look forward with a smile


              messed up, need encouragement badly

              Thanks so much guys, all of you...and MDbiker, hey right back at ya in Texas....everyone of you has helped so very much, I'm SO GLAD I found this site, I'd never make it otherwise. I do feel better today, and I'm committed to getting the book read today, the phrase "the train has just left the station" does give me hope, I'm ready to chug down the ones of you that take Campral, did you go AF first, and for how long? I just want to do this right.....Thanks again guys, so very much!
              "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                messed up, need encouragement badly

                I believe most Dr.?s want you to be AF for at least 3-4 days. The odds of it working or not decrease significantly if the patient is still drinking. I don't think they will give campral to you unless you are AF. My Dr. told me that taking the drug increased my chance of staying sober by about 20%. I also think deciding you are going to stop 'really' makes a big difference. Be determined and if you start feeling week get online. Day or night someone is always around here at MWO. I think that is a great advantage, plus I think you should go ahead with the supplements and CD's. Using the program as it is set up will work, but most people make a few changes to suit themselves. So far I have absolutely no complaints for the Campral. I think it is a wonder drug.

                God Bless
                What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?

