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Newbies in need May day 2

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    Newbies in need May day 2

    Hi everyone welcome to the new forum. Isn't this exciting? Those of you who want to join in, each day we will start a new thread so that the thread doesn't get too long. We can then all post how we are getting on each day and give each other encouragement and suggestions. Everyone welcome, whatever your goal, some of us are going for 30 days AF (like me) others, moderation, others just watching in the side lines etc. Just join in you are all welcome.

    Newbies in need May day 2

    Day 7 for me. After today I will have done a whole week. Last night was tough, Mum died on New Years Eve and I went through her stuff last night thinking it would keep me occupied, however, she was my drinking buddy and loads of memories came flooding back and I could smell her on her clothes I started to cry uncontrollably. Normally I would have reached for the bottle, but I didn't. I took another L-glutamate and a hot chocolate and an early night. Even though she was a drinker as well, I know she would have been proud of me because it was a demon that I know she secretly wanted to control.

    Anyhow here's to another day and the end of my first week. Good luck to everyone today and look forward to hearing all your posts.


      Newbies in need May day 2

      Hi all... Day one AF for me... I'm not counting yesterday because it was a hangover day (and my hangovers can be mean, and usually still a little drunk).

      Mood is optimistic... I'm going for AF for as long as I can. Would love to get 6 months under my belt , but one day at a time.

      Aduggan, was very happy to hear you kept control even in grief. Good on you, keep it up.

      Thanks to all for having me, here on MWO.


        Newbies in need May day 2

        Hi everyone this is my 14 AF im aiming for the 30 days AF as then that will run through my PMT which is usually when i hit the drink and carnt stop for weeks. I am now atticted to this site and will keep on reading all the posts for encouragement and for once i can relate to people who know what they are talkin about and take advice. I even dreamed last night i was reading the posts......hehe so you all have a good influence on me thankyou all you are all fantastic people....xxxxxxxxx:h


          Newbies in need May day 2

          Hi all.
          Day 2 for me.I'm going to try and make 30. I've started a journal and making a list of things I get done while sober. Things I put off while drinking. Clean out closet etc. Its amazing how much more time you have.My kids are alot better too on my sober nights as far as cleaning up after themselves. The way the house looks this morning compared to yesterday.Wow.
          Aduggan, sorry about your Mom. My Dads been gone 37 years and I still get weepy sometimes. Have a good day all. I've got to get the kids up for school. Bird


            Newbies in need May day 2

            Morning all!

            This is day 5AF for me. Last night I was an emotional wreck....I just started crying uncontrollabley. I was over the BF's place when it happened. He was so supportive and held me until I was done. Afterwards I went home and listened to my alcohol control hypnotherapy CD and went to bed.

            I'm supposed to be going to the gym this morning but am having a hard time finding my mojo.

            aduggan, I lost both mom and dad in the span of 8 months so I'm here to talk to if you need it. I know I'll need you all come Memorial Day weekend - it will be the 1st year anniv of losing dad.

            Time to try and find my mojo!

            Suddenly I see
            This is what I want to be
            suddenly I see
            Why the hell it means so much to me.

            -KT Tunstall


              Newbies in need May day 2

              Hi everyone, day 3 for me. Well done Aduggan!! Last night was tough for me but once I got over that teatime slot I was okay. I've just got in from work and normally I'd be opening the bottle with my first glass - not today, instead I'm switching the computer on!! A new addiction! Anyway keep it up everyone and thanx for all your support. Janice
              AF since 9 May 2012
              Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                Newbies in need May day 2

                Hi Everyone- I'm so happy this thread got started. I really think it could help to have this to check in with every day. I am on Day 3 AF. I'm aiming to be AF for the month . My goal is for AF for a life time but think it would be better to take it one month or even day at a time. Good job aduggan not drinking last night. That sounds like you had a really tough day. That took alot of strength! I'm going to try to keep a journal , that sounds like a good idea. Hope everyone has a great day. If you feel like you are having a hard time try to come on here and we can try to help. Aquamarine
                AF SINCE 3/16/2016


                  Newbies in need May day 2

                  Hi all:

                  I slipped yesterday but really want to stay on the 30 day thread. Hope it's OK. Will do better today.
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    Newbies in need May day 2

                    Reteacher- You absolutely should stay here. This is for when things are going well and almost more importantly when things are not going so good. I think it's a place you should come to be totally honest about your drinking. We are here to share, help,and we truly understand. We are not here to judge. With me it's a bit secretive thing that I do when I drink and I think it really helps to be able to get it out in the open with someone.It 's a tough thing to try to tackle all by yourself. Move on from yesterday.If you can learn from your slip and start right back up again then that's progress.
                    AF SINCE 3/16/2016


                      Newbies in need May day 2

                      You are all brilliant -:yay:
                      I am day 7 AF today and couldn't have done it without everyone here. YOU are all so supportive, sorry Aduggan - it is hard but you sound so strong- keep chin up
                      LOL & Hugs from UK,
                      Just believe - that's all you have to do



                        Newbies in need May day 2

                        Aqua: I think I can come back from the slip. I too have never been honest w/anyone except this forum about my drinking. I've slipped since I've been on this forum, but I haven't gone on multi-day binges as I have in the past. I'm trying to see the positive & not analyze too much why I did what I did yesterday. I'm not thrilled to see the (big) slip on my drink tracker for May 1, but this is the only place I'm honest & I'm hoping the rest of May will show zeros on my drink tracker. Thanks to all for the acceptance & encouragement.
                        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                        October 3, 2012


                          Newbies in need May day 2

                          Thanks for all the support from you guys. It was really hard losing Mum cos it was a big shock, although she had been ill for some time, she hadn't told anybody - even my Dad or the doc. By the time we found out the cancer had spread to her brain, lungs, liver, breast, kidneys, bones the lot. We had seven weeks, but because it was in her brain she wasn't herself, she kept telling me I was evil and that I was experimenting on her, it was so hard as we had always been best friends. Keep trying to think past those times to the good times, but can't get the bad images out of my head yet. After she died my drinking escalated as that was the only time I could forget, until the next day of course!!

                          Retteacher - please check in with us each day, we are all in the same boat, maybe one of us will say something that will just get you through that day, if not, tomorrow is a new one. It is only a thought, and please don't shoot me anyone, but maybe 30 days is to long away for you at the moment and this is what is causing you to slip. Have you thought about starting with " I won't have a drink until weekend" and then allowing yourself a few drinks on a Saturday for example, for a couple of weeks and then going for two weeks, doing it in baby stages may just be easier. Only a thought. Big hugs either way!!


                            Newbies in need May day 2

                            Hi all fellow newbies,

                            Well done Aduggan for last night, It must have been a very emotional time for you and you did really well coping with your grief without alcohol, you should be really proud of yourself.

                            Day 5 for me and this is the first day I'm finding quite hard. My mind is playing tricks on me I think, and trying to persuade me to have a drink. Had to sign on today for the first time in my life as I've recently relocated to a new city with my partner and I'm unemployed, and my gym and pool are closed for refurbishment so I can't exercise today. Plus my relationship is very rocky at the moment.

                            A list of silly little things really that are making me depressed and I won't let them get me down. I feel bad really because they are all such paltry and self centered reasons for being depressed compared with what other people go through.

                            I shall dust off my bike and go for a ride, and hopefully get through tonight.

                            I love this thread by the way, and all the great people at MYO have been so wonderful.

                            Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                              Newbies in need May day 2

                              aduggan: So sorry about you mum. I'm an older mom of kids 33 & 37. I think they'd be pretty sad if anything happened to me.

                              Your encouragement means so much. I think I will take your suggestion & try to just finish off the week sober.
                              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                              October 3, 2012

