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Newbies in need May day 2

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    Newbies in need May day 2

    Sante;131009 wrote: Hi. I'm new to posting and this is a great thread.

    Today is Day One for me, too, and I'm really relating to everything that's being said. I want to be healthy, and free from the witch I become when I'm drinking. I hate the way I feel the next morning. All the remorse and self-loathing, plus all the time I waste at night, hiding out and getting drunk.

    Retteach, I really appreciate your honesty. As I say, today is Day One for me...and I haven't had an AF day for months and months!

    Wish me luck tonight when the "witching hours" come around.
    Welcome Sante,

    I know what you mean about the "witching hours" I'm nearly at the end of day 5 and I truly can't remember how many years it's been since I haven't drank for this long.

    It is possible!! I'm aiming for 30 but I'm just taking it one day at a time.

    Good luck

    Night night everyone, see you all in May day 3!!!

    Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


      Newbies in need May day 2

      Hi Guys,

      Day 6 AF for me, the longest in 4 1/2 years. It is funny, now that I am feeling better I feel like drinking again. A glass of Chardonnay really sounds good, but I have made it this long I don't want to give in now.

      Aduggan, so sorry to hear about your mother. My mother is my best friend and also my drinking buddy--everyday after I pick the girls up from school we meet at her house for "happy" hour. I don't know how i would handle it if something happened to her and I notice how much she has aged and has a hard time getting around in the recent past.

      The funny thing is I have not been honest with her about why I have stopped drinking. I told her it was due to stomach problems and I could not drink with the meds I was prescribed. Feel terrible about not telling the truth, but otherwise the pressure would be too much. At least my husband knows and is supportive.

      My real reason for quitting (or attempting) to is that I have two beautiful girls 4 1/2 and 7 and I need to be around for them. I am 43 and am scared to death I may have liver damage. My right side has been hurting for some time --should know soon, went for a blood test yesterday. My husband is 48 and drinks vodka from morning to night. I am scared to death for him too.

      Anyway, blah, blah, blah, just taking one day at a time to try and beat this thing and give my girls the mom they deserve.


        Newbies in need May day 2

        Help, I'm now at the beginning of the head is starting the dull throbbing, face slightly flushed and some ear ringing, all signs I need a drink. Physical and emotional cravings full on.

        Stopped by Trader Joe's and stocked up on all healthy, non starchy food. Passed the wine section, thank you. Taken my suppliments. Taken prolly 5 Calms Forte, an extra L Glutamine. No Topa at my door when I got home. RATS!

        I'm glad I finished off the vodka yesterday in preparation for today...i think I'd be pouring right now.

        How's everyone else doing?

        Addiction Sucks!!


        Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.

        Henry David Thoreau


          Newbies in need May day 2

          Hang in there Sunny,

          And Momby I know what you mean. I'm on day 5 (nearly over) and I'm already starting to plan my celebratory drink in a couple of days.

          Crazy isn't it, I'm going to try for 30 but I know it's going to be hard. Trick is to not beat yourself up too much if you slip I suppose, kinda like when you break a diet. lol

          Good luck all,

          Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


            Newbies in need May day 2

            Am All Talk and no Action...........HATE MYSELF!!!!!

            Oh aduggan, what can I say???..........told you Mon would be my 1st day abs, but drank my usual btl of wine on Mon night, and tonight too..................HATE MYSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            Starlight Impress


              Newbies in need May day 2

              Don't give up giving up Starlight.

              Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                Newbies in need May day 2

                Hey Sunny - read what everyone wrote in the 1001 Reasons thread. Make some tea. Do something for yourself that you wouldn't do if you were drinking. Get lost in a good book.


                  Newbies in need May day 2

                  Don't be too tough on yourself Starlight. That will increase your likelihood of drinking again tomorrow.


                    Newbies in need May day 2

                    I'm just leaving work now, gotta get some groceries pick up my daughter then head for home. If I make it through tonight (day one) it will be first time in way too long. Plan to sip herbal tea and sparkling water, enjoy my daughter and the sunset.
                    good luck everyone!


                      Newbies in need May day 2

                      Well, I drank the herbal tea and such... its nearly midnight, I almost made it a full day.,, had a beer at 10:30 BECAUSE I CAN"T SLEEP!!! then two more...


                        Newbies in need May day 2

                        I was off to such a good start this evening and then it all got sucked away


                          Newbies in need May day 2

                          Hey eg, here we both are, in Washington, almost made it through the day ...
                          Hell, why don't you come over and have a beer with me? lol

