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New today, having trouble quitting...

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    New today, having trouble quitting...

    Hello, My name is Doug and I am a 42 year old, 1 year unemployed (automotive engineer) old soul who is finding it terribly difficult to stop drinking. I quit once for 4 years when my first child was born but started up again when best man in a friend's wedding, 7 years ago. It was easy for me to quit then. Since becoming unemployed (and hating the job before being let go) my drinking has become a problem. I like IPA;s (India Pale Ale, a beer with high hop content and mine are microbrewed at about 7%-9%) and then wine with my wife. Usually 3-5 IPAs and then a bottle of red wine. She suspects but is not sure how much beer I have had unless it clearly evident based on my behavior. Just sitting around surfing instead of looking for work and came across this website. Glad to have found it! Brain is cloudy and gaining weight, feeling lost and aimless. Feeling helpless!

    New today, having trouble quitting...

    Hi Doug and welcome!!! There are different aspects to this program but what has worked for me has been the supplements (especially the Kudzu from here) and the CDs. It all helps to reduce the cravings and help you make better, healthier choices than reaching for a drink all of the time. This is a great place, full of lots of support. Best of luck!!!:welcome:
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      New today, having trouble quitting...

      Hello Neighbor!

      :welcome: Doug, I am from Fort Wayne......what a small world.

      Doug it's great that you at least recognize that you have a problem.

      Download the book and take it one day at a time. You can do this!

      We'll be here for you every step of the way.

      :h :h :h :h


        New today, having trouble quitting...

        Hi Doug welcome
        It took me a long time to get here, but I have not had a drink in 9 weeks.
        I also take the supplements, and did take topa for a while as recommended
        in the mwo book. My cravings have certainly reduced, also logging onto this
        site as often as possible is a great help.
        Best wishes.


          New today, having trouble quitting...

          Hi Doug- Welcome, glad you found us. Just admitting to people you have a problm is a positive step. If you feel overwhelmed maybe just start by slowly cutting down what you are drinking. That can maybe help you get a little confidence in you ability to tackle the problem. Keep coming back it can really help. Take Care! Aquamarine
          AF SINCE 3/16/2016


            New today, having trouble quitting...

            Hello Doug and welcome,
            For me the road to soberiety has been a series of small steps, one after the other day after day... They do add up though, I have now been sober for 7 months, and I could not have done that without the help of all the wonderful people here, as well as the supplements, a healthy diet and some will power..

            Stick with it, keep reading and posting, I wish you luck,

            Louise xx
            A F F L..
            Alcohol Free For Life


              New today, having trouble quitting...

              Welcome Doug! I'm really new here to, and was doing great, and flopped day before yesterday....I haven't gotten the book read all the way yet, but am own the supp's, going to listen to CD's today also....this is an incredible site, soooo glad you found it, and it is a great first step, all of us are in the same boat, floating down the same river. The support here is the best, log on as much as possible! Hang in, we're here with you!
              "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                New today, having trouble quitting...

                Welcome Doug! Not much to add to what the others have said, but wanted to welcome you to the best site ever. Stick with it, and keep posting!
                Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                  New today, having trouble quitting...

                  Hey Doug, glad you posted. I'm new, too (only finishing up my second AF day of hopefully many to come).

                  I too loved the IPA's (almost exclusively). I'm sure part of me will miss them but I'm trying not to focus on that... they've caused much more harm than fun to my life.

                  Anyway, keep coming back to the board, that's what I'm gonna do, as well as try out the book/supplements, etc..... good luck man.


                    New today, having trouble quitting...

                    Hiya Doug,
                    I'm new here too, and have not yet stuck with my promises to self to quit (I had two failed AF - alcohol free - days already this week). But what I have learned is that even being here on this site, learning, sharing, etc, my mindset is changing big time. I may not be totally sober yet, but I'm on my way. What I'm trying to say is, don't feel like you have to be sober every day to relate to the wonderful souls on this site!


                      New today, having trouble quitting...

                      Hello Doug.
                      This is a great place. I hope you find what you need.


                        New today, having trouble quitting...

                        Hi Doug and welcome! I can't add anything else as the others have said it all. Stick around this is a great group!


                          New today, having trouble quitting...

                          Reading the book would help you see some of the great tools out there to help you beat this thing.

                          Welcome to the site and we are so glad you found us!
                          Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                            New today, having trouble quitting...

                            I've only been here about a week but I love it. Everyone is so supportive! Good luck to you!
                            Suddenly I see
                            This is what I want to be
                            suddenly I see
                            Why the hell it means so much to me.

                            -KT Tunstall


                              New today, having trouble quitting...

                              Welcome Doug. You've found a great place. I log on daily and read until I am caught up from the day before. Good luck!


