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Headaches anyone!

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    Headaches anyone!

    Is anyone else suffering from bad headaches. I am on day 7 and am suffering from really bad headaches. I don't normally suffer from headaches (only of the hangover type) so feeling a little pissed off that I am getting the headaches without the alcohol. Joking aside they are really quite bad. I am taking all of the MWO supplements, plus L-glutamate, 5-HTP at bedtime and am on 25mg topa, due to increase to 50mg tomorrow.

    Anyone got any ideas as to what it may be. Thanks

    Headaches anyone!

    I haven't been off the sauce long enough to be in detox mode, but I used to be a real "health nut" and did various body detoxes (such as fasting, eating all raw foods, etc) so am very familiar with the symptoms of the body ridding of toxins. And headaches are of course a big one. Please be sure to drink LOTS of water to flush the toxins out. And eat a very clean diet if you can, lots of fresh fruits and vegs, whole grains, etc. The cleaner you eat the detox may get more intense for a bit but it will pass more quickly.

    Having detox symptoms are a sign that your body is being cleaned out - so congratulate yourself for the headaches!! (Other general detox symptoms are bad breath and body odor, skin eruptions, digestive disorders, lethargy...)


      Headaches anyone!

      Imatree, you paint such a beautiful picture of my soon to be future, thanks so much! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you know I am kidding and mildly sarcastic :thanks: At least when it comes in like a flood I'll know why.

      If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


        Headaches anyone!

        Imatree is right your body is just detoxing, or as I like to think of it getting even!!!!

        Give it a few more days. I also am a bit of a health enthusiast / alcohol binger, the later I am trying to change. Imatree, you and I will have to compare notes.

        AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
        Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


          Headaches anyone!

          Anytime Kitkat. I'd love to do a juice fast again. I've done several in the past, 6-10 days each. and they are wonderful! I tried one about a month ago, and drank more booze than juice so gave it up.

          Even just going all raw food for awhile is VERY cleansing. To be clean inside is the most amazing feelings, when your cells and blood and everything aren't clogged with a bunch of garbage, and your liver isn't choking. I can't wait!!


            Headaches anyone!

            aduggan- I have become somewhat knowledgeable about headaches as over the years I have suffered with severe migraines. The few times that I have seriously gone AF for any amount of time after the first few days like clockwork I have gotten headaches , some severe, some not. My understanding is that your brain has been accustomed to experiencing a certain chemistry for so long while you have been drinking and it gets used to functioning in it. When you really stop exposing it to alchohol it reacts to that change and a headache is one of the symptoms. Eventually things even out and they do go away. That is kind of a simplistic answer but I think it is a normal reaction. Hang in there, you will feel better. Aquamarine
            AF SINCE 3/16/2016


              Headaches anyone!

              I have always wanted to do a juice fast but it will have to wait for one of my three day weekends. I don't think I could work and juice fast.
              AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
              Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


                Headaches anyone!

                I've always had those headaches starting about 1 week AF. (not lateley) Read somewhere most people have about 12 pounds of toxins in the body! Wow. bird


                  Headaches anyone!

                  Last time I was AF it was on a 10 day juice fast back in January...omg MAJOR toxin release. Bad, bad headaches as well. I was soo good on that fast and followed it to a T. I felt so light and clean at the end! Of course I congratulated myself with a drink upon completion, sigh, and here I am again. I plan on doing one again after I get my land legs on and am feeling VERY stable. Funny how I worked that juice fast so hard to clean myself out then immediately turned around and drank. Addiction sucks! I did manage to eat a raw diet for a month or so afterward, but was feeling so polluted by the hooch that i decided 'Why Bother?'

                  Does Excedrin not rid the headache? I didn't take anything for the juice fast headache b/c I was trying to clean myself out. Will definately reach for the asprin bottle if headaches start in for me this time. Interesting that the Topa isn't helping on that front since it's perscribed for migraines.


                  Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.

                  Henry David Thoreau


                    Headaches anyone!


                    When I started on all of the MWO supps I had to stop taking the Milk Thistle. I gave me HORRIBLE HEADACHES!!! Try that first. If that doesn't work, stop everything then just add one thing back at a time to figure out what is causing the headaches. It's hard when we just start taking a bunch of stuff all at once but I was lucky and read on a different thread when I started out about the Milk Thistle and that's what it was for me. Good Luck.
                    Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:

