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Ummm, how am I supposed to get to sleep now?

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    Ummm, how am I supposed to get to sleep now?

    I didn't realize how reliant I was on being drunk to get me to sleep!
    It's midnight and I'm wide awake. I always drink coffee after lunch but it never bothered me before. I guess if I'm not doing to load myself with a 12-pack of downers in the evenings I need to cut back on the caffeine!!

    So I rose reluctantly from bed at 10:30 and drank a beer. I'm on number three now. Even if I drink one or two more I'll still be better off than before. I may be trying to jump ahead of myself though. I haven't received the book in the mail yet, and have no supplements, no kudzu, etc. I'm going to order that RIGHT NOW.

    (oh, it's "tomorrow" now. good morning.)

    Ummm, how am I supposed to get to sleep now?

    Hi imatree

    everyone reacts differently of course... but for me I didn't take any sups and had difficulty getting to sleep (and staying asleep) for about 3 nights.. then bang I was fine and have been since...

    I also was exercising.. certainly not running a marathon... just gentle exercise to get the body exhausted so it would collapse...

    Some ideas for you... just keep being strong it will work for you...

    Failure is not the falling down... it's the staying down


      Ummm, how am I supposed to get to sleep now?

      I find that taking melatonin (over the counter, all natural supplement) helps me quite a bit. I don't generally need to take one every night, unless i've been drinking caffeine late in the day.

      It'll make most people's dreams really vivid and memorable, for better or worse... but at any rate, i find it helpful.


        Ummm, how am I supposed to get to sleep now?

        Good morning Imatree and everyone else,
        I'm afraid insomnia is one of my problems. I'm in the Uk so it's just after 8am.
        Drink used to put me to sleep for a short time, then I would wake early feeling
        guilty and start all over again.I sleep a little better now, but i still have probs.
        I read and log on to net now which is better for me than drinking.
        Have you tried relaxation/self hypnosis tapes.
        Best of luck Paula.x


          Ummm, how am I supposed to get to sleep now?

          Thanks for the suggestions. Wattle, you remind me to do some yoga or qi gong in the evenings for calming.
          Fire, I am familiar with melatonin. I take a prescribed sleep aid since having some medical problems the past year, not a 'zonk you out' sort of thing.
          I'll wait it out I suppose. (I guess it would be easier if my sweetheart wasn't in the bed snoring! I used to get so drunk after he fell asleep that I didn't notice... duh.... :-)


            Ummm, how am I supposed to get to sleep now?

            Hi imatree,

            I'm having the same problem and I realsie now how often I used to pass out rather than fall asleep, and it's really tempting to have a couple of drinks to help but I know I wouldn't be able to stop at just a couple. Got the added problem of a bf who is snoring like a bear at the moment!!

            Exercising is helping me a bit although it is still a problem. Oh well hopefully it will pass and I would rather wake up tired than hungover.

            I hope things get better for you.

            Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


              Ummm, how am I supposed to get to sleep now?

              Melatonin here too! About 3mg thirty minutes before bed.

              Kitty...have the same "bear"(apena) in my room! I go to another room or sleep with my earphones and the sleeplearning CD playing ALL night! LOL
              "Be still and know that I am God"

              Psalm 46:10


                Ummm, how am I supposed to get to sleep now?

                Ima: I'm not a great sleeper either, especially when I'm AF. However, the sleep I get from falling into bed drunk is not real sleep for me. It fitful, sweaty, & not restful at all. I never drink coffee after the am cup. I take meltonin sometimes. Also, take an OTC sleep aid when really desperate. But, as I saw in another post: I'd rather wake up a little tired than hungover.
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  Ummm, how am I supposed to get to sleep now?

                  There's a tea you can get in most Health Food stores called Kava. I find it works really well to gently relax me so that I can get to sleep.


                    Ummm, how am I supposed to get to sleep now?

                    the longest i ever went AF was 6 months. i was attending AA at the beginning and reading their books.

                    alcohol messes with your sleep patterns. it just gives you the illusion of helping for sleep.
                    doctors will tell you not to take alcohol if you have insomnia.

                    when you quit drinking you can get insomnia and nightmares, including dreams about drinking and not realizing it. AA books advised not taking sleeping pills through this period. I followed that advice. i think in this respect they were right, i didn't have the insomnia for that long, might have been a week or two. it was bearable. i read my books about quitting drinking when i could not sleep. i am not a fan of sleeping pills because they are addictive.

                    cut out sources of caffeine and get a lot of exercise.

                    take care,


                      Ummm, how am I supposed to get to sleep now?

                      Hi imatree don't give up - you did well sticking to 3 beers. At least you are cutting down - be proud of that fact.
                      It can take a while to start sleeping after having 'comatose' type sleeping patterns which didn't actually help your body to repair itself.
                      Love Angellina :goodjob:
                      Just believe - that's all you have to do



                        Ummm, how am I supposed to get to sleep now?

                        when i first went af the nights were terrible i tossed and turned and itched all night, when i was drinkinking i would literally pass out every night, i made sure i had my pjs on before started drinking then would fall into bed, it wasnt good sleep though and i never woke refreshed now im on day 21 and sleeping better than i have in years so try to endure and eventually things will get better


                          Ummm, how am I supposed to get to sleep now?

                          I find the Calm's Forte as recommended by RJ very helpful. You can get it at the health food store, melatonin also good.
                          Enlightened by MWO


                            Ummm, how am I supposed to get to sleep now?

                            The first days are extremely rough. You literally feel like you are going insane from not only the habitual withdrawal but from the lack of sleep and irritability. This will pass. I agree with the others in regards to herbal supplements. They will help you relax a bit. Melatonin is a wonderful thing. My family in general (mother, grandmother and myself) are insomniacs on a good day. The melatonin has helped all three of us. The Calmes Forte; I have never taken but it is highly recommended as well. Hang in there - it will get better!


                              Ummm, how am I supposed to get to sleep now?

                              I haven't ordered the Cd's yet, but i belive there is one on relaxation. Maybe that would help. Or tape one of President Bush's speeches. and keep replaying it That should do it. (HaHa)

