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Newbies in need May day 3

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    Newbies in need May day 3

    Good morning everyone, welcome to May day 3. Made it past week one. Hurray, today and tomorrow will be tough got social events both evenings will see how I go, got to rush will post later. Good luck to everyone. Remember today is the first day of the rest of your life.

    Newbies in need May day 3

    Good morning Amanda!
    Congrats BIG TIME on your first week, and good luck with the social events.


      Newbies in need May day 3

      Morning everyone!!! Well done on your "week's" anniversary Amanda and good luck 2nite and 2morrow. Be strong and just think how good you'll feel if you can get past both nights without a drink! I'm dreading the weekend Friday, Sat, Sun - its going to be hard but just got to concentrate on today first. Best wishes everyone, Janice
      AF since 9 May 2012
      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


        Newbies in need May day 3

        Kickin my ass.......

        You said it aduggan-TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF THE REST OF MY LIFE, and I truly want that to be the case.

        So, here it is....................I WILL NOT BRING A BTL OF WINE HOME FOR THIS EVENING!!!!!!!..............mean it today, as I know I am bigger and stronger than the voice in my head that says, "Go on, just this last night-you deserve it" determined that LAST night was my last night.

        Some of you may know that I have had a really major problem to overcome in my life lately. Well, it`s not over yet, but shall have been resolved by next Tues., if it all works out in my saying my prayers, as I really need to win through with this worry.

        Anyway, have important appointment tomorrow morning-Fri., so that`ll help me not to drink tonight as I gotta be up very early, and look my best.

        Good luck and love to everyone of ` us`. Starlight Impress


          Newbies in need May day 3

          Good morning all.
          Congrats on that week aduggan.Way to go.I feel great this morning.Got up in the middle of the night and cleaned out the computer desk.Went back to bed and slept so good.Will try to get a bit of excercycle in before going to work.My little one is trying out for a talent show at school today.She is going to make balloon animals and has been practicing all week.So cute.I hope she gets in.I feel very alive today.Gotta go get the kids up.Have a wonderful day all.Bird


            Newbies in need May day 3

            Well done Aduggan on a week!! I've got mine tomorrow (fingers croosed)

            Anyone else finding it hard to sleep? I'm having a terrible time plus the bf is snoring like a bear at the moment. :H Mind you it's lovely to wake up in the morning tired rather than hungover.

            Was up late last night catching up on loads of posts and there is a really good thread by Paddy in general discussion titled "Forum Etiquette" it's got some really great info about using the forum. Loads of stuff that's great to know for all of us newbies (double posting / bringing up old topics etc) Have a look.

            Have a good day everyone.

            Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


              Newbies in need May day 3

              Yep, sleepin a real problem for me too. Last night I thought I was in a lunatic asylum. Darling hubbie snoring on one side and the bloody dog snoring on the other. I was punching my pillow. Eventually got up and read some posts, took a valium and got to sleep by 4am. Feeling a bit grouchy today and snapping at everyone in sight.


                Newbies in need May day 3

                Hi Aduggan,

                Gosh snoring in stereo!! I thought I had it bad. Sorry to hear you're feel a bit grouchy and hope you feel better later.

                I'm off to the chemists as I've heard of a gizmo that I can attach to the bear's nose to help with the snoring. Worth a try :H

                Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                  Newbies in need May day 3

                  Hi Everyone:
                  Aduggan: Congrats on the week AF. I'm beginning day 2. Feeling very determined.
                  A & Kitty: I too have trouble sleeping but wake up a little tired but not hungover. I think my sleep will eventually regulate. Everyone have a great day.
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    Newbies in need May day 3

                    Hi Everyone- Feel pretty good today. Don't think today will be to hard to stay AF. But not looking forward to the weekend. There are so many triggers that arise on the weekend it is hard to evern sort them out. Congratulations on week 1 aduggan- that is a HUGE accomplishment. Be proud of yourself. Starlight Impress- Good luck tonight. Believe me I know how hard it is to not get that bottle of wine " one more time" and say you'll start tomorrow. I've done that hundreds of times. Be strong and come on here for support if you feel like you are caving. Think how happy you will feel tomorrow! Hope everyone has a great day! Aquamarine
                    AF SINCE 3/16/2016


                      Newbies in need May day 3

                      You guys have something really good going on here, I am inspired by your posts. I know we are all finding our way and its so nice to have people who understand.



                        Newbies in need May day 3

                        Hey all, starting AF day 3.... Congrats to you all for your successes, keep them up! I'll keep logging on here everyday and tracking my progress. I'm encouraged and hopeful- I don't think today will be a problem.

                        As far as sleeping, I know what you mean- I'm a light sleeper and my girlfriend snores... and so does my dog! I usually take a Melatonin, wear earplugs, and a pillow over my ears. Whatever it takes, right?


                          Newbies in need May day 3

                          Just saying goodnight to all the my fellow newbies,

                          I didn't manage to get a gizmo for the bear's nose, but after 2 days of sleep deprivation, pms and I think the mental effort put into not drinking I am now absoloutely exhausted.

                          Hope you all had a good day and I'll see you in tomorrow's thread.

                          Day 7 here I come!!!

                          Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                            Newbies in need May day 3

                            Hi all,
                            I had a terrible afternoon with the cravings and very irritable for 3 0r 4 hours but feeling better now that I know I made it through the day. Well, I'm really still feeling like screaming at the kids for nothing but won't. Untill tomorrow. Bird


                              Newbies in need May day 3

                              I'm just finishing my second day. I had one sort of flash of intense irritation earlier today - right around the time I would usually start drinking, actually. It was like a little temper tantrum inside myself. I waited it out and it passed.

                              Dinner was tasty. It's amazing how much better I cook when I'm not loaded.

                              Pleasant dreams, all!

