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Newbies in need May day 3

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    Newbies in need May day 3

    Hi ya'll.
    The past two days I intended to be Af but ended up being MD - Moderate Drinking. I have felt AWESOME not drinking all evening... til time to go to sleep, as I expressed in other thread. MD biker quoted his doctor and it's exaclty what I'm experiencing - by the time I would normally be totally wasted (nights when my daughter is with her dad) or just getting to the serious buzz state (when she's here and after she goes to sleep) I get this excited state, yes euphoric almost... I am LOVING life, and myself. I think - I can't believe I feel SO good without booze. But alas... I have to get to sleep! So without much craving, last night and again tonight I drink a few beers, which are in the house cuz my boyfriend is a drinker. But so far, aside from needing to get to sleep, no bad cravings. And I feel so much more positive about my life, my Self, my daughter, my parenting, my job, my relationship, etc etc. And I'm WAY turned off from my cigarette smoking. YAY!

    So tomorrow i'm getting melatonin so I can get to sleep without drink. I'm still waiting for the book, don't have supps or hypno cds yet. I think that since I'm in moderation mode I'll do the drink tracking until I get all the supporting pieces in place, then go AF all the way.

    BEST news - my partner is a heavier drinker than I am. Like serious. And today he asked me when I was going to get the meds (Topa that I told him about). He wants to jump on the wagon too, says he's done with the whole shebang (don't need to tell you all what the drunken shebang is).

    So all in all, I haven't been AF as I had hoped, but am seeing great promise and progress nonetheless.

    Love you all, and wishing you the best,


      Newbies in need May day 3

      That is fantastic iamatree, really pleased for you. The support of partners is paramount in this, I am sure what has kept me on track is the fact that I went public to my husband and daughter, they would not let me have a drink even if I asked for one. If you both do it together it will be so much easier. Also, I couldn't have tried AF without the back up of the whole kit, I needed everything I could to fight this thing so I waited until I had CD's supps, topa, the lot and then I started - 9 days today.

