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The negative feelings

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    The negative feelings

    Hi all just like to let you all know how I was feeling yesturday! Well all morning i was feeling fine and as the day wore on come 3.00 I started thinking about drink it was in my head then I started trying to convince myself I needed one as you may or may not of read in my other posts I get cravings for drink when Im due for my monthly cycle I get very depressed and negative and I was annoyed at myself for having these thoughts which made me moody and snappy.

    I can not explain in words how I feel when I get these cravings its like I go into no hope land and look down at everything in my life even though I know deep down im doing ok being a single mom and all.

    Anyway I just fought the feelings and just chilled out and got on with the rountine Im used of and had an early night I feel normal again today but I just hate it when them negative feelings and cravings overcome me and most of the time get the better of me thats the part of my drinking i would like to eliminate and have some self control and drink when i fancy it not when my mind is telling me to drink for the wrong reasons does this make sense to anyone and does anyone have thses horrible negative feelings????? :h thanks for reading this I do appreciate it even though I waffle :H xxxxx

    The negative feelings

    Yes Yes Yes! This happens to me every Friday night now. The arguments that go on in my head are so annoying. I just want to let it pass. since I have quit drinking during week nights it has stopped, as I just acknowledge that I won't be drinking those nights but come Friday night, it starts up.

    I was also a single mum but am now engaged to the most amazing man (we were best friends for years before getting together... who would've thought!) so I know the pressures of single parenthood. It's not easy and I can see why single mum's are particularly prone to reaching for the bottle. I have first hand experience!

    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


      The negative feelings

      Thankyou Doo for that and im really happy for you that you have found a lovely man hope it will be my turn when i have sorted out this drinking! Yes being a single parent with no partner gives you more time to turn to the bottle without anyone to tell you that its not good!!!!!!


        The negative feelings


        You should be proud of yourself for finding the self control not to drink and not be beating yourself up about the thoughts, you did it, well done.



          The negative feelings

          Can absolutely relate to what ur saying. My cravings usually start mid afternoon and are bad over tea-time. That was when my drinking started and the highlight of the day would be taking my 2nd/3rd glass into the bath with me at 5pmish. Now I'm soooo bad tempered at that time of the afternoon!!! Just try and do something totally different - eg I'm not having a bath until later!!!! Also, come on here when the cravings are bad - it takes your mind off the drink!! Good luck, Janice
          AF since 9 May 2012
          Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


            The negative feelings

            Hi: I certainly know the cravings. I hope they go away eventually. After reading a book called The Addictive Personality, I realize those voices in my head are the alcoholic voices. I think the only thing to do is what you did which was to get on w/your day...turn your attention to something else. Congrats for that.
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              The negative feelings

              Keepon- First off that is great that you didn't drink this time when dealing with those thoughts.
              I know how hard they are to resist. I also get those real dark depressing feelings that really can be scary. For me it really helps to realize that that is the part of you that is addicted to the alcohol. Those thoughts and feelings are probably there as a direct result of the alcohol. They are an unhealthy part of you right now that caa get better by not feeding it with more alcohol. Sometimes it can make you feel a little more in control if you know why you are feeling that way and that you can do something about it. Hang in there. Aquamarine
              AF SINCE 3/16/2016


                The negative feelings

                keepon: Something fairly minor just went wrong. My thoughts began to spiral downward to other issues that I've repressed. As soon as I began to feel the feelings of anger & resentment, I wanted to drink. I came onto this thread to avoid opening the bottle. It just takes one small thing to get me started. For me, once the cork is out of the bottle, I drink til it's dry. Life is full of thorny patches & I've been using drink to get through them...only, I don't get through them. I really just numb out & have lost my ability to work through the issues. thanks for listening everyone.
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  The negative feelings

                  Hi Keepon. Just know what you are going through is perfectly normal. Like most alcoholics it takes quite a while for the brain to re-adjust to new, positive thinking. I am heading into month 5 and I still get those feelings in the late afternoon, and especially around that time of the month. Actually I really notice the cravings full-bore just before that time of the month. The only thing I can suggest is to have a good meal and maybe go for a brisk walk. The more you take care of you and do nice things for yourself, you will start to feel better about not drinking. It is such a tough road and the brain is pretty powerful in giving us these subconscience thoughts at times. Hang in there. Oh, and also you will go through many different moods during this process. Just know this too is perfectly normal.


                    The negative feelings

                    Thankyou all for your advice its so nice to get positive feedback!!!!!

                    Retteacher I know how your feeling once i open a bottle thats it no stopping me then I fall deeper and deeper into the alcohol mood and trap and then I have to suffer all over again with the shakes and sweats and fears and guilt and end up feeling worse than what i did in the first place. I have tackled a finacial problem today due to drinking too much and not paying my bills and I was dreading it all week going to this appointment but because I have been AF since 18th April I walked away feeling good because I can deal with it better being sober and things seem alot clearer there is a way out if i stay sober!!!

                    I hope you are feeling a bit better since you have wrote in his thread luv Keepon xxxxxxx


                      The negative feelings

                      I can truly relate to the thoughts by mid afternoon. And by the evening the demons get stronger...

                      I am with you on banishing those demons!!
                      :l Brandy


                        The negative feelings

                        Yes Siree....
                        I can remember by the 6 pm news being lit like a Christmas tree. Closing on 4 months of AF, the best thing is to change your routine. I use to have a glass of wine while starting dinner. Now, I start dinner later and drink tea. It is a daily struggle, but you can do it.
                        Four months ago, I would have never dreamed of not having a drink with dinner, so I just dont. Maybe that could be an ad for MWO "Just Don't" Good Luck.... We are here for you.

