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MWO Hypnotherapy CDs

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    MWO Hypnotherapy CDs

    Is anyone in the UK using the hynotherapy CDs and if so, how long did they take to arrive?? Not sure whether to go for it or not as they're quite expensive plus ?20 postage. At the moment just doing vits and supps, not feeling too bad but know the weekend will be hard. What do you think of the CDs?? Janice
    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

    MWO Hypnotherapy CDs

    Hi Janice,
    I got one off amazon, it's called overcome addictions,by diviniti publishing.
    I find it's helped me,can't remember exact price but less than ?10 inc post.
    Good luck.


      MWO Hypnotherapy CDs

      i am not in the UK but have some experience with the CDs.

      I think they are really good but I find it hard to find the time forthem.

      also, are you a patient or impatient person? i think i am impatient and therefore find it hard to work with the CDS. in the beginning, for the first week, i liked them, it was something to focus on and take up time. now, i view it as a chore.

      I felt the same way when i took yoga once. do you like yoga? are you able to sit still for half an hour to an hour? if so, they might be for you.

      what they do is give you a sense of relaxation and help you let go of negative emotions. i think there are alternatives to that.

      having said all this, a number of people on this site found them very helpful.


        MWO Hypnotherapy CDs

        I find them helpful. I loaded the relaxation and sleep help tracks on my IPOD and play it in a continuous loop all night. Most nights I don't even dream that I can remember. When I do wake up in the night, instead of getting up and drinking wine until I get sleepy again, the sounds put me right back to sleep or at least I don't get up and drink to go back to sleep.

        Hope that helps.
        If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


          MWO Hypnotherapy CDs

          I originally ordered an alcohol recovery CD from somewhere else months ago. Did nothing for me. I finally tried the CDs here and they made such a huge difference for me and I am very impatient and have been told I cannot be hypnotized. Like Nancy said you really have to find the time to listen to them. I listen in bed before going to sleep. I have to say I have not listened to them in a week or two and I notice a difference. I think you will like them a lot.
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            MWO Hypnotherapy CDs

            thanks for that - decided to give them a go and have ordered the MWO ones - I've got a lot of stress in my life anyway so hopefully they should relax me!!!!! Thanks guys.
            AF since 9 May 2012
            Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

