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New here, Hi all!

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    New here, Hi all!

    I've been struggling with my drinking for literally years now. I've tried to moderate and failed, I've tried AA, and it just didn't work for me. I guess my Higher Power wasn't interested in curing me. I tried private counseling. I even tried antabuse. (You have to be pretty desperate to be willing to make yourself sick in order to stop.)

    I've been drinking daily for years, several bottles of wine punctuated by the occasional going on a binge wherein I'd add a bottle of vodka to the mix. I am so tired of feeling sick and heavy and hating myself. I'm tired of being the kind of person that hides bottles. What kind of person does that? It's pathetic. I've now embarrassed myself in front of almost everyone I know at one point or another.

    I've been reading around this site, and the boards and I'm feeling a sense of optimism for the first time. I ordered the book and CD's at once. I always felt that there had to be another way, and this seems to be it. The successes I've read about are very encouraging. Today will be my second day without drinking. Thank you all for being here.:new:

    New here, Hi all!

    Hi Lunapro,
    This site is very good helped me be AF8 days. Keep on signing in. :l
    Just believe - that's all you have to do



      New here, Hi all!

      Welcome Lunapro,
      I also tried AA it was good for a while, I too have done exactly the same things as you.
      I found this site , and after years of drinking I have been af for almost 10 weeks.
      I do believe in a higher power and ask for help daily, this is where this site comes in.
      You are not a pathetic person just not well at the moment. It takes strenghth to admit
      you have a problem,so keep posting ,you will get lots of support.
      The people here are amazing.
      Good luck Paula.


        New here, Hi all!

        Lunapro- Welcome , I'm glad you found us. You asked what kind of person does the kinds of things that you described. This kind of person does and many many of the good people here. We are all good people struggling with a very difficult problem and we understand what you are going through. Congratulations on your days AF. That is a great accomplishment. Just keep trying and making small steps in the right direction. Keep coming back the support here can really help. Take Care! Aquamarine
        AF SINCE 3/16/2016


          New here, Hi all!

          Hi Luna

          If hiding bottles is pathetic, I guess a lot of people (myself included) would have to admit that they have been pathetic at some point.

          A LOT of us on here have been there - done that!
          What eventually led me here was my son (12) discovering one of my many stashes of "empties" and hearing myself lie blatently to him to cover my sorry @ss!

          I don't have to do that any more - It feels SOOO good! And it is all down to the support I get from the amazing people on here.
          I feel like I got my life back.

          Welcome aboard - this place can be life changing!


          "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


            New here, Hi all!


            Welcome have taken the first step by getting here and reading what is posted here....AND by posting...get the book, read it, order the supps and ask questions when you have them. You will find that there are a lot of folks here who understand where you are and where you have will find a lot of support here as I and many others have...there IS light at the end of the tunnel...there IS hope....
            :boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:


              New here, Hi all!

              Hi, well done on your AF second day!! Keep coming back on the site when times are hard thats what I'm doing and it really helps (I'm not getting any housework done though!!!!). I was starting late afternoon/teatime with my first glass then it was getting earlier and earlier. Now, I finish work at midday and thats when I realised I had to do something cause I can't start my drinking at that time. This is day 4 for me. The vits, supps and the book will really help you. Good luck, you can do it. Janice
              AF since 9 May 2012
              Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                New here, Hi all!

                Welcome Lunapro! Glad you have found us. I too had been drinking almost daily for years. If it weren't for this website I probably wouldn't of found the strength to stop. Stick around here and utilize everything you can! You will find so much support and you will realize you aren't alone.

                I hid bottles for years........... not to mention I hid them even when I lived alone LOL!


                  New here, Hi all!

                  Welcome Lunapro,

                  And well done on your AF day. I'm on day six af today and I have to say it is all down to the support and wisdom I've found on this site.

                  Keep coming back, there are lots of daily threads you can join including one running at the moment for Newbies.

                  Good luck for the future.

                  Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                    New here, Hi all!

                    good luck Lunapro!


                      New here, Hi all!

                      :welcome: Lunapro,

                      It's great to have you with us - keep reading and you'll find out that your stories are shared by many - we're all here for the same reason and with the wonderful support to be found here, that vision of a new life can become a reality. Keep posting and sharing - we're here 24/7
                      :rays: Arial

                      Last first day - 15th April 2012
                      Days 1-7 DONE
                      Days 8-14 DONE
                      Days 15-21 DONE
                      30 days DONE
                      60 days
                      100 days


                        New here, Hi all!


                        Keep posting this is a great place with so much support.:welcome:
                        Enlightened by MWO


                          New here, Hi all!

                          Hi Luna- I'm going on AF day 3 and have had all the scenarios you are talking about (embarassment, bottles, etc) waaaay too much.

                          I'm hopeful about the future, glad to see you found the site!

                          Also, i dig your avatar... Sandman rocks.


                            New here, Hi all!

                            Hi Luna,
                            Welcome to MWO, stick around its great here with lots of support and no judgement. We've all had our drinking make us feel pathetic at times but you're not alone and you're on the right path.
                            Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


                              New here, Hi all!

                              good Luck Lunapro.. and dont be ashamed excited as you have found a site where their is personal and honest experience shared. Whats nice is thate ven when we have bad days you can get on here for support to get back on the road to change.

                              you sound fed time for some changes...go takes time to unpick reasons for drinking and reframe thoughts and triggers .

                              Welcome..although I,m not Af ..still moderating it feels so good not getting drunk.since joining in Feb i did 45 days AF and that cleared my head and made me realise life is for living and not abusing myself any longer .

                              Now i,m on maybe 1.5 bottles a week//i used to do that at a party in a night.

                              not convinced moderation is possible without it creeping back up but i am keeping a drinks diary and tracker and promise myself to keep honest. also doing this moderating with a friend who is a problem helps/

                              good Luck...Regards Cassy

