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So very tired!

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    So very tired!

    Why do i feel so tired all of a sudden?

    Day 4 AF and been taking kudzu and korean ginseng to give me a bit of lift but im feeling so unusually tired and calm and relaxed from about 7pm onwards and although its a lovely feeling its so very unusual and feels strange.

    I can relate to the headaches from a previous post a few days earlier but im hoping that will pass soon.

    Anyone else feel like this?

    So very tired!

    Hi Juney, Yes I felt the same but I thought that my tiredness was due to the fact that I hadn't slept very well the previous nights ....

    Hang on in there love .......

    It really is worth it .................


      So very tired!

      I have also been more tired than normal especially in the evenings.
      Suddenly I see
      This is what I want to be
      suddenly I see
      Why the hell it means so much to me.

      -KT Tunstall


        So very tired!

        I must admit that i have been sleeping a lot better since being AF because before when i was drinking i would wake up at 3 and just watch the clocks ticking away until the alarm went off at 5 or 6. The birds dawn chorus was to blame for waking me up never the drink!


          So very tired!

          Juney I was just thinking the same thing,

          I'm almost at the end of day 6 af (first time ever!) and I'm absoloutely exhausted!! Been feeling great all week but I just feel like I've hit a wall tonight.

          It may be pms, the bf's snoring or maybe just through the mental effort of not drinking. It's been great though, waking up with no headaches no bruises and no regrets.

          I think I'll turn in soon.

          Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


            So very tired!

            Could be a number of things body regulating to be A/F, pollen in the air. time change. I am still getting used to that one myself.


              So very tired!

              Yes, I'm getting up feeling absolutely exhausted but I've never slept so well as I have this week. No waking up at 2am like I normally do and then unable to get back. I'm sleeping really soundly but still feel exhausted. Perhaps its just our bodies adapting?? Janice
              AF since 9 May 2012
              Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                So very tired!

                yes i agree its probably the body adjusting itself. not had any headaches today though and its day 5 and AF and it feels so good


                  So very tired!

                  Hi Juney,
                  I relate to that I'm also on Day 5 and this morning I was happy to have slept somewhat soundly, though I woke at 2 am, I was able to fall back asleep for the rest of the night. Now I'm waking up super early 5:30 am. I guess our bodies are at work, doing some spring cleaning, while they have the chance. Alcohol in your body is like hosting disorderly houseguests. You still have a mess on your hands once they're gone. I know I'll need to cut back on coffee as well since I am not using wine to knock myself out anymore.
                  "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


                    So very tired!

                    yes i can relate to the early waking but the getting back to sleep comes quickly now and im not lying away watching the clock ticking plus i dont get the awful dreaded feeling in a morning of knowing i have a long drive to work and i know my capabilities of doing my job well are almost 100% now. I still have not managed to control my shakiness when im having lunch in the canteen though so i have to stick with the sandwiches for now and avoid the knife and fork


                      So very tired!


                      Hi can anyone tell me what Milk Thistle and L-Glut(amine/amate) - (not sure which it is) what do they actually do and what are they for?
                      Also whats best for the hand shakiness? Im having to eat sandwiches at work as a knife and fork are a dead giveaway. Im in the UK so if anyone knows of anything i can get from the Health Food Store that would be great!


                        So very tired!

                        juney, I can help you with these questions.

                        Milk Thistle is something you can get in the vitamin isle at most stores. It helps purify the liver.

                        L-glutamine can be bought at a health store such as GNC. It is helpful in curbing cravings. It also has the bonus affect of curbing sugar cravings, and helping with muscle development.

                        As far as the shakes, you'll just have to give that time for the most part. Obviously something like Ativan or Valium can help, but they are addictive as well. Still, if they are bad enough, a doctor can prescribe something like that to help you ease into sobriety.

                        In time, if you stay Alcohol Free, your body and mind will heal, and you'll feel so much better. Time, proper diet and excersice will all help you obviously. I hope you feel better.
                        where does this go?


                          So very tired!

                          thanks for the info morrison. the shakes are not that bad that i need prescribed medication but i think im more aware of it now and its probably not all that bad. Time is a great healer and im focused now so lets hope it stays that way and its Day 5 AF and i feel positive


                            So very tired!

                            juney, when I first quit drinking I was not only experiencing headaches, irritability but was also experiencing chronic fatigue for a couple of weeks. If you are experiencing insomnia it can contribute to your feeling tired. Once you start sleeping well again, you might still feel tired because when you are drinking you aren't getting a good quality of sleep. Your body is in the beginning of detoxing and repairing itself. Having the shakes is quite normal too. Just know this will all pass. Give it about 10 days until you start noticing some positive results of the AF. Be kind to yourself. Lots of water, and high protein meals. If you aren't taking a B-Complex vitamin I would suggest taking one. Drinking robs the body of all B vitamins and it will help with stress and coping through this.


                              So very tired!

                              Hi Juney et al - many congratulations on 5/6/7....days AF :goodjob: !

                              I also had headches and tiredness - ready for bed by 8pm! Now I'm staying up a lot later than I used to - and still wide awake, not some drunken commotose blob! Having good, full nights sleep for the first time in about 20 years - can't believe it - I had put it down to stress, anxiety, just a bad sleeper - and those birds! you're right - how dare they keep me awake! It's funny how we delude ourselves.

                              But yes, I've now put all of the above down to the body's readjustment to life without alcohol, but once you get through it the benefits are sooooo good! One problem I then found was how to cope with being sober all the time! I suddenly had so much more time on my hands that it wasn't just a case of not drinking, it was a case of what to do now... You might want to be prepared for making some other changes in your life - a natural one for me was working out/keeping fit, but it's good to think about something that will a) take your mind off not drinking b) give you a sense of achievement c) make you feel great about yourself and your new life style d) be something that you know you wouldn't have achieved if you had still been drinking (I found this last one a big motivator).

                              Just some thoughts.....

                              Good luck as you continue!

                              PS Thanks Morrison for the info on the I-Glutamine - I definitely need to stock up on that as the sugar cravings are really hitting hard!
                              :rays: Arial

                              Last first day - 15th April 2012
                              Days 1-7 DONE
                              Days 8-14 DONE
                              Days 15-21 DONE
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