Day 82 today, and in the last 11 weeks I have been to the gym four or five times per week, ate healthily and not drunk AL.
On Saturday I got a twinge in the foot where I used to get gout from drinking. It got progressively worse until last night when i was in screaming agony. To the point where I had to crawl to the toilet on hands and knees.
I went to the doctor and got anti inflammatory tablets which will ease the symptoms, but I also got an instruction to go for a full check up including liver and kidney functions tests next week.
I am terrified. I might have cleaned myself up a bit now but what if the damage is done and it is too late? I would rather not know. I feel a bony finger of fate tapping me on the shoulder and saying "pride comes before a fall MrSofty, I will teach you to show off about how you are fitter and cleaner then ever before"
