I have been lurking about for a few days and I am amazed and thankful at all the support and help that is available here at MWO. I truly look forward to getting to know everybody in time.
Please bare with me. This is all new to me. I am sure I may mess up on some of the forums ediquite.
I am a 47 year old male who is married and has two boys. I have been drinking, well all my life. I guess I passed the line about 10 years ago when I could not go a night without drinking myself to sleep. I would start with a half pint of Yucon Jack as my primer and follow it up with many beers. I hid the Hard stuff from my wife. I finally told her I had a problem about a week ago and that I that had all ready scheduled treatment. At this point she is being very supportive. My fear is that she divorced her first husband for the same reason.
I have been AF for three days now. I am going through the detox faze. I was given Librium to use through this part from my doctor. I am using aproah similar to AA through the Kaiser foundation in California. i would be interested to know if anybody has completed this program. Please don't hold that against me as I am very interestd in the MWO program and can see the great beneifits in it. I won't mind the AA type meetings and such. I have, on my own, called all friends and family members to explain my situation
I actually have felt pretty good these past three days and really have not had to rely on the meds other that last night for sleep. Even at that, I only took half the dose. I am not sure what the next few days hold in store, but I will let you know. I understand they will be perscribing the one of th 4 or five craving medications talked about on MWO.
I would love to be able to moderately drink and be able to control it. I think at this point it is best that I stay AF. Maybe in the future???
I look forward from hearing from each and every one of you.
:new: :thanks: