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My story. I really need some help. Plz

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    My story. I really need some help. Plz

    Robert you can fix the lawn, replace a car, pay the fines, get your life back. Start by deciding to do it sober. Give thanks that no one else was hurt and treat this as your chance to start over. You can do it. We will help.
    Newbies Nest
    My accountability thread


      My story. I really need some help. Plz

      This could have happened to any one of us here at MWO. I can't tell you how many times I've driven intoxicated. I didn't get caught, but that certainly doesn't make it anymore right. Maybe if I had years ago, I would have gotten my shit together much sooner. You've got your whole life ahead of you. You made the wrong choice by driving in that condition, but you know and I know, you'll never do it again. Forgive yourself.
      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


        My story. I really need some help. Plz

        thanks alky means a lot!


          My story. I really need some help. Plz

          thank you to everyone :,}


            My story. I really need some help. Plz

            Robert, welcome, i have just come across your post.

            My brother was in all sorts of trouble at 21 and kept getting into trouble. Hung with a bad crowd, drank and did drugs. He did not ask for help, he had not help from my parents either. He was always in court, always one step away from jail, always on the edge. The short of it all is that my brother ended up a chronic alcoholic and died at 46 due to liver failure.

            You have one chance at life, you are young, you are intelligent and sensible and know that you have a problem. We all have made mistakes, some bigger than others and we all want to change on here and we are the only ones that can make that change to our lives.

            This site is a godsend, through all of my ups and downs with AL, this site has become my haven, my home and my support. When I did not think I could go on anymore and when i was so ashamed, embarrassed and alone I found MWO and as we all say "if I can do it anyone can".

            Good luck and head over to the newbies nest, lots of interesting conversations there and always someone about.
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom

