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    Hi All

    Well its finally time to quit lurking and jump in here. I found MWO indirectly after viewing an Oprah show about alcoholism. The beer has been kickin my patootie for years now and I was intrigued by the unnamed "medications" that were discussed on the show.

    Anyway, one link led to another and viola, here I am. My start has not been smooth. I read the book and ordered the CDs. There was a glitch with some of them and Kelly has been kind enough to replace them, so my second set is on the way along with some complimentary Kudzu.

    I ordered the topo and after waiting several weeks received the wrong dose. The company is in the process of sending the correct dose, but it will be another three weeks I expect before it comes.

    However, having said all that I must say that this site has not let me down. There is always something interesting to read with lots of love and caring flying around. I have been slowly making my way through the different forums. There is so much info here it boggles the mind.

    Didn't mean to be so long winded. Hope you all are well and have a safe and happy weekend.

    Love and Peace
    Roberta (yep, its my real name)

    Hi All

    Welcome Roberta, so glad you are here! And..I haven't heard about Oprah's show..that's good news that you found your way via her show..that means other's will too. It has been a great help to me..and I hope it will be for you too!
    Much luck!


      Hi All

      welcome roberta
      you have come to a great place when the going gets tough come here theres always words of encouragement good luck


        Hi All

        welcome roberta

        even if you don't go on topamax, you will learn a lot here.


          Hi All

          Hi rob,
          This is a great place.....stay a while.


            Hi All


            Thanks all for the warm welcome!!


              Hi All

              Welcome Roberta! I saw that Oprah show too. I found my way here via the HBO special on addiction. It was facinating and was where I first heard of Topiramate/Topax (still waiting for mine, grr), so Googled the drug and that's how I got here. A couple of the folks on that Oprah show were on the HBO special. It was so interesting that Oprah asked this panel of addicts several times "Why, if you were at risk of loosing EVERYTHING, would you continue to drink/use? So many of us just don't understand". The inside of my brain was screaming 'EXACTLY!!!!' Hello my addiction!

              Glad you're here!

              Stay strong,


              Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.

              Henry David Thoreau


                Hi All

                Hi Roberta,
                Welcome to MWO, I'm glad you found us.
                Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


                  Hi All

                  Welcome Roberta! I'm sure you already know so just a reminder for all newbies that even without the topa and hypno (while they are bing mailed) there is a lot of help we can get from the other supplements such as L-glutamine, powerful B-complex, GABA, and the often overlooked vit C and mild exercise.
                  Glad to have you.
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    Hi All

                    Hello Roberta, glad you are here. Waiting on the deliveries of drugs from offshore is why I finally went to the Dr. It is so easy to find yourself without and waiting. Anyway, stick with this group and your journey will be more fun anyway.
                    What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                    ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                      Hi All

                      Welcome Roberta, glad you are here. I saw parts of that Oprah show too it was quite powerful.

                      I agree that other supplements can help you out while you are waiting.
                      Glad you are here.
                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                        Hi All


                        I saw that Oprah show too! I felt like members in the audience were probably thinking that those people on stage were nutcases! And it made me feel so self-conscious, b/c I'm actually just like them. That was the first way the show helped--to know how I'm not alone, but know how to most of the world, living a life like that is kinda whacko and self-destructive.
                        The 2nd way it helped was the discussion of how our brains are simply different now. They've been changed. So to a certain extent, that helps me accept it, instead of feeling ashamed. And the fact that there are "triggers". It helped me realize that throughout the day, the most mundane, trivial little images or details or whatever would all the sudden instill in me that craving. Now, when that happens, I think, "That's a trigger! My brain is rigged to respond a certain way!" And I say, "Oh no you don't!!!" Sometimes out loud. Recognizing these helps me move past those triggers.

                        Even so, the show alone was not enough to help me quit. It was that, a few other negative drinking consequences, and then finding the support of this site, that helped me get the start I needed, and is still helping to sustain me.

                        Welcome, and be strong, and know that we're all here together pulling for each other.


                          Hi All


                          I have been so impressed with all the welcomes, support and advise on this site. Thank you all so much. While I have not been completely AF today (two beers with lunch), I am having much less of a struggle than I expected. My plan is to take my beer money over the next few days and invest in some good quality vits and herbs as outlined in MWO.

                          By the way, good news, the CDs and kudzu arrived today. YIPEEEE!!!

                          Love and Peace


                            Hi All

                            Hi Roberta,

                            Youre' on your way!! That's great. Stay awhile, it will sink in slowly.


                              Hi All

                              Hey Roberta, glad you are here, we need all the folks, help and support we can get!
                              "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"

