Anyway, one link led to another and viola, here I am. My start has not been smooth. I read the book and ordered the CDs. There was a glitch with some of them and Kelly has been kind enough to replace them, so my second set is on the way along with some complimentary Kudzu.
I ordered the topo and after waiting several weeks received the wrong dose. The company is in the process of sending the correct dose, but it will be another three weeks I expect before it comes.
However, having said all that I must say that this site has not let me down. There is always something interesting to read with lots of love and caring flying around. I have been slowly making my way through the different forums. There is so much info here it boggles the mind.
Didn't mean to be so long winded. Hope you all are well and have a safe and happy weekend.
Love and Peace
Roberta (yep, its my real name)