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AA Serial Dropout

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    AA Serial Dropout

    This is my first day here on this forum, and only my second post. I have great hopes that this program will work for me. My long-term alcoholism reached a horrible level almost three years ago, resulting in my spending a month in in-patient rehab, and my becoming an "AA addict," for some time thereafter. AA kept me sober for over a year, but various circumstances resulted in my getting drunk again, several times, and I lost most of my confidence in that program. I'd drink, go back to AA, drink, go back to AA, etc., ad nauseum (literally.) I have recently discovered this program, purchased and begun taking the recommended supplements, and already feel a bit better. Whether that is just psychological, due to finding an alternative to AA, or whether the supplements are already helping, or both, I do not know.

    I am dubious about taking Topamax or any of the other, recommended prescription meds, since I figure that 40 or so years of alcohol abuse likely damaged my liver and kidneys already, so I hate to burden them further. However, if I can't keep the cravings at bay, I know my doctor will prescribe what I need. I am fortunate to have a primary care doc who understands discretion, so that helps.

    I look forward to interacting with the rest of you folks.

    AA Serial Dropout

    I'm not usually one to greet people new to this site but since the "regulars" haven't yet shown up, please let me welcome you. I know they will suggest you visit the Newbies Nest thread - there are always a lot of newcomers there so you'll have a lot of company. Plus many of those with a significant amount of alcohol free time under their belts are extremely good about offering advice and direction. You'll see links to things like the "Toolbox" at the end of their posts. The toolbox is a compilation of hundreds of suggestions on how to fight this addiction. Again, welcome and I hope you stick around!


      AA Serial Dropout

      Hi PJP and welcome. I am glad you found your way here. You mentioned an entire year of sobriety. That's something to build on. It sounds like you have no intention of giving up, even if AA wasn't the answer, so I have faith that MWO can work for you. I can't speak about the other meds (Topa, etc.) as I haven't taken them myself. However, the supplements work for me. I honestly don't think they are a placebo, because when I stop taking them, the cravings come back strong.

      As Caper says, the newbies nest is great place to start. Lots of good, supportive people hang out there. Good luck to you and post often.
      Everything is going to be amazing


        AA Serial Dropout

        PJP welcome. I look forward to getting to know you better on the newbies nest.
        MWO really works. Just stick close, read and post at least once a day.
        No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


          AA Serial Dropout

          Welcome papa! I bought a jar of K Glutamine when I first started but didn't really notice a difference. It was sheer will power, reading and posting every night and following the advice of those who went before me that got me through. I read the books, watched the movies, drank the kool aid and never regretted a moment!
          Newbies Nest
          My accountability thread


            AA Serial Dropout

            Welcome Papa! This is a wonderful website to find! Lots of support, good tools and loads of inspiration here. Stay close to the boards and really focus on how long-term Abbers get it right.
            Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.

