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I got over the first hurdle!

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    I got over the first hurdle!

    Hi everyone

    Im day 6 AF today and although still feeling a little spaced out for some reason i havent felt like a drink. Ive managed to keep busy and am feeling so relaxed and chilled without the drink. Im feeling rather too laid back for my liking and the tiredness is puzzling me as i have been sleeping well the past few nights.
    However, Saturdays are usually the trigger for me, purely because its weekend and i dont have to do much on Sundays but having said that, lately my Sundays have been pure blackouts due to starting drinking as soon as i get out of bed. Sometimes i do this on a Saturday too and by 9pm when im settling down to a movie with my daughter im falling asleep. Not good company is it?

    As for the tiredness, im not sure, but it could be something to do with my thyroid ive heard as i also have an intolerance to cold and i forget things so easily but the latter could be due to the drink. Got some l glut today so along with the kudzu and ginseng i should be ok .

    Take care all xx

    I got over the first hurdle!

    Hi Juney...and a BIG CONGRATS on day 6 missus....fabulous news!!!!

    You may find, as many do here, that the first few weeks of abstinence cause the old bod to go a bit haywire in many may go through extreme tiredness and lethargy, complete insomnia, a bit of a low sort of depressiony thing, and a feeling of emptiness as your body, brain, and social calender get used to the switch of doing things without the vino tinto.
    I would get the thyroid thing checked out if I was you, no point in feeling worse than you need to, but quite often, the adverse side effects of stopping the booze should be interpreted as a really good sign that you are ridding yourself of all the poisons you have been pouring into it.
    Take some good vitamin and mineral supps, and try and eat as much wholefood and as little processed manky stuff as possible to help the process along.
    Treat yourself gently for a while, give yourself the rest if you need it...
    And enjoy those girly movies with the daughter when you are actually awake to see the end of them...she'' love you even more for it...

    You sound good dear, keep going, and keep posting.....things will crop up as the journey progresses, and we're all here with a listening lobe and a helping hand:h

    see you round Juney


      I got over the first hurdle!

      Hey well done Juney. Day 6 for me too!!! I was dreading the weekend too - my husband only drinks on a weekend (very disciplined!!). Even though he said he wouldn't, to support me, I didn't think that was fair for him and I made him have his wine as normal. Do you know, it didn't really bother me that much. I've stayed on the juice and coke. I think the supplements are definitely helping the cravings as I couldn't have done that before. Good luck tomorrow.
      AF since 9 May 2012
      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


        I got over the first hurdle!

        Thanks Janice, and good luck for you too. No cravings for me either. Fruit juices for me too!


          I got over the first hurdle!

          Yay Juney!

          You should live in my state where they don't sell alcohol on Sundays. Crazy huh? my projects this weekend have been outtting away winter clothes and pulling out summer... I'll be 30 day AF May 11 & I am happy to say that I've lost weight! I'm not sure how old your daughter is but I'm am sure her room has some work -- always a good project!
          La Liz


            I got over the first hurdle!

            Congrats on day 6 Juney, that is such a huge accomplishment.

            StillCrawling 30 days is amazing, keep going
            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


              I got over the first hurdle!

              Yes, congrats to all of you. The supplements can be a real help with the cravings. And to not have a weekend ruined from drinking is such a wonderful thing......keep at it!!!
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me

