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AF for 1 day! Feel great!

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    AF for 1 day! Feel great!

    I really want to make it work this time! With the support of this board yesterday, I was very motivated and encouraged, and it gave me the strength to get through my first AF evening with relative ease.
    I slept right through the night, w/out the usual 4-5 am waking, woke at 8 am, and I feel like a new woman this morning!
    Haven't started any meds yet but will be looking into getting them today.

    Thanks to all of you out there. It really helped to see that I was not alone.
    Gonna take this one day at a time, and keep on reading this board.

    AF for 1 day! Feel great!

    Hi Kathy-

    I just read your post yesturday. Today is day one for me too. No kids..just a social drinker turned heavy heavy drinker. I know how you feel though. I havent been AF for more than 5 days I think since I was like 18. (26 now) I'm glad youre here. I will give you any support I can!


      AF for 1 day! Feel great!

      Hi Kathy

      As you, i am also new here and starting a wonderful day at 5 AF. The past four seemed to go fairly easily for me, which i did not expect. I kept busy and made sure had events planned throughout the day, no matter how big or small. I work from home while my wife is out making the ig money and my kids are at school. I have plenty of time to slip. The planning of each day and keeping a jounal has been a big help

      Stick with it. You have taken the big step and there will many more to come.
      The world and everyday of it is mine.


        AF for 1 day! Feel great!

        Welcome Yucon and kathy, and Hi CKE glad that you are starting off and am looking forward to seeing you all around. This is a great place, it has helped me tremendously.



          AF for 1 day! Feel great!

          Well done Kathy, it does feel great to wake up and not feel like crap!
          Good on you.

          Sober since 30/06/10


            AF for 1 day! Feel great!

            I am on day 3 AF & also feel great. Even when I can't get to sleep, waking up not hungover is a huge gift...also great for the self-esteem.
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              AF for 1 day! Feel great!

              Good luck Kathy and CKE123! Today is the beginning of 2 days AF for me. And it certainly does feel good waking up knowing I have nothing to regret this morning. The day after being AF always feels so great. Hold on to the great feelings you will have when you wake up tomorrow after having successfully withheld from alcohol. I think that's the key to success--positive feelings and positive thinking! I'm so thankful for MYO and everyone here who posts so honestly. Look forward to hearing from you tomorrow. I know you will both feel so much better with even just 1 day AF to be proud of.



                AF for 1 day! Feel great!

                Well done Kathy!!! You did great. Good luck for tomorrow. Janice
                AF since 9 May 2012
                Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                  AF for 1 day! Feel great!

                  I am new to AF too - although joined MWO a while ago. The best thing for me was waking in the night for the bathroom and feeling "euphoric" that I had not drunk the night before! That was last night! Day 2 and feeling strong - this board helps without a doubt!:new:


                    AF for 1 day! Feel great!

                    Thank you all so much!! You TRULY got me through last night, and this morning I felt undescribeably energetic. It makes one wonder, why do we do this to ourselves for so long? I've gotten more done today than I did M-F of last week, at least in terms of housework and tasks that have been put off.
                    I was having very strong cravings this evening (4 -10 pm is the danger zone for me), and I am home alone for a few hours now w/out the kids. It is so tempting. But reading your responses, and once again seeing that I'm not alone is so helpful.
                    MaryAnne--I also felt euphoric, and congrats to you! Janice--Thank you for your hoorah! Julie & MaryAnne--We're in synch; let's stay that way! I am so proud of just one day. We'll be even more proud tomorrow. To everyone, THANKS!!
                    I am so curious about all of you. Age and circumstances, etc. Newbie that I am, I guess I can get the "411" from "My Story" (?) Not sure exactly.


                      AF for 1 day! Feel great!

                      Hi Kathy
                      I am 40 yrs old mother of 3 from UK. Been drinking heavily since around 2000. I never drink during the day but the cravings start at around 3pm and last until I have had my evening meal. If I can eat my meal at around 5pm then alcohol has gone from my mind until the next day. I have read lots of things that recovering involves eating eating eating and relaxing. Don't take on anything or anyone that gives you stress in your life.

                      Day 2 and feeling tired and irritable. Must be detoxing.

                      Hope you are good today.



                        AF for 1 day! Feel great!

                        Hello there, Kathy, CKE, Yukon and MaryAnne

                        Just a quick message to say hello and welcome to you all!

                        I'm absolutely sure that your experience with the MWO programme and your "stay" on the boards will be as worthwhile as mine has been.

                        So, best wishes from Australia,


