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Day 1 - Hangover, of course

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    Day 1 - Hangover, of course

    Hi, Five (heh heh):

    Welcome to a great place. I am only on my fourth day sober but am so relieved to have found MWO. There is SO MUCH SUPPORT and actual fun here - I have relied on the people I have met her to get me through a dark time last week.

    As for the witching hour - have you read the tool box (many of the old timers have a link in their signatures)? Plenty of ideas for what to do instead of drinking. One of my favorites is the Epsom salt bath. The salt helps detox you somehow, it is relaxing. But before you get in to the bath, pour out the wine. All of it. Take care of yourself. The good news is that there are people from all over the world on here so no matter what time you need company you will find someone here. Good luck.


      Day 1 - Hangover, of course

      I bit of backstory. DH and I are both drinkers - the fun party kind that everybody loves because we drink reasonably in public, but get shit-face wasted at home.

      We're top-shelf drinkers: premium vodka and fine wines... just massive loads of it!

      We're highly functional: PTA-volunteering, church-going, he an executive, me a stay-at-home mom who lunches.

      We're such frauds it's pathetic! Married nearly 20 years, we've been talking about "cutting back" and "getting healthy" for the past 15.

      I'm doing it alone this time. He sees that I'm not drinking and politely offers me libations, but that's it.

      Strangely enough, seeing him drunkish (it's 9pm here) is very encouraging NOT to drink - he looks like a baffoon:bumping into furniture and slurring his speech.

      On Christmas Eve, I'll have been 3 weeks dry - the best gift I could ever give myself. I'll have a serious talk with DH before the year ends. I neither want to spend the next 15 years in a fog, neither do I want to live with one.

      I have a lot riding on this quit.



        Day 1 - Hangover, of course

        Tool box link is below my signature...old timer huh....hehehe

        Newbie's Nest

        Tool Box
        AF 9.1.2013


          Day 1 - Hangover, of course

          Fiveclover my hubby and I drank together, lots. Now, 7 months after I quit he is at 4 months af. Stick with us.
          No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


            Day 1 - Hangover, of course

            You can do this. It's absolutely possible! Someone may have already mentioned this, but pop into Newbies Nest. Everyone is welcoming and encouraging!!


              Day 1 - Hangover, of course

              Yes, Dottie, old timers (not old people). You're almost in the 100 day club! I'm in awe of your success!


                Day 1 - Hangover, of course

                FiveClover;1595291 wrote: I bit of backstory. DH and I are both drinkers - the fun party kind that everybody loves because we drink reasonably in public, but get shit-face wasted at home.

                We're top-shelf drinkers: premium vodka and fine wines... just massive loads of it!

                We're highly functional: PTA-volunteering, church-going, he an executive, me a stay-at-home mom who lunches.

                We're such frauds it's pathetic! Married nearly 20 years, we've been talking about "cutting back" and "getting healthy" for the past 15.

                I'm doing it alone this time. He sees that I'm not drinking and politely offers me libations, but that's it.

                Strangely enough, seeing him drunkish (it's 9pm here) is very encouraging NOT to drink - he looks like a baffoon:bumping into furniture and slurring his speech.

                On Christmas Eve, I'll have been 3 weeks dry - the best gift I could ever give myself. I'll have a serious talk with DH before the year ends. I neither want to spend the next 15 years in a fog, neither do I want to live with one.

                I have a lot riding on this quit.


                Hello FC - my drinking career began exactly like yours, things changed and I ended up alone, didn't have the income to buy the fine wines etc but I could afford plonk and plenty of it! A year ago I could have written your post and believe me being sober really is the very best gift you can have. Things probably won't work out how you think (I fully expected to be a wealthy size 10 by now and I'm neither) but you will gain something you cannot possibly buy and that's being totally at peace with yourself and in control. Hang in there, have alternative treats, long baths, chocolate, cheeses or whatever and don't get too strung out about the weight loss, that will follow. Above all else be very kind to yourself because you will go through lots of changes and be vigilant, just one really really does
                do the harm because once you have that one, the floodgates are open so why not carry on and get hammered, just this once of course, alcohol is a sneaky adversary, creeps up on me still occasionally so I keep it in touch by always volunteering to drive, most of us here didn't drink and drive.

                It won't take long for the good bits to kick in, your skin will improve beyond all your expectations and you'll have more energy. The guilt will arrive but there is absolutely nothing you can do about what's gone on in the past, focus on the future and stick in here, I wouldn't have done it without being here every day even though I don't post as much as I'd like.

                Sylv x
                AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                  Day 1 - Hangover, of course

                  Pavati - I mentioned Epsom salts baths on another thread: great minds! :-D

                  FC - how are you doing today? I've felt a fraud at times too - particularly when I've been serving at church. The other week I was reading the Epistle and it was a warning about drunkenness (!!), and I was mortified to be standing there in my robes, red-faced and blotchy, and shaking slightly from the volume of (premium, vintage) gin I'd drunk the night before. Ugh.


                  If you're a church goer you probably know the hymn "Dear Lord and Father of Mankind" - it's been going round in my head the past few weeks as I've been contemplating quitting. "forgive our foolish ways. Restore us in our rightful minds, in purer lives thy service find..." It's really rather lovely. Hope you have a fabulous AF day today!


                    Day 1 - Hangover, of course

                    I'm starting day 3 ravenous! I'm going through the fridge like a vacuum cleaner, oh well, this too shall pass...

                    I'm bracing for a tough evening though. I have an ornament exchange at church: that's the easy part because I don't want to be reeking of booze AGAIN! The hard part is that I'm going with a drinking body, a deacon's wife no less. She always claimed that in regards to alcohol she could "take it or leave it". I have never once see her leave it tough...

                    I have my "story" ready though, "BTW, I'm not drinking, I'm on psoriasis medication." Sure it's the coward way out, but I'm only on day 3 so I'll do what it takes.

                    I'll pop back in sporadically during the day, and post one last SOBER message before bed!

                    Til later,



                      Day 1 - Hangover, of course

                      Hi Five!

                      Glad you're hanging in there. I could identify with what Olgada said...I remember being at church with a hangover. My guilt had guilt!

                      I strongly recommend the Epsom Salts bath too, it detoxes your body...they even have lavender smelling salt now...very relaxing.

                      I'm looking forward to your sober post this evening! Stay strong :l

                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

