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    hello everyone


    sorry I've been here before but fell off the wagon big time but now i hope to try and start again ??.i just feel its just so easy to drink especially when everyone else does

    i really don't know how to stick to it

    what do others drink or do when everyone is just sitting around drinking
    what do you drink ??i know its just a bad habit and i would truly love to quit it

    I can go days without but then ill go on a binge and thats worse

    i don't want to get the shakes back again ?. but i know i will if i don't stop going the way i am

    so i will try again



    hello everyone

    Welcome! I'm on day 3 so I don't have much advice to offer, but I wanted to say Hi!



      hello everyone

      Welcome Back.

      Social situations where everyone else is drinking but me are the most awkward for me. I have this feeling that I'm missing out on the high so to that end, at least in my case, it really wouldnt matter what else I'm drinking, I havent found a substitute for Al except Al.. I tell myself in those situations that I just dont drink and try and focus on the joy of being with friends and family . As for what I drink in those situations, I'll have club soda with a lime or a soft drink. I really only use them for props to avoid situations where I'm offered a drink.
      Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

      William Butler Yeats


        hello everyone

        I cannot be in drinking situations. I will drink. Period......
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          hello everyone

          I have avoided all situations that could be drinking problems..we will stay home new years too...just not ready yet.....

          Newbie's Nest

          Tool Box
          AF 9.1.2013


            hello everyone

            Diet 7-up, it sparkly

            AF since 12/26/13

            "...........just put one foot in front of the other and move forward. One step at a time." Chris McCombs



              hello everyone


              but my social drinking is at home my husband won't go out so its when family come and i'm at home so what do i do go to bed or sit around bored ?which i am
              my husband drinks beer every afternoon my sons all follow in his footsteps they will all have a beer in there hands ?followed by a red wine
              I only drink white but cannot stop at one ??tried but dosnt work ?i end up having 5-6 glasses

              but i need help to get on top of me and how do i stop i know a lot of times i give in because my relation ship with hubby isn't real good
              The other morning i asked him for sex and he replied i don't have time for that ?which hurt and had the hide to come in side later and sit down and said he was waiting for 3yr old grandson to turn up (which he did 4 hrs later ) but the truth was he really didn't have anything that needed doing urgently and we didn't talk for 3 days ?so i drank

              been to counselling but don't seem to get anywhere may have helped for the short term but because i start and stop and can go a couple of days without al they don't seem to think that its a problem ??..sorry feeling low this morning


                hello everyone

                Grannygrey - I'm always down and depressed after a binge - don't know why it surprises me - alcohol IS a depressant. . . sorry you are feeling down. Take care of yourself, you will feel better tomorrow if you don't drink today.

                Anyway, I also had a really hard time finding something that I like to drink besides AL. I don't like anything fizzy, really cold or acidic, and coffee or tea get boring. (funny how wine never got boring!). I just had to quit complaining and get over it. I try different things in restaurants - iced teas, lemonades, etc. but when at home, I sometimes have AL free wine! I like holding a wineglass.

                We had a houseguest this past week, I'm not ready to talk about my drinking with him or anyone other than my husband and a few close friends. I drank AL free wine and he never knew the difference. My husband took empty bottles of red and white wine, rinsed them out, made a little mark on the labels and refilled them with my special brand. When either of us got up to refill drinks, I got the 'special' wine.

                I've used the "medical tests" excuse when out to dinner - but with people I don't see on a daily basis. You are in a difficult situation and a solution may be to just be honest with your family. If they see you everyday, it is likely they already know you have a problem. Or just tell them you are not drinking to see if you will lose weight - or concentrate better - or to save money - or out of respect for Nelson Mandela - anything! You can do it! We're here for you.
                10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                  hello everyone

                  granny I drank mostly at home too..alone most of the time as dh is a tea teetotaler...he could have one glass and no more...I could not do that. I have found other things to do and drink. Water with lemon mostly but have found some great herbal tea's too. You can do this..

                  Newbie's Nest

                  Tool Box
                  AF 9.1.2013


                    hello everyone

                    The first couple of days I drank Gatorade, ate vitamins and logged on here as much as possible. Read the wisdom of these wonderful people. Got me here, to the end of Day 5.

