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I have no idea what your situation is, but if possible, you should go see someone who can help you. Detoxification is not the same for everyone so it is not possible for me to tell you what to do. Can you go to friends or family who can help you? Do you have access to a Dr.? I think you need to find someone with you physically to help you.
I know this isn't much help and I wish I could do more.
BearWhat St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?
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Hi JacklSmith:
Welcome to the MWO forum.:welcome:
I'm Neil, and been here a few months.
If you get the shakes bad when going off the booze, then it is pretty serious. Do you drink everyday?
You have a few options. Whatever, don't stop cold on your own. That can be very dangerous. If your system is physically dependent on alcohol to function, it can cause many problems, but you probably are aware of that.
A visit to a doctor to explain what happens when you go sober is probably a good idea. Tranquilizer drugs can keep shakes and convulsions from becoming to severe. You can do many things on your own, without a full tilt rehab visit of several days. You are here, so that is step one.
You can start by reading the MWO book. You could, and this is just another suggestion, start by getting the nutritional supplements and take them while you are preparing for a detox. The kudzu can help by reducing your desire and need for the total amount of alcohol you take it at any one time.
Others will come along here shortly, and offer their advice.
By the way, I would come into work after my binges, and people would say I smelled like any number of things. Ammonia, vinegar, whatever. Even after bathing with lots of deoderant soap, and trying to cover with aftershave or cologne. I would get pretty pickled.
Been sober well over a year now, and I sure don't miss the comments from co-workers about smelling like a brewery.
You are among friends here, and we will try to help you.
Be well.
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I agree with Bear. You need to ask for help. Is there a friend or family member that can come and stay with you for a few hours right now? Make some decaf coffee or tea, or better yet drink a few big glasses of water. Then take a cool shower. If someone can come spend some time with you, you'll have someone to talk to and distract you while you sober up (if you've been drinking tonight). Tomorrow you'll feel more level-headed and can think about the best way to get a handle on this. There are drug and alcohol counselors that can see you on an outpatient basis. Also, many churches offer support groups, and there is always AA. And of course, logging on here offers tremendous support without judgement. Take take of yourself. You can get a handle on this!
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tap into resources...
Jack -- The MWO book is great but another one 7 weeks to sobriety outlines your detox based on the type of drinker you are .... it does indicate that if you have the shakes that you should not be alone and drink plenty of fluids. Keep posting -- any chance you have some vacation days you can take to do the intial stage -- or, can you taper down all week... cold turkey does not sound like the best option -- note: I am not a nurse I have just been down this path... La Liz
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Hi Jack,
Just to say I'm rooting for you. Like the others have said try and seek medical advise, and keep coming here, it is a very supportive place with people who really understand your situation.
KittyOur greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.
need help
Hi Jack,
If you are suffering now go to the local hospital for help and referral, if not seek medical advice as soon as possible, keep logging in once you are safe and we will support you.
Take care, Angellina-x-Just believe - that's all you have to do
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hi Jack,
No more advice to offer that the others haven't already suggested, so just wanted to add my best wishes and hope for you feeling better soon. You're in the right place for finding friendship, understanding, support and an open ear anytime you need, but I hope you can get the medical support to help you through these first stages and set you on a good path.
Take care of yourself and keep posting - we want to hear from you...:l:rays: Arial
Last first day - 15th April 2012
Days 1-7 DONE
Days 8-14 DONE
Days 15-21 DONE
30 days DONE
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100 days
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Hi Jack
Is there anyway you can get some emergency leave off work to get some proper help ??? Employers can be pretty good if you are honest and up front with them and some of them might have their own work help they can offer.
Best wishes