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Newbies in need May day 8

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    Newbies in need May day 8

    Good morning everyone! Well yesterday was another tough one for me, we went out for the day with friends and then they came back for dinner and the wine was flowing, but I didn' touch a drop! That was 12 days AF, never done that before! Today is day 13 for me. Been reading some great success stories on here really proud of you guys and those of you who are struggling, hang on in there you will make it, just don't give up and keep trying, keep posting and we will all help you through. Hope you all have a really good Tuesday. Amanda

    Newbies in need May day 8


    Congratulations, give yourself a huge pat on the back, how wonderful. How did you do it? That's what worries me I was able to have my AF day 1 yesterday because I didn't buy any in, but I'm not sure that I could be strong enough to decline when it's staring me in the face, any tips? Congrats. again, have a good day and thanks for everything.

    Bluesky XX
    It is easier to stay out than get out.

    Mark Twain


      Newbies in need May day 8

      Hi all'
      Almost 2 weeks adug. I'd bet you are excited.Start of day 3 for me. I really slept well.Played ball with the kids yesterday eve.I quit smoking 22 years ago with a tape.I remembered how much it helped me so I found it and listened to it last night.Thought I could changer the words in my head to drinking instead of smoking.One of the things he said was to stop a few times a day and have a few quiet minutes and imagine yourself in your new habit.Not drinking for us.How it will feel,how we will look etc.Says you need to see it in your mind before you can do it for real. I'll try to post some more tips later .I've gotta get the kids up. Oh'I'm taking about 2700 mgs of kudzu.Someone suggested 3000 or so Later.Bird


        Newbies in need May day 8

        Good mornin all: Not much to say. Started taking the Kudzu last night and will collect the other supps as the week goes on. This site has been a wonderful distraction from drinking and a great source of support. Have a great day all

        Love and Peace


          Newbies in need May day 8

          Hi Friends: I just put my 4th zero in drink tracker for yesterday. It feels good. I noticed yesterday that I feel free when I'm alcohol-free. I'm not watching every word. If I say something dumb, I know it's not the alcohol talking. It's life to make mistakes. Thank you all for being here. Aduggan: what a great accomplishment. I love this thread. Thank you all for the support.
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            Newbies in need May day 8

            Day 5 AF for me. Yesterday was really difficult but I went to the gym after work instead of the bar and had a nice cardio workout. Oddly enough I ran into one of my old bar buddies at the gym and we made plans to work out together. I like that I can hang out with some of the same people in new situations. My BF and I have a birthday party to go to on Friday, everyone but he and me will be drinking. We are all meeting at a bowling alley so at least there is something to do to distract me!

            Congrats to all to all that have made it to their goals!

            Suddenly I see
            This is what I want to be
            suddenly I see
            Why the hell it means so much to me.

            -KT Tunstall


              Newbies in need May day 8

              Good job adduggan - not easy at all 12 days and not having any wine with friends. I'm wondering how it will be for me once I'm a little more routine with my AF ... The CDs have helped a lot, but the sleep learning is very difficult for me, even at the lowest level it seems noisy. I live in an extremely quiet neighborhood. Today is my "Friday" and a day I would ordinarily want to reward myself with a nice glass of wine, or several. Lorelei - have fun at the birthday party! You can do it! Retteacher: I have had the same feeling about misspeaking (now I blame the hypno tapes for making me too relaxed). Happy Tuesday!
              "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


                Newbies in need May day 8

                Kudos to you Adduggan! I haven't been tested with an encounter like that---being surrounded by others drinking. I hope I don't cave. That's great that you didn't!!
                Great job to everyone!


                  Newbies in need May day 8

                  Hi everyone,

                  Well done Aduggan, you're doing so well.

                  I'm back from my weekend away, and unfortunately I did cave in on Saturday on Sunday and 3 drinks each day. It's a shame I only made it to 7 days but I' really pleased I didn't go overboard. Would be lovely to be on day 11 now instead bck at day 2 but I'm pleased to be on track again and have now almost 2 weeks under my belt since I was last drunk.

                  I'm getting used to being able to think straight and I really feel like I have my emotions under better control: no more overreacting and needless outburts.

                  Anyway glad to be back and looking forward to catching up with all the MWO news that I've missed.

                  Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                    Newbies in need May day 8

                    Wow, I'm so impressed with all of you. I'm in the process of renovating a space and turning it into a bar. We have beer on tap and it's very hard for me to resist it since it's my drug of choice. We got the permits and it's a project we've been working on for a couple of years and aren't going to be turning back now. I just have to learn to stop drinking in the midst of it. I can do it, it will just take a bit more time. My aim is to have stopped drinking completely for a few months before we open.


                      Newbies in need May day 8

                      Well I was 4 days AF till last night so am back to drawing board.


                        Newbies in need May day 8

                        EG--That's a good idea to try to stop completely before you even open. I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya. Stay strong! One thought I had is that your venture would likely be more successful ($$) I presume when it starts if you start it sober! I know I'm more productive and energetic if I'm AF.


                          Newbies in need May day 8

                          Hi Everyone- I have messed up again. Got overwhelmed with craving yesterday. As crazy as it sounds the beautiful weather and actually feeling good can make me want to drink. Doesn't make sense but it happens. I drank a good amount and feel physically and emotionally awful today. But- I am going to learn from it. I really have to be more organized or have more of a plan when these cravings come over me. It is truly like another person with no resolve takes over and all my sincere plans to not drink are just abandoned. I just have to work harder at this. It is not hard everyday anymore which is an improvement, but I need to really buck up and work harder to resist. Thanks for listening everyone. Take Care! Aquamarine
                          AF SINCE 3/16/2016


                            Newbies in need May day 8

                            Hi aquamarine- a beautiful day and being happy and enthusiastic can actually be a trigger for me to want to drink as well. it's almost as if I need to put a damper on my energy, like I'm going to fly away. Well, forgive yourself and move on. Drink lots of water, I like emergen-C after the dehydration of a hangover, stock up on other'll be back on AF, I know you will!
                            "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


                              Newbies in need May day 8

                              Hi everyone
                              I have been lurking here for a while and have had quite a few af days the last couple of weeks. I really want to cut waaaay back and eventually quit altogether. I just ordered the kudzu on this site as the stuff I bought locally didn't seem to do much for me. Good luck to everybody. This is going to be tough but I think I am moving in a better direction.
                              AF since 2/22/2012

