Oh, and nightmares - VERY common and can be HORRIBLE. This too will pass!
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Rock bottom, yet again...
Rock bottom, yet again...
Gargykath - I take vitamins, drink lots of water, go for lots of walks and eat well. I HONESTLY found eating several times a day (healthy snacks) would help with the cravings. I found waiting too long to eat would instantly trigger the urge to drink.
There are a lot of supplements you can take like the Kudzu and L-glutamine that aren't medications. This site has a list of stuff you can purchase as well.
I still get cravings quite often. It takes a lot of will-power. Sometimes I will be doing whatever and BLAMO! a craving hits. I then take a deep breath and ask myself a couple of things like "Have I eaten? Am I thirsty?" I then just eat or have some water/tea.
It really has a lot to do with the whole 'changing behaviour' thing.
Rock bottom, yet again...
Accountable, Kathy - thanks for all the support... I sure need it today. I downed almost a full bottle of vodka last night with no apparent good reason, just same old issues. I know the emotions are just waiting to be dealt with... Gotta do it soon, or die.... I look like I did!!!
Rock bottom, yet again...
Hi Kali
It is a demon isnt it ? I cant think of so many things it has messed up for me - jobs, relationships not to mention money and health !:upset:
My problem is I work in an office with loads of young people who go to the pub loads after work. Its almost seen to be weird not to go, and there is loads of pressure even if I leave my cash card at home someone will buy me some booze. So when I go back to work next week theres going to be so much pressure in addition to cravings.
I have been honest to everyone that am seeking help so am going to tell everyone next week and that should put an end to the pressure hopefully !
Best wishes all the way from London to you.
Rock bottom, yet again...
It is just like the devil, calling to us all the time "you can do it this time, just drink a few" ha ha - then I wake up wondering what I did or said and sometimes, how I got home and hoping I didn't kill anyone. Now I just don't go out anymore, how humiliating...
Just be honest with your friends and coworkers if they don't understand, then they aren't really your friends at all.
I just want my health back and some energy and self respect. Hopefully, that will come in a few months if I can make it past the first 30 days.... I wish you the best of luck, it's good to know you from England.... My sister is there for business this week!!! She works for Hallmark and they are having a big world event.
Take good care of yourself......
Rock bottom, yet again...
Hi, I am in London too,
I am a nurse, midwife and community nurse,
loads of GP's (doctors) and nurses drink, smoke and overeat !!! More common cos they are usually so stressed out, need a drink after shift, need a fag in the break and eat at weird times so grab fatty, rubbish food and continue habit out of work too.!!
I hope you all forgive us???? We are only human too. Good luck, to all of you it is not easy to cut down or give up, Keep trying, tomorrow is another day - yes, corny - but true.
Keep chin up, love to all of you,
Angellina -x-Just believe - that's all you have to do
Rock bottom, yet again...
PS. I have left nursing - so those in London can breathe a sigh of relief they are not going to be looked after by me in hospital !!!
By the way 2 weeks AF today - yippee - 1st time in about 20 years.
Angellina -x-Just believe - that's all you have to do
Rock bottom, yet again...
Angellina - you are forgiven. I know it doesn't matter who you are or what you do, this could be a problem you have. I didn't mean to sound so naive about the whole GP thing.
A word of caution for some of you though.... Honesty is typically the best policy when it comes to disclosing your problems with alcohol. I would advise against telling your co-workers or employers. It could backfire on you. If not now it could happen later. Just some friendly advice!