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Im new and need some help please

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    Im new and need some help please

    Welcome ducky!


      Im new and need some help please

      Thanks Lucky, Janice, and Garden Girl. I Look forward to continuing to read and post. I have learned a lot already. What really shocked me was a recent blood test that showed my bilirubin as slightly elevated. My doc said he thought it was because I fasted (I was not supposed to), but of course I am paranoid that when he retests me in November it will still be off. The other liver tests were fine, but I am scared of course.

      Anyway, I am having some wine but plan to keep it reasonable. I want to wake up feeling rested and without that awful guilt we all know too well.

      Tx for the welcome and I will definitely start posting on the newbies thread!


        Im new and need some help please

        BIG Welcome to Garden Girl too!!


          Im new and need some help please

          You have found the right place "garden girl"!! We are all like you. Welcome! I will write more later.


            Im new and need some help please

            And welcome ..ducky!!!

            Just got the names confused there for a minute!


              Im new and need some help please

              Arial - I love your post (as another mom). You are so right on.
              Thank you.


                Im new and need some help please

                Hello and welcome Garden Girl and Ducky!

                Garden Girl, I feel quite guilt stricken that you were floundering around the site for several days before getting some response but as the others have said that's often just a factor of when and where you post. At least you didn't do what I did when I first 'hit' the site - I somehow ended up in Chat and gave myself and the poor people who were engaged in a private conversation, a bit of a fright! I didn't return for quite a few weeks!!

                I can so empathise with what you and others have said about drinking and children -especially as they get older. I have a daughter just a little older than yours and, while my drinking was never to the falling down drunk stage, the all too constant presence of the wine glass in mum's hand was becoming an issue between us. Awareness of the appalling example I was setting was the main motivator for me in seeking a way out.

                So now that glass of wine has been largely replaced by a cup of green tea and I revell in my daughters pride and approval. You will too.

                So good luck to you both, great to have to here,



                  Im new and need some help please

                  Hi all, I am waiting for my pills and potiens to arrive. Drinking did effect my time with my son growing up and my whole life in general (44). I am so looking forward to giving this program a red hot go and doing the things in life I want but haven't because of the booze. Good on us all for being honest and taking responsibility for an addiction society and family history supports. Hooray! Ange


                    Im new and need some help please

                    I'm not suprised you're not getting replies..I find this forum page really confusing!! I am a new member too and posted a message and now I can't even find that!! Very frustrating considering I'm actually sober for once!!!!! Ha.
                    Well, garden girl, very pleased to meet you and perserverence is crucial...with both the demon drink and the understanding how this forum page works. I read MYO a week ago after buying it from Amazon and whilst acknowledging it's early days, i feel so happy. i've ordered the all-one and vitamins from the USA because I wanted to follow her advice to the letter. I expect there are alternatives in Australia, but I want to start out right. I looked up the Topamax, but am reluctant to go on that. So I will try with the supplements and the hypnosis CD's first. Now I am reading " Control Alcohol" by Alex Carr, which is inspiring.
                    I haven't managed to have an alcohol free day yet, but for the past 4 nights I have only allowed myself half a glass of wine on ice. I sip it so nectar.
                    More importantly, I feel so light hearted and proud of myself. I like the sober me that wakes with a clear head! I have several big functions coming up and all my crew ( including my husband) are huge drinkers. it will be a test for me on two counts...resisting AND hiding my lack of imbibing to my friends. I don't want to talk to them about it yet. I have told my husband and he acted quite threatened by my intent to stop. Not exactly the support I was hoping for and made me wonderr how heavily our relationship may depend on drinking. More scarily, what will happen to US if I stop...
                    Cross that bridge later. Right now I'm just trying to stay on the wagon. Stay on with me...we will be happier and healthier in the long run and we owe it to our children who love us to bits. We are going to have days that don't always go so well but they will make us stronger and more courageous. Something alcohol never does.
                    Chin up babe and go and have a cuppa instead!
                    Jane :heart:


                      Im new and need some help please

                      Hi Garden Girl and Ducky. Welcome!!

                      I am a Mom of 2 beautiful girls ages 4 and 7 and they were the biggest motivators for me. I am day 12 AF and wake up everyday hoping to get another day under my belt.

                      I am quite competitve (sports, etc.) and now it is btw me and the wine. I will not let it beat me.

                      I love the fact that I don't have to worry about whether I smell like alcohol when I am around others and that I don't have to keep a jumbo pack of gum in my purse as assurarance.

                      My girls don't know that wine is alcohol (although my Dr. says they probably have an idea) and do know that alcohol is not good for you so I am glad my wine glass is still not super glued to my hand, ha!

                      As the others have said, follow the program and tweak it to your needs. Post and chat when you need support.

                      Keep the Faith!!

                      God Bless,



                        Im new and need some help please

                        Hi there...i ttoo have to get back on track of moderating if indeed thats possible???Had a week of drinking again 2-3 glasses but dont want to do this regularly.

                        aim to go back to a few drinks on nights out only....managed thst for weks and weeks and then wallop a few problems and "gave permission" to myself.

                        not too bad as i havent been drunk..sounds awful when you write it down.

                        small steps back to healthier lifestyle and hope to get back on target again soon with your help


