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Newbie here ... my 4th fantastic morning.

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    Newbie here ... my 4th fantastic morning.

    Hi everyone!

    Last night was actually easier than the one before. I've been AF for 3 days now. The mornings are like the most important motivator for me. I just can't go on getting such poor quality sleep day after day, month after month... It would make anyone feel exhausted, I imagine.

    I'm on the East Coast in the U.S. (Maryland) and it's a beautiful, sunny day here. This morning I was thinking that spring is a great time for this "rebirth" for all of us.

    How'd everyone do?


    Newbie here ... my 4th fantastic morning.

    hi i am in england dull day here. I am new too and just af today I often go 3 or 4 days without but really want to go longer and get my mind clear. i will let you know how it goes


      Newbie here ... my 4th fantastic morning.

      Kathy, congrats on the AF days :goodjob: I know what you mean. When we are drunk, we miss a lot of the beauty in the world. It i overcast and raining here, but when I got up this morning sober I thought it was beautiful.
      Hang in there
      What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
      ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


        Newbie here ... my 4th fantastic morning.

        The mornings are the best part aren't they? I wake up, and find myself automatically checking myself to see how bad I feel, the instantaneous thought - "What did I do last night?"
        Then I remember that I didn't drink last night, and I realize that I don't feel bad at all - that I actually feel fine.



          Newbie here ... my 4th fantastic morning.

          Well done on the af days Kathy,

          And I agree with Bear, I managed 7 days af last week and am back on day 2 today and I must say that waking up without a hangover has been wonderful, and even dull days don't seem quite as bad with a clear head.

          Good luck,

          Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


            Newbie here ... my 4th fantastic morning.

            I totally agree with everything you all said!! Thanks for the kudos.
            Don't lose faith Kitty. Remember those wonderful mornings. And it's not just the morning, either. It's the whole day you feel better. And on the flip side of that, if you said or did something the night before that you regret (due to drinking), that regret can last a long time or have an effect that lasts a long time.
            Short term pain, long term gain!!


              Newbie here ... my 4th fantastic morning.

              Hi Kathy123

              I am on the West Coast, and yes isn't morining a beautiful thing. I am 6 days AF.. One big change I noticed is I have 36 hours in each day compared to the 18 I used to have. Go figure. I can actually go out and do things at night now.

              Stick with it you are on the right track. Keep posting and let us know how you are doing.
              The world and everyday of it is mine.


                Newbie here ... my 4th fantastic morning.


                Yes, I love the am's. Even when I don't get a huge amount of sleep, it's normal sleep, not fitful & sweaty. For me, being able to be myself wo/worrying if someone will notice I'm drunk is my biggest pay-off. I can joke around, have a serious discussion, whatever. I'm not anxious about whether I make sense or am slurring. Keep it up. You're doing great.
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  Newbie here ... my 4th fantastic morning.

                  Retteacher: (both my mom & dad are retired teachers, btw)
                  I hope you are doing great too!
                  And you're right--that is another benefit. If you're sober, you can goof off and act silly w/out being called a drunk!
                  If my husband could tell that I had been drinking, even a little, then I had zero credibility in any meaningful conversation I attempted to have. That can become rather demoralizing, esp. as a housewife whose husband feels quite superior about his role already (different issue-sorry!)
                  You keep it up too!! Stay the course!


                    Newbie here ... my 4th fantastic morning.

                    A lot of happy mornings going on.


                      Newbie here ... my 4th fantastic morning.

                      Kathy, you sound great - so motivated, keep it going. Remember how you are feeling now compared to those dark places we go to when we drink. Thanks for your motivation. Janice
                      AF since 9 May 2012
                      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                        Newbie here ... my 4th fantastic morning.


                        Hi Kathy,

                        A big welcome to MWO - you seem to already be in a really good place so long may it last! Here's to many more wonderful, sober, clear, bright, happy mornings!
                        :rays: Arial

                        Last first day - 15th April 2012
                        Days 1-7 DONE
                        Days 8-14 DONE
                        Days 15-21 DONE
                        30 days DONE
                        60 days
                        100 days

