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End of Week 14

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    End of Week 14

    Well good evening one and all !

    Ho HoHo season's greetings and all that jazz.

    No I am not drunk. I am the most sober I have been since the age of 15

    More sober than I have been in over 30 years - blimey!

    Day 98 today and the big one coming Sunday - cup of tea and up with the Xmas tree is the plan

    I have no great pearls of wisdom to share.

    I am just another little man struggling to cope in the modern world but learning to do it without alcohol.

    This will be my last weekly post and I will probably stop counting the days after Sunday as well.

    It is time to put my spotty handkerchief on a stick, fill it full of worries, sling it on my shoulder and trundle on down the path of life.

    I will call in from time to time to see you wonderful wonderful people who have helped inspire, cajole, beg and bully me to success. You know who you are and I can't state how important this place has been. I don't know any of you personally but I love you all.

    Thank you - 8 letters and a space that cannot begin to express the depth of my gratitude :thanks:

    Have a lovely Christmas and in the New Year.....Keep On Keeping On y'all :h:h:l:h:h
    Last drink 6th September 2013

    End of Week 14

    Way to go, Softy. Congratulations on your upcoming 100th day.

    Posting weekly or counting your days may no longer be necessary but please don't give up entirely what has brought you this far. Even though I haven't been here all that long, I've seen many people drift away, thinking they've figured all this out, and then come back later, starting over.

    The connection to people who understand you and what you've endured is so important, IMO. Maybe those relationships don't have to remain as intense as they've been but they do need to be nurtured.

    I hope to continue to see you around. All the best to you! NS


      End of Week 14

      Thanks NS

      Believe me, I know I am not out of the woods yet by any means and I will keep checking in.

      I just don't want folks thinking I am boasting "look at me and my 100 days +" type of thing and I also don't want to keep boring people to tears by my self centred ramblings.

      This isn't attention seeking, it is the opposite. I need to blend into the background and learn to live a normal life without the booze. Counting the days makes me feel a little like I haven't broken free properly. But I do understand I am entering the dangerous phase and Christmas may be really tough.

      You havent seen the back of me yet. I still need you all but also need to get off the intensive care / life support and start to walk again on my own two feet.

      Be good.
      If you can't be good be careful
      If you can't be careful get a good doctor!
      Last drink 6th September 2013


        End of Week 14

        Now then young man, now don't be tootling off into the wide blue yonder. I understand that you may not want to do your weekly updates................oh by the way a big :woot::woot: on week 14........... but MWO needs members like you that have walked the walk and can now talk the talk.
        No need for great statements of wisdom just a check in every day will let others know it can be done and continued.

        Oh and come Sunday you qualify for a very exclusive club....

        And apart from all that waffle I'll miss you.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          End of Week 14

          Great going on the long 10

          Honestly I lost track of my days a few months ago..basically after my 30 days. Its not really that important to me to keep track. I dont drink anymore.. I dont feel need to count the days away. I know September 9th was my last beer and thats good enough for me. I know what your saying about the "oh lookie at me" .. but your not like that. Being able to release yourself from AL in all forms and thoughts in your daily life is precisely how I feel as well. However..being able to share in something that others have a connection with is important to them. Blending is one thing..making choices for your new AF life is completely up to you now. If you want to share your experiences with others of likeminded spirit then Im sure that would only be beneficial. Hey..MWO is a cool place to just hang out too

          Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
          AF: 9-10-2013


            End of Week 14

            You are humble, quiet and honest - I love reading your posts. I get the not counting thing, but I do hope you check in. Congratulations on the upcoming 100 day festivities...


              End of Week 14

              Great work, Softy. We are all pulling for you in this battle against that wily AL.
              Free at Last
              "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

              Highly recommend this video

              July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                End of Week 14

                I am off to bed now and when I wake up it will be better than Christmas because it will be Day 100

                I will have been sober for......

                100 days
                8,640,000 seconds
                144,000 minutes
                2400 hours
                14 weeks (rounded down)
                Last drink 6th September 2013


                  End of Week 14

                  WooHoo Softy...the party starts when u wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  Newbie's Nest

                  Tool Box
                  AF 9.1.2013


                    End of Week 14

                    It feels like I have climbed Everest - but I can't compare it to that because that would mean that the only way to go is down!

                    I prefer to think I am like Voyager heading through the solar system to explore the unknown

                    Tomorrow I reach Mars but the journey is only starting and there are many miles to go - each more interesting and exciting than the last

                    I shall boldly go where I have never been before :-)
                    Last drink 6th September 2013


                      End of Week 14

                      Softy, 100 days - wonderful journey after that first lift-off - now for the solar system and beyond!

                      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!

