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Newbies in Need May day 9

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    Newbies in Need May day 9

    Didn't get very far. After 3 days all the vitamins made me feel very I stopped. Also, I expected that they would make me want to stop drinking....guess I have to do that on my own !!! I love the CDs but I usually fall asleep as they make me feel so relaxed so I don't think they are helping. Would love to have one AF day !!! Then I think I would make progress. I am waiting for my Topimax to come in to try again. Any ideas?


      Newbies in Need May day 9

      I think that maybe you would be better if you waited for the topa and did the vitamins and topa together and stopped drinking on day 1. A lot of the vitamins are there to help replenish depletions from the years of alcohol use and I think would work better if you weren't drinking or drastically reduced intake. I did find with all of my ammunition at once, highly reduced cravings, still fancied a drink at times but that was more of a social/habitual thing. If I stopped asked myself did I really need one, did something else for twenty minutes and came back I have never caved in yet and today is day 14.


        Newbies in Need May day 9

        HI Molly, also I did feel a little ill for the first few days whilst my body was getting used to all the changes, but it does pass if you hang on in there and boy is it worth it.


          Newbies in Need May day 9

          I have a slight hangover and I just found this site. I'm tired of talking with family and friends about quitting and so finding this site is wonderful. I have a whole new group to talk with. I'll keep this site on my computer at home and work. I work alone and its hard sometimes. This is the first day and I will be AF.
          Dog Woman


            Newbies in Need May day 9

            Morning All,

            This is day 7 AF for me and I am feeling great. I had a rather bad day yesterday, a day I would normally get smashed. Instead I left work early (we didn't have power) and took a nap, ran some errands and snuggled with the man. The BF was so SURE that I was going to drink yesterday that he postponed his errands for when I'd be at the bar. Imagine his suprise when I didn't go. Day 5 so far has been the worst for me, I really had to fight not to drink. I'm sure I've got some more hard days ahead but each day I develop more self confidence in my ability to maintain sobriety.

            Best wishes to all on this beautiful day!

            Suddenly I see
            This is what I want to be
            suddenly I see
            Why the hell it means so much to me.

            -KT Tunstall


              Newbies in Need May day 9

              Dog Woman;133775 wrote: I have a slight hangover and I just found this site. I'm tired of talking with family and friends about quitting and so finding this site is wonderful. I have a whole new group to talk with. I'll keep this site on my computer at home and work. I work alone and its hard sometimes. This is the first day and I will be AF.
              Dog Woman
              Congrats on finding this site and making your first steps!

              I also primarily work alone so I understand how it is. You will find planty of people to interact with here and it will make the work day pass more pleasantly.

              Suddenly I see
              This is what I want to be
              suddenly I see
              Why the hell it means so much to me.

              -KT Tunstall


                Newbies in Need May day 9

                Welcome dog woman. Is great to have so many new newbies. Really great to have you on board. Good luck for your first AF day.


                  Newbies in Need May day 9

                  Welcome dog woman. Keep reading and posting. Lots of support around here.



                    Newbies in Need May day 9

                    Thanks for all the support. It really does motivate me.
                    Ducky - It's amazing how I'm like Pavlov's dog - husband goes out of town and my inner addict rubs it's hands together in glee thinking how I can get more loaded if he isn't here to watch me. Bleah.

                    Kitty - For me, now, it's enough just to understand the wrong that I did and resolve not to do things like it again. It is enough to face that and trying to get some clarity and sobriety. Any apologies and reparations will have to come later. Anyway, at this point actions will speak louder than words, I think, although they might take longer to hear. My husband is also tired of my promises, so I'll just have to show him.

                    Molly - The B vitamins always make me sick to my stomach if I take them without food. I moved the B to lunch time, make sure to eat a good breakfast with the powder and I've been fine.


                      Newbies in Need May day 9

                      REally struggling tonight. Don't know whether it is a psychological thing or not, because it is the first time I have ever made it to two weeks, but could murder a glass of wine. Just making dinner and it is witching hour and the little monster is calling. HELP.........


                        Newbies in Need May day 9

                        Hang in there Aduggan. I know all about the witching hour but two weeks is great. Maybe it is freaking you a bit though. Can you make yourself something nice to drink that doesn't contain alcohol and put it in a pretty glass?

                        Lunapro, my hubbie travels a lot and I am the same way. In the past I have always looked forward to those nights w/o someone on my back about drinking. Last night it was a major victory for me to stop while there was a glass in the bottle. Sad but true. He is away again tonight so I am hoping to moderate again. It was nice to sleep more than a couple of hours.


                          Newbies in Need May day 9

                          Hello all!

                          Hey Janice--way to go on 10 AF days!! I didn't realize until yesterday that you were also dealing with the stress of an ill mother. You are handling things very well and you are a strong person. Good job.
                          And congrats to Amanda and Imdone! I'm so happy for and proud of every person who gets through another AF day I wish I could hug you. I don't even know how to do the hug symbol thing, though.
                          A hearty, warm welcome to you, Bluesky. I took French. Um, "Bonjour," Comment allez-vous? Je m'appelle Kathy. You were not babbling... don't worry about that. Come here as often as you can and babble away! Whatever it takes to give you the support you need to help strengthen you.
                          Bird-I hope you're feeling better? At least it served as one more incentive to abstain, right?
                          Lunapro--Wine was my poison. Oh, so so much of it it. It makes me nauseous just to think about it. I applaud you for finding the strength to have just ONE glass, and then pouring out the rest! Amazing!! At least for now, I don't think I would stand a chance. I'd chug the whole thing. I'm very happy for you.
                          I want to say so much to all of you!!

                          As for me, I'm now in my 5th AF day. I do keep hearing those crazy thoughts in the evening... Like, Oh, you don't reallly have a problem... Two glasses won't kill you... But then I'm like NO NO NO!! B/c my downfall is that once I've had one, that's it. I'll keep on going til I run out or pass out. I think I have to be a total abstinence gal, not moderation. But then I think, well, OK, what if I binge, but only 1 night a week? Or only at parties? I really haven't been tested yet. But I do know I am loving, loving these wonderful mornings, after a good night's sleep, and the productive days I'm having. How could I have gone so long running a household and watching 2 kids feeling like crap all day?
                          All the best to all of you,


                            Newbies in Need May day 9

                            hi everyone! Aduggan! 2 weeks, fantastic, a great milestone, well done girl!! My intentions at the start of all this was to get myself in a situation where I could be "normal" - a social drinker, eg a glass or two. Now, I don't know if I'm going to be able to do that - I worry I'll be putting too much at risk, and spoil all this hard work cause thats exactly what its been - hard work. I'm aiming for the 30 days then I'll see, but I think I'm going to have to stay off it altogether. Bluesky and Imdone, your doing great - don't dwell on the past - thats gone now, you can't bring it back but what you can do is make today and the future better for you. We are all so lucky that we've got our families, found this website, this programme and each other so stay motivated and positive and you'll do it. There's a prayer/poem - don't know all of it but i think it goes -God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; The courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference. love Janicexx
                            AF since 9 May 2012
                            Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                              Newbies in Need May day 9

                              Thanks aduggan

                              :thanks: Thanks so much for your comments. I think my topimax is in the mail when I get home tonight so I am hoping for my first AF day tomorrow !!! I really hope I get at least one so that I will have the confidence to continue. All the comments on this site have been so are all doing so TERRRIFIC !! Even one AF day at this point would be a blessing !!! Keep up the good work !!!


                                Newbies in Need May day 9

                                Thanks Lunapro

                                I will try taking the vitamins with food....I was taking a whole bunch in the morning...and I don't usually eat breakfast (a No NO ...I know). But maybe if I eat I will feel better. Thanks for the support !!! Keep up the good work.

