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Newbies in Need May day 9

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    Newbies in Need May day 9

    Hi all

    Its 10 days AF for me too today. Its not been as difficult as i thought it would be and i put it down mainly to the supplements and that little bit of will power.

    Went to see a counsellor today just for an assessment and i think it helped to air a lot of my problems. I am going to try it for a while to see if it works in the long term.

    Ive been feeling really tired still and dont know why as ive been sleeping ok but thats only a minor hitch compared to the dreaded hangovers i was getting not to mention the blackouts.

    Anyhow my daughter complemented me at the weekend by saying i had been really nice the past few days and that made me feel so good. I must have been like a raging monster before!!

    Well done everyone for keeping at it and welcome to all new members

    Catch u later


      Newbies in Need May day 9

      aduggin- Hang in There! I know how hard it is to resist those urges. What I find is that they sneak up on me and then somehow my mind turns that corner of no return to give in and it's all over, it's like I give up without much of a fight,like I already psych myself into feeling that I am unable to resistwhen I actually can. Things that have helped me is to remember that they are just thoughts running through your head. They don't mean that you have to pick up that drink. Try thinking that you KNOW you won't pick up that drink instead of keep wondering if you are going to. I don't know if that makes any sense or even helps. Kind of like the power of positive thinking. I just think that we can get stuck in such a routine rut of a way of thinking when these urges come over us and it takes a completely different way of thinking to effectively not act on them. Try to stay strong. Also I think it is pretty normal to feel the way you do at 2 weeks. I have found in the past that sometimes the beginning is actually not that hard and the real hard part is a bit down the road. I know you can do this. I'll be thinking of you. Aquamarine
      AF SINCE 3/16/2016


        Newbies in Need May day 9

        Hello to Tom and Dogwoman - fingers crossed you have your 1st AF day - will be thinking of you. Thank you everyone for keeping me so motivated, I love reading all your posts! Lunapro and Ducky - what discipline, well done. Aduggan - be strong, you've come so far, keep going - have a bath, go for a walk, do something different when you feel that "pull". Well done Bird on day 4, really pleased for you cause you sounded so down the other day. Juney and Imdone, we share a 10 day AF "anniversary" - feels good doesn't it? Well done everyone! Janice
        AF since 9 May 2012
        Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


          Newbies in Need May day 9

          Janice, Juney & Imdone well done on 10days, and hang in there Aduggan you've done brilliantly so far.

          I'm feeling a bit down today, it's dawning on me how stupid I ws slipping at the weekend. I was overwhelmed being back in London and seeing all my old friends and I just got carried away. I only had 3 drinks on Sat and Sun but really wish I hadn't. I'd have 12 days under my belt by now instead of 3 if I hadn't slipped.

          The weather is really horrible here today too, really cold and wet after weeks of lovely sunshine. Oh well I suppose I just need to lok on the bright side. Altogether I have managed 12 out of 15 days af and that is certainly a record for me.

          I hope I canmake the 30 this time round.

          Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


            Newbies in Need May day 9

            Kitty, you can do it! Don't be too hard on yourself afterall we're only human and its going to be hard - there'll be times when the temptation is stronger because of the circumstances we find ourselves in - eg social occasions/friends/relaxing/lovely weather/living in France and all that lovely wine!! When you fall off that bike girl, just get straight back on!! (or should I say wagon!) Keep your chin up, Janicex
            AF since 9 May 2012
            Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


              Newbies in Need May day 9

              do we set ourselves up to fail?

              hi everyone after a great start yesterday i am know wondering how cross i will feel with myself tomorrow after having had 3 glasses of wine tonight. However , i have come to the conclusion that if you make decisions about controlling your drinking on the day after you have drunk too much, then those decisions are influenced by the guilt we are feeling , if we waited until a day when we had not had a drink and then gave ourself a goal then maybe that goal would be one we could achieve? The reason I personally say this is because having had a fairly normal day today I do not feel as panicky as I did yesterday and can be a lot more honest with myself as to what i can achieve such as only drinking a couple of times a week and then making sure i never get drunk. When we set ourselves such goals as 2,5,7,20,30 days af, if we fail that then our self esteem hits an even lower rock bottom than before, maybe we should be true to ourselves as to achieve a goal that is NOT what we think we should do but what we could honestly believe we can achieve .


                Newbies in Need May day 9

                Finishing day 3 now. I pass 4 liquor stores on the way home. My routine has been to get a pint (vodka) at the first one and it would be gone before I got home (about 1/2 hour drive).
                Then, I would find a reason to get a second one and usually get 1/2 of it down before bed.
                Every morning I could not remember if I ate supper, what I did after getting home, etc. Often found I had done something very embarrasing for myself and for my family.

                Last two days and I know tonight also, i have no compulsion to stop in for that pint.
                Working for #4. It's really good to have open, honest folks to share with.
                We need to keep pulling together. Nobody else understands like we do.


                  Newbies in Need May day 9

                  RJ: I'm having trouble with login. In addition, I need to change my email address. How can i get help with this?


                    Newbies in Need May day 9

                    What a lovely poem Janet. I had heard it before, but it really is quite apt. I also would like to moderate, but not sure if I can. But now I know I can abstain for such a long time with this programme I know I have a way out if I slip up again. So I am going to do the 30 days and then I am going to try and moderate, but every few months do another 30 days. If I find that I can't control then I will go AF permanently, but I will never know until I try. I didn't think I could do this, but at the end of 14 days today, so maybe with the help of this programme moderation will be possible for the first time too. Exciting prospect.


                      Newbies in Need May day 9

                      Mollydog, thinking of you. Hang on in their with the vitamins and topa, they do work, but expect to feel a bit off for the first few days. Can't be worse than the permanent hangovers and general malaise of the alcohol induced state we have all put ourselves through for years though and it is only a few days and sooooo worth it.


                        Newbies in Need May day 9

                        Hi all newbies,

                        Just signing off for the night. Been a bit low today, and was very tempted to drink tonight because my bf was drinking and I had an attack of "it's not fair!"

                        Day 3 today and I am feeling the craving's a bit. Got an appointment with the doc tomorrow and think I will ask about campral and I think I will try the L-Glute.

                        Hope you've all had a good day and see you in tomorrow's thread.

                        Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                          Newbies in Need May day 9

                          Hi everyone. . . I just wanted to thank all of you on this thread. I read it everyday and take a lot away from your thoughts and experiences. I am ready to be done with this thing. Alcohol has taken over my entire life. My husband is completely fed up with me and it is not fair to my kids. So count me in. Today will be my 1st AF day. I'm well into my normal drinking time and there is not wine in the house so I will make it.

                          Thanks again everyone!


                            Newbies in Need May day 9

                            Hi Everyone: I couldn't get on the internet this AM. In spite of that, I did not drink. As of tonight, I have 6 days AF & feel really great. I'm finding my sense of humor again. I also cleared up a few things w/my husband that needed to be cleared up...nothing real big. However, when I'm drinking, I don't talk about things. I'm either too drunk or too guilt-ridden. I feel my personality coming out as I sober up. Thank you so much for being here.
                            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                            October 3, 2012


                              Newbies in Need May day 9

                              WElcome Kitty. Retteacher, I am sooo proud of you, 6 days that's fantastic, especially as you were finding it a bit of a struggle at first. I know exactly what you mean about finding your personality, suddently I am standing up for myself for the first time because I am no longer to ill to confront situations or too guilt ridden to back down. I am secretly wondering if my hubby would prefer it if I was drinking. It's a case of be careful what you wish for!!!!


                                Newbies in Need May day 9

                                HI BLUESKY I HAVE BEEN SEARCHING FOR THIS THREAD the thing you said about your daughter re tea rang home, it sounds as if u have children of the same age as me and u feel the same way i do can I get a message to u to just talk about the effect our drinking has had on our children and what we can do to make it better, you are probably like me a dedicated mum for most of the time and then one or two times a week the mum that our children relay on is not there and they struggle wish u were in the uk read your posts we seem similar how old are u i have got two girls aed 11 and 13 high achievers real name gail xxxxx

