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New and Cautiously Optimistic

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    New and Cautiously Optimistic

    :new: Hi all. I am my husband have been alcoholics for a while. I could never get him to admit it. BUT finally he agreed and we are on a new drug. Of course, we drank ourselves sick last nite :H Anyway, I've taken the pills, now I'm cured right? :H I'll check back with you later. Usually I'm a better writer but I'm uncomfortable as all out and what the heck, it's my first post!

    New and Cautiously Optimistic

    Hart, glad to have you here on the MWO site, and don't we all wish we could take a pill and be cured!

    I would encourage you to read the book, and read and contribute to the posts often. It's a great place to be!
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


      New and Cautiously Optimistic

      Hart- Welcome to you and your husband. You have come to a great place. We all know how very difficult it is to stop drinking. Coming here is a great positive step in the right direction.. Aquamarine
      AF SINCE 3/16/2016


        New and Cautiously Optimistic

        (((AAthlete, Aquamarine)))

        No fair, you have these long names and mine's short and sweet:bigwink: I luv these smilies. LOL. Anyway, I think one of the biggest hurdles for me (and hubby) to overcome is the routine, aspect. We have been going home, watching tv then drinking until bed. So yeah, I'll read the book, it will be another thing to change the routine. Besides I like to read anyway.

        Thanx for the support:thanks:


          New and Cautiously Optimistic

          Welcome Hart! And don't be shy! This is a great place to be!


            New and Cautiously Optimistic

            (((More to life, ATM))))

            Thanx, I may log onto the chat. As for being shy...LOL, anyone who knows me hearing me described that way.....well they'd :wow:


              New and Cautiously Optimistic

              Welcome Hart.

              You came to the right place. Look around and start reading some of the posts. As the others have said "read the book". This is a first big step. You will begin to realize that you are with a bunch of folks that have gone through everything you have. I am new also and can not begin to explain how uplifting all the support can be. Log in often and share your thoughts.
              The world and everyday of it is mine.


                New and Cautiously Optimistic

                Welcome 1Hart2Hart or should I say Harts? Maybe your husband needs his own membership. At any rate welcome to both of you. Get a good hold on something, relax, and enjoy the ride, the train is just leaving and you are on board now. You will like the book. Shoot, I need to read the book again myself. Glad you(s) are here, maybe we will meet in chat sometime.

                What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                  New and Cautiously Optimistic

                  ((((Yucon, MDBiker)))

                  Thanx. I doubt my husband will join the forum, but then I am feeling pessimistic about him today anyway. For about the fifth time in two weeks he didn't go to work. A lot of this is do to depression.....and of course, we all know alcohol is good for that, right?

                  I also am nervous because the other times he did this he drank all day. AND it's our day to take his son to Spiderman and if he bugs out because he wants to drink, you will have to start writing me in prison, because I will kill him!

                  Maybe I have it all wrong, maybe he will stay home, take his pills when he should, he hadn't before I left, and be ready to go to Spiderman with us tonite.

                  And the damn pill is hurting my stomach! I just have this sinking feeling what others have suggested might happen, I will have to quit drinking alone, and then what about Joe?


                    New and Cautiously Optimistic

                    Hello Hart and welcome to MWO.
                    I hope that both you and your husband get into the whole program here. It's so wonderful in many ways. I always love coming here and reading the posts. People from all over the world actually have gone through the same things you have and are willing to talk about it. I really thought I was alone in some of my struggles, but I was sooo wrong. Do me a favor (asks a complete stranger!!!), if your husband doesn't buy into this, still do this for yourself. That's what I realized I needed to do. (Hence the screen name, I guess, Doh!!!) Glad you are here and welcome aboard!
                    Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                      New and Cautiously Optimistic


                      Thanx and I don't have to kill my husband. He took his meds, didn't drink and is picking up Evan so we can see Spiderman!:happyheart:


                        New and Cautiously Optimistic

                        Glad everything worked out for you tonight Hart. It is SOOOOOOOOOOOO hard to live with a depressed alcoholic. I know all too well. Both my hub and I were - YIKES!!!!

                        You keep plugging along in here and do this for you. The only life you can change is yours. It took my hub 6 months to 'realize' that drinking and loss of a family was a crap life. I hope everything in your home works out for the best!!


                          New and Cautiously Optimistic

                          Welcome aboard Hart. I hope you stick around

                          :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                            New and Cautiously Optimistic


                            Well day one, 8:45 pm, haven't had a drink, nothing in the house Think I'll check out the chat room. Thanx Scoob

