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Still very tired - what is wrong with me?

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    Still very tired - what is wrong with me?

    hi all

    I know i keep rattling on about this but im still so very tired. This is despite having a good nights sleep.
    Ive been taking the Korean Ginseng to give me a lift and coffee twice a day and even stimulant soft drinks but im just so wiped out. Anyone else feel like this?

    Any of you medics out there got any suggestions?

    Thanks guys xx

    Still very tired - what is wrong with me?

    Have you had a physical lately to rule out anemia or perhaps a thyroid issue? Also, don't know how long you have been without drinking but I have heard from others that it takes a while to get your energy back.......Hope you start feeling perky soon!!!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Still very tired - what is wrong with me?

      Hi Lushy

      Been AF for 10 days now but only really started feeling very tired for just over a week. I was wondering about the thyroid issue and if thats the problem as another thing is im always feeling cold and i think thats a symptom. Something i could do without right now!


        Still very tired - what is wrong with me?


        I have a thyroid problem is underactive. I was first diagnosed after my drinking increased to deal with my depression and panic attacks.

        The main signs with me were putting on weight and my skin being puffy and a bit Michelin Man if you get my drift, excessive exhaustion (sleeping all day and all night being awake and active for only a few hours), my periods were all funny; skin went bad and got psoirasis; and my blood pressure shot up.

        Good news was once the blood tests happened was given daily medication to deal with it all - and as I get an exemption certificate so dont have to pay prescription charges as is thyroid disease.

        So my advice have a look on the www and if you think it sounds like you go and get your doctor to get you a blood test.

        Best wishes



          Still very tired - what is wrong with me?

          Thanks Gargykath

          I think i will visit the doc as im getting a bit concerned now and need to rule it out anyway.


            Still very tired - what is wrong with me?

            Thyroid conditions are very common. I too was always cold and SO tired. I am still cold but have so much energy since I have been taking thyroid meds....
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              Still very tired - what is wrong with me?


              Another thryoidy person Lushy !!! :hug: There are loads of us I keep meeting people through work and friends with it.

              I was going nuts before I got diagonosed properly. Was also v v upset as it took a visit to a private doctor to sort it out after my GP went on about it just being stress.

              The other thing I would do is ask relatives about your family history and see whether there is anyone else with any form of thyroid problem. My maternal gran had an overactive thyroid but my condition skips generations. Ask and see and take that info with you to see the doc.

              Good news is though that pills seem to work v quickly. Let me know how you get on !!!! Though I do have days where I spend all day in bed because am feeling exhausted about twice a year.

              My exact condition is called Hashimotos (which sounds very grand). It means have raised cholesterol as well and blood pressure. But as it is an auto immune thing (where my body makes anti bodies to attack my thryoid gland) my GP told me means have less chance of getting cancer (but no one else seems to think that and he is a bit useless to be honest) so am not sure whether is true or not. But free prescriptions for everything (even when have had other conditions) so not all bad news.

              Best of luck



                Still very tired - what is wrong with me?

                Dont worry too much

                Hi Juney and all,
                It's a great idea to go to the doctor and get a check up just to rule out some things but I wouldnt worry too much about the tiredness...It will pass.
                I was at about day 50 when the tiredness really kicked in (but as I was such a chronic drinker it would have taken a bit for my body to get over the shock:H )
                I've had the headaches and the terrible skin and It's just your body getting rid of all the poison you've put in it.
                Just take it easy and accept that your body knows best.
                I'll gladly suffer these temporary physical annoyances for freedom from this beast.
                7 months AF for me now and loving it.
                Your doing great Juney:goodjob: Just let all the little hiccups run their course and you stay strong.
                Victoria xxooxx


                  Still very tired - what is wrong with me?

                  Victoria - WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!! I don't see you much on the boards anymore and was wondering how you are doing??!!!

                  Juney - I completely agree with Stollies. I was REALLY tired for the first couple of weeks of AF. Everything she described is EXACTLY how I felt/looked etc. Lots of built up toxins and the body goes into detox shock on the most part. Just take extra care of yourself!! Lots of good food, water and nap when you can. This will pass. If it doesn't in a couple of weeks I would suggest seeing a doc just to make sure you are fine.


                    Still very tired - what is wrong with me?

                    I agree bloodwork...

                    Juney -- go for bloodwork and there will be some answers -- also keep track of your body temperature in the morning as it also is an indicator of low thyroid -- unfortunately low thyroid does not always appear in blood work. LaLiz


                      Still very tired - what is wrong with me?

                      Juney, despite sleeping really soundly, I'm getting up on a morning feeling absolutely shattered, as if I haven't slept at all. As the day goes on, I feel better but its that first thing in the morning feeling. Might be worth you getting checked out by the drs, but it just could be our bodies adjusting, getting rid of all the toxins etc. Janice
                      AF since 9 May 2012
                      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                        Still very tired - what is wrong with me?

                        Hi Juney,
                        Whilst you could have a thyroid problem you are also trying to buzz your body into action with stimulants. The coffee will give a short buzz then take you lower which is why you then need another. It might be better to give up the coffee and ginseng. What are you eating? Avoid sugar and refined carbs. A diet rich in veg and slow acting carbs would be better, have a look at Gycaemic Index diet or perhaps 'Potatoes not prozac' that diet will help boost energy not just mood.
                        Well done on 10 days AF, brilliant!
                        Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


                          Still very tired - what is wrong with me?

                          I'm with stollies - I got really really tired at week two, and it took about a month to pass.... I think it's more than just the alcohol withdrawal, I think it's emotional too... lots of shit going on in your head when you first sober up.....
                          It always seems impossible until it's done....


                            Still very tired - what is wrong with me?

                            i agree with everyone get checked out by a doctor BUT i also could sleep the clock around i wonder if it is because the alcohol deprived us of so much quality sleep, initially i could not sleep i was tossing and turning all night but in the last week i have no trouble grtting to sleep and could sleep al morning if i had the chance, but i feel so good and refreshed from my sleep

