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3 Days AF - liking this MWO schedule

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    3 Days AF - liking this MWO schedule

    I took the risk and found that I had indeed - despite fears from prior self-detox experiences - weaned myself off alcohol a little at a time. I drank less, ate better, started exercising again, and taking supplements again - all gradually.

    No hallucinations this time, no insomnia. Just peaceful, hypnosis-induced sleep, mild nightmares, and the kind of sweat that makes you want to exercise (I'm already detoxing - I already feel better) when you wake up actually rested.

    I have been following the program as closely as I can, and I'm personally impressed at how it's flushed my system. The past three days have been a roller-coaster-ride. My power-walks and weight-lifting sessions have been very much in flow. Sometimes it's also an uncomfortable cleansing. But I'm pretty happy right now. It's been a productive week.

    Been taking Topamax right along with every supplement meant to offset certain symptoms. Avoiding white bread, rice, potatoes, et cetera. Avoiding sugar.

    Thanks for the encouragement, peeps!! :h

    "It takes a whole lot of medicine, Darlin', to pretend to be somebody else" - Bonnie Raitt

    3 Days AF - liking this MWO schedule

    It's great isn't it?. So glad to hear the program is working for you. And I'm sure you'll find that it just gets better and better and that as the weeks roll on any unpleasant symptoms will disappear as you feel stronger and more and more in control. Meanwhile just relish all that lovely , relaxing, healing sleep...

    Can't wait to hear the next installment.


