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My 4th coming back post, but who's counting?

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    My 4th coming back post, but who's counting?

    I didn't mean to scare you like that, but just being honest and why this was always the root of my "quits." I come from a family of alcoholics and cirrhosis is just one of the many illnesses Al can cause. Dad had pancreatitis two years ago, Al related. He hasn't drunk, I believe, since. Neighbor is doing well. She still shows signs of weaknesses and tiredness as well as jaundice. But she's on the road to a much better life.
    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


      My 4th coming back post, but who's counting?

      J-Vo, yes I have been reading about pancreatitis, too. It's all very scarey. I am glad your dad is okay as well.. ((Hugs))..
      "We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
      ~John Lennon

      Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

      ~Author Unknown


        My 4th coming back post, but who's counting?

        Thank you! And we're all here for each other. If you ever need me, I'm here, as I won't leave MWO this time. Never!
        Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


          My 4th coming back post, but who's counting?

          Hi Dip Gal,
          Just want to wish you great success in quitting. I know that personally I can never moderate! During last year (2013) my drinking reached an all time high, or low which ever way you look at it!! Was consuming vast amounts, more than ever before. Had some very worrying symptoms which have gone now (thank God). I was falsely diagnosed with pancreatitis a few years ago, then after various tests it was confirmed that I had not got it.... but I do know that if I went on the way I was I would get liver and pancreas diseases.

          At the moment a healthy fear of alcohol is one of the things helping me not to drink. Soon I will pluck up courage to have blood tests etc, am frightened to do this ..... I am bound to have some damage but hopefully it is of the kind that can heal. What does amaze me is how much the body wants to heal, today is now day five for me, just before that I had a few days, then I drank one eve, I just feel now I must not drink in order to really heal any organ damage. Also am fed up with the pull that it had over me. I do enjoy being free of it .
          New life started on 1st May 2014, One day at a time I will work at continuing it forever!


            My 4th coming back post, but who's counting?

            Darkest Diamond, thanks for dropping in and offering your support. Good for you on getting to day 5! Tomorrow is the first day of my 30-60 days AF. I haven't had blood tests for about a year, and my liver enzymes were on the high side of normal at that time. I don't know that I have had that much more to drink over the last year (than usual), but I just feel that one day will be the straw that broke the camel's back. I've been doing this for too many years.. And my weight has gotten so out of hand.

            If I obsess too much about AL during my hiatus, then I am clearly not ready to moderate, and maybe never will be.. we'll see. Keep up the great work with your quit!!

            Happy New Year to my new MWO friends!
            "We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
            ~John Lennon

            Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

            ~Author Unknown


              My 4th coming back post, but who's counting?

              Okay, day #1 successful so far and it is 5:10 PM. I had a N/A beer at 4:30 and now a diet ginger ale with a splash of diet cranberry juice. I'm making portobella mushroom pizzas for dinner (pizza ingredients using portobella mushroom caps as the "crust").

              Although I do not have any cravings, this morning I was very emotional. I am not much of a crier but I cried when thinking about how I would not be comforted or entertained later. What would I "do" when I got home?

              I had lunch at a coffee shop instead of the bar/restaurants in town - with girlfriends. They gave me a great pep talk and are wonderfully supportive.

              So far since coming home at 4 PM it's not much different than usual.. unloaded the groceries and turned on the computer. Checking in on my forums and waiting for the bomb to hit. Nothing yet. Only difference from a normal day is the drink in my glass has no alcohol. Oh, and I am not raiding the fridge before dinner!:H

              I just purchased "Drinking-A Love Story" for my kindle. I know what I'll be doing tonight!
              "We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
              ~John Lennon

              Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

              ~Author Unknown


                My 4th coming back post, but who's counting?

                Bravo my friend!

                Day One and well done.:goodjob:


                  My 4th coming back post, but who's counting?

                  Oh the Vegas stories...Pauly, you are TOO FUNNY...that sounds like something I would do! :H

                  I went to a casino where each dealer was dressed up as a celebrity and I happened to get Billy Idol. Now you must realize that in "real life" I don't, and have never, been a fan of Billy Idol. But I'll tell ya....14 beers in and I was IN LOVE with Billy! I remember walking across the casino shouting the top of my lungs "I LOOOOVE YOU BIIIILLLYYY!!!"

                  Not my most shining moment of all time. LOL
                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    My 4th coming back post, but who's counting?


                    K9Lover;1607050 wrote: Oh the Vegas stories...Pauly, you are TOO FUNNY...that sounds like something I would do! :H

                    I went to a casino where each dealer was dressed up as a celebrity and I happened to get Billy Idol. Now you must realize that in "real life" I don't, and have never, been a fan of Billy Idol. But I'll tell ya....14 beers in and I was IN LOVE with Billy! I remember walking across the casino shouting the top of my lungs "I LOOOOVE YOU BIIIILLLYYY!!!"

                    Not my most shining moment of all time. LOL
                    K9- at least you said "remember"

                    AF since 12/26/13

                    "...........just put one foot in front of the other and move forward. One step at a time." Chris McCombs



                      My 4th coming back post, but who's counting?

                      Overit44;1607052 wrote: K9- at least you said "remember"
                      well...technically I "was reminded" and then it all came know how that goes. LOL
                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        My 4th coming back post, but who's counting?

                        Good for ya! Stay close to the forum and keep reading. I love the portabella pizza idea! Yum! And "Drinking, A Love Story" is one of my favs. Get comfy and read. Tomorrow you'll get up and feel awesome. Drink lots of water, btw. And they say it's good to add lemon to the water - helps to flush out toxins in the system.
                        Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                          My 4th coming back post, but who's counting?

                          K9, laughin so hard I peed my pants a bit!:H
                          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                            My 4th coming back post, but who's counting?

                            K9-what a hoot! J-vo..I did buy lemons! Will cut them up in the a.m. Thanks for the reminder! Almost bed time..success! How are you doing Dancing Girl?
                            "We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
                            ~John Lennon

                            Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

                            ~Author Unknown


                              My 4th coming back post, but who's counting?

                              ARGH - I drank yesterday; quite a bit too (certainly a nice RED column on my friend the DrinkAware chart.) However, today is today and I see that if I don't drink I will be down 972 calories from yesterday! I'm also now in the "Increasing Risk" or orange category rather than the "High Risk" or red category overall.

                              I sound obsessive, don't I? Oh well, whatever keeps me going. It's kind of cute how these rewards work.

                              Plan for today. 1) no drinks 2) work out later in the morning or mid-afternoon

                              Mutual diet with hubby starting on Monday (when I go back to work). The alcohol challenge on Monday will be getting back into the routine of the fall. Come home and grab wine bottle - gotta grab the lemon fizzy water instead!

                              Good luck to all and thanks for asking about me, DipGal!


                                My 4th coming back post, but who's counting?

                                How's it going Dipgal? I bought the portabellas for the portabella pizza! Can't wait to try.
                                Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.

