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Newbies in need May day 10

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    Newbies in need May day 10

    Good morning everyone. Just a quick reminder for any new newbies, we started this thread at the beginning of may so that us newbies could have one thread each day to catch up, chat and support each other throughout the day. Everyone is welcome, whatever your goal, be it total abstienence, moderation, 30 days AF or just to get through one day at a time. Join in. To all you veteran newbies, well done with all your efforts so far and keep on going and those of you who are struggling as I keep saying, remember, Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Have a good day. Love Amanda

    Newbies in need May day 10

    Morning everyone, yeh still going good, husband said I'm looking well and he's dead proud of me!!!!! He said I've given him something to think about and that maybe he should be cutting down himself!! Just off to work, have a good AF day everyone, speak later, Janicex
    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


      Newbies in need May day 10

      Good Morning Everyone and thanks for this great thread,

      What a wonderful feeling to waken up for another day AF (only day 4 but one day at a time for me). It makes things so much brighter, went off to work with a spring in my step instead of trailing my feet and fretting about what I might or might not have done the night before, this is much better than the false kick the wine give you and my goodness what a brilliant nights' sleep I had - long may it last!

      Good luck to everyone of you whether your challenge is AF, DF, Moderation, etc. etc. do it your way, we are all different and if we fail we must get up and try again, anyway, I'm sure you'll agree that this is sooooooo much better than being hungover all the time!

      Thanks again for this site and all the wonderdful members, it is a honour to chat with you all.


      BS X
      It is easier to stay out than get out.

      Mark Twain


        Newbies in need May day 10

        First week

        Hello! I've posted a few times, but I obviously haven't mastered how to use this forum yet...sent a long spiel to " Garden girl" and even I can't find into cyber space. Anyway will try again. Read the MWO book last week and it turned me around. My dirty little secret harboured for so long didn't seem so scary anymore. I sent for the vitamins straight away and the CD's, but I feel a little nervous to try the Topamax. Usually i would drink 4-5 glasses of wine a night, every night, and more at weekends. I have now had two AF days and four days of only half a glass each night. I WAKE UP AS FRESH AS A DAISY!!
        I so want to be a sober person, some one I can be proud of.
        Jane :heart:


          Newbies in need May day 10

          Good morning all,
          Day 5 for me. I haven't made it that far in a long time.I'm awfully tired.Have had the stomach flu but otherwise its great to get that wonderful sleep.And such vivid dreams.Good luck to all today and congratulations to all making their goals.This is a great thread.I'm so glad to be here. Bird


            Newbies in need May day 10

            Hi Everyone: I just looked at my drink tracker. I have 6 AF days in a row. It feels good. I've noticed that I'm getting myself back as the fog is lifting. When I'm drinking, I'm either drunk, recovering from a drunk, or feeling guilty. Now, I can concentrate on other things such as working through the ups & downs of life. It feels good.

            Bluesky: It's one day at a time for me too. If I go any farther than that, I get into bad thinking: "I'll never be able to have a cocktail hour w/friends & family." "I'll never be able to have a nice cold glass of white wine again." "I'll never have champagne again." etc. etc. Today, I have plans & don't have to drink. Tomorrow will take care of itself.
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              Newbies in need May day 10

              Hi Everyone- Everyone sounds pretty upbeat so far, that's great. I had no problem yesterday. I have found that since I have kind of been trying to stop drinking in some fashion for about a year I am at the point where I have some days in a row where it is actually not hard at all to not drink. That is amazingly different for me. There still are those days in between that are really difficult and I have given in on many of them. But I d feel a change so maybe that can encourage others to keep plodding on . Even if you have slips along the way it can get better. I still have a major problem resisting those cravings when they come around but I' m going to keep on trying. Welcome Jane- and congratulations on your 2 days AF . Take Care Everyone! Aquamarine
              AF SINCE 3/16/2016


                Newbies in need May day 10

                Welcome Jane, good to hear from you. Thats about the same amount as I was drinking - well done on your 2 AF days, what a great start!! Best wishes, Janice
                AF since 9 May 2012
                Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                  Newbies in need May day 10

                  Bird, you're doing amazing - Day 5! Me too with the tiredness especially on a morning when I first wake and despite the fact I'm sleeping so well. I was talking to Juney about that as she feels the same - perhaps its our bodies adjusting to this new healthy regime!!! Have a good day, Janice
                  AF since 9 May 2012
                  Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                    Newbies in need May day 10

                    Good morning all. I messed up last night and I am pizzed at myself but I have decided to move on and not get into a funk. I had picked up some salmon and spinach to make a nice dinner and had planned on one or two glasses of vino. Then a neighbor/friend stopped by with her kiddies and I offered her a glass. That led to another and I really needed to cook my dinner. When I offered to make the salmon she declined. Then we had a third glass and I pushed the salmon and she decided to stay for dinner. I ended up drinking 4 glasses of wine and blabbing to another all know the deal. So I wake up at 4:30 am with a headache and feeling like a jerk. I am mad at myself because after one glass I should have welcomed her to stay for another but said I really needed to make my dinner. Instead I ruined my evening and this morning. OK, that is the past and I am moving on. Tx for listening. And congrats to all of you who did so well.


                      Newbies in need May day 10

                      Ducky - don't worry thats the way this horrible addiction goes. Just keep fighting it, start again today. Good luck, Janice.
                      AF since 9 May 2012
                      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                        Newbies in need May day 10

                        Thanks Janice. It is frustrating as all heck but I am going to start again. I really want to be able to moderate and I think I can. If I find I can't then I will take another path. I really appreciate this site and you all are very inspiring.



                          Newbies in need May day 10

                          Welcome Jane! Tried to find your long message to gardengirl but yes I think it has drifted away to Cybersapce, you will get the hang of this site eventually. There are many different threads going on, all of them gerat!

                          Reteacher I'm absolutely 100% with you - no goals - just one day at a time!

                          Ducky give yourself a break - so what - it could have been worse - you didn't go out and commit a crime.... nobody said that we never need to touch the stuff again.... agghhhhhhh, it's never to late to start again today. Of course it's disappointing but it's only a slip up not the end of the world. If I thought I could never touch it again I certainly wouldn't feel the confident way I feel now. I'm only confident because I have no wine stocked up at home and am being totally unsociable. I'm taking it one day at a time with no goals. Right now it's brilliant but my day will come to...... where I will crack.... but then I will just have to start again! We have all had or will have our weak days, who cares it could be worse! Pity you feel so hungover though! Be kind to yourself...... no matter how many steps forward and backward we are taking we are all doing great and should be proud of ourselves!

                          Good luck to all.

                          BS X
                          It is easier to stay out than get out.

                          Mark Twain


                            Newbies in need May day 10

                            Tx bluesky. I don't think I committed a crime, lol! I will just move on now. I know what I want to achieve (some AF days and mods on others) and I am going to keep trying till I get there.

                            Time to get this house in order, in more ways than one.
                            :yougo: :yougo: :yougo: :yougo:


                              Newbies in need May day 10

                              Morning All,

                              This is the start of day 8 for me. At this point I'm not sure if it will be an AF day or I will be restarting my counter. I had some really upsetting dreams last night and have been in a general funk the last two days due partially to my menstrual cycle. I didn't go to they gym yesterday due to feeling crappy so that might be part of my funk today. The gym bag is packed and in my car the plan is to go to the gym and then reassess if I REALLY want that glass of wine or not. Also I am working totally alone for the remainder of the week.

                              Thanks for your support!

                              Suddenly I see
                              This is what I want to be
                              suddenly I see
                              Why the hell it means so much to me.

                              -KT Tunstall

