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Can we get a weight loss tread started up in here?!

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    Can we get a weight loss tread started up in here?!

    Hello all,

    Thanks sixtyfour for the welcome. I weighed in today and was down 2 pounds on day 3, I know it's probably water/wine weight but i'll take it.

    It's -22 degrees out this morning with wind chill of -47. They say you burn more calories by trying to stay warm, I should be 10 pounds lighter by tomorrow! lol

    Hope everyone has a AF day and good healthy eating day. WE CAN DO THIS!


      Can we get a weight loss tread started up in here?!

      and don't worry Jazi, you'll get there. just keep tweeking your diet and you will find something that will work for you. hang in there.


        Can we get a weight loss tread started up in here?!

        Hi back, Tavistock. You are so right that we each have to find what works and stick with it. It's the 'sticking with it' that's hard. Finding a WOE that is livable for the long term is key. Dieting per se is a mugs game. When the diet is over and the weight is lost, back we go to eating what we've deprived ourselves of. I just have to get my stubborn head around the fact that once a proper WOE is found it has to be forever.

        And of course, finding the amounts that satisfy but don't 'stuff' is also key.

        Congratulations on your weight loss - who cares if it's water weight - it always feels so great to see the scales move quickly eh?
        My first "indifference experience" Saturday January 11, 2014. Thank God for Baclofen!


          Can we get a weight loss tread started up in here?!

          It's about finding a lifestyle that you can maintain. I find that preparing your own meals with whole foods is definitely the key to maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle. I have seen friends in the past who try to eliminate carbs and/or fats for a period of time, or go on cleanses, only to have their weight constantly yo-yo.

          I bake healthy items that I can put in the families lunches, I have a great recipe for zucchini muffins, made with whole wheat flour and honey and unsweetened applesauce instead of sugar! They taste great and freeze well.

          Keep up the great work everyone!! :l
          On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


            Can we get a weight loss tread started up in here?!

            Well done on the weight loss, Tav - who cares whether it's fluid or wine weight - it's still weight! And Jaz, don't feel despondent, you are quite right too that diets aren't the answer, as we really have to find a way of eating that we can stick with. At the same time, with a good 100 pounds to lose as I have, I've got to take drastic measures to get at least a few of those pounds moving as quickly as possible. I thought it would fall off me once I quit (apart from Christmas I haven't changed my eating habits at all, and knew I wouldn't be able to take refuge in food to support me in the first few AF days - I do have trouble losing) but sadly it is proving very stubborn despite cutting out almost two bottles of wine three or four nights a week. I'm two days into the diet now, trying to resist the urge to jump on the scales before next Monday! How's everyone else going?

            AF from 22 November 2013

            Happily on the road to Sobriety - there's nowhere else worth going to...


              Can we get a weight loss tread started up in here?!

              Hello weight warriors!

              Still down 2 pounds and I'm happy with that. My boss who is obese went on a liquid diet where you juice everything. He lost 60 pounds in 3 months. Then he decided he needed to chew again and gained everything back and more.

              Yes, it's all about lifestyle change that you can maintain forever. I need to get an exercise program in place. I'm having a challenge with that because it's so damn cold outside and I used to walk my dog twice a day. Her and I are both suffering.

              I'll just keep working at it. Being AF is my top priority at the moment.


                Can we get a weight loss tread started up in here?!

                Tavistock, I'm with you on the cold and not getting out. I'm very fortunate that Husband walks our dog no matter what the weather - DoggieGirl gets out for a minimum of 2 hours every day, broken up into 4 walks. But Husband is one of those 'dedicated' types!!! Not me, I hibernate in winter and bloom in the spring. Now that this January deep freeze is going to pass by the end of the week, I'm looking for SPRING!!!
                My first "indifference experience" Saturday January 11, 2014. Thank God for Baclofen!


                  Can we get a weight loss tread started up in here?!

                  I keep losing and gaining the same 3 pounds. I like to tell myself that I'm gaining muscle. LOL

                  I've done the juicing thing and yes, you definitely crave the chewing after a day or two! And to eat something hot!
                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    Can we get a weight loss tread started up in here?!

                    I used to walk my dog all winter long, last year I fell on the ice and sprained my right wrist, so I'm a little gun shy this winter. Plus when you can get frostbite in under 10 mins......

                    It's going to warm up into the 30's this weekend, so we will be back out there.

                    Didn't weigh in today so we will see if I hang onto the 2 pound loss.

                    anyway, happy healthy AF hump day!


                      Can we get a weight loss tread started up in here?!

                      Tavistock, no fun falling on the ice - I'm very wary of walking outside right now too. My sister had a fall outside the grocery store on Monday -badly bruised and swollen knees etc. The store manager came running and was slightly freaked - guess he thought she'd sue!! No point in making a fuss - icy all over and no help till the weekend here when it will be 'warm' again.

                      I'm pretty happy I was able to fast until 3pm yesterday. Broke fast with 7 oz burger, then had a BIG salad with walnuts for dinner with Husband. That felt good so will try again today. Oh, and I did have a mug of beef broth with a tablespoon of butter in it at noon. Does the trick. Today I'm craving beef so will eat steak when I break my fast, then have more for dinner. Beef does it for me!!!! I could eat steak 3 times a day, all week.
                      My first "indifference experience" Saturday January 11, 2014. Thank God for Baclofen!


                        Can we get a weight loss tread started up in here?!

                        Well damn, those 2 pounds reappeared this morning! How is it possible to stop the wine (maybe 500-700 calories a day) and yet the pounds just don't melt off? I don't get it.

                        So I guess I'll join K9 in losing and gaining the same pounds over and over again. lol

                        Going to start adding weight lifting and watching the amount of food I eat for dinner.
                        Today is day 6 and I'll just be grateful for that! Looking forward to getting to 1 week!

                        My youngest DD is home from college for winter break and we are going shopping this weekend. I'm going to buy myself something for my week of sobriety. After all I've saved $$ from not buying at least 3 bottles of wine this week.


                          Can we get a weight loss tread started up in here?!

                          Jazi, I'm going to try your broth idea. It sounds actually pretty good!


                            Can we get a weight loss tread started up in here?!

                            Morning all!! And congrats on all the AF days racked up - good going!!

                            Tavistock, yes the chicken or beef broth is really helpful when fasting. From what I've read you can even have heavy cream and coconut oil in your morning coffee, and butter in hot broth for 'lunch', then continue to fast from real food until the first meal later on - in whatever eating window you choose. The fat is not metabolized in the same way as carbs but helps turn us into fat-burning machines - and it lets the gut rest in the same way as not having anything but water.

                            Give me creamy, coconut oily coffee and broth with butter over herb tea or water any day :H:H

                            My first "indifference experience" Saturday January 11, 2014. Thank God for Baclofen!


                              Can we get a weight loss tread started up in here?!

                              Hello skinny minnies to be! I am continuing on my 5:2 fast diet plan and today is a fast day. I haven't been overeating on my normal days, and like Tavis am saving anywhere between 500-1500 calories a day because of no AL. I have not weighed myself since mid-December, and I am a little nervous to hop on the metal monster. I am doing good healthy things, and I want to disassociate that from the number on the scale. If I don't weigh what I weighed last time I looked (after losing 8.5 lbs between 11/17 and 12/13) I'll be upset. I may weigh after my next fast (next fast is next Mon., so I'd weigh on Tuesday) or I just might wait until the beginning of Feb. to let this healthy living really kick in.. LOL Can't decide.

                              I find that on my normal days I am having just what I want, but am eating less of it. Last night I went out with friends after a meeting and asked them if we could do a place with no AL.. We went to a great family restaurant and I ordered breakfast for dinner and ate half and brought the rest home. I am just paying attention to my hunger and fullness, which is so important!

                              One of these days, I think I'll do the *only liquids* idea with coconut oil all day. I have not attempted that yet. Yes, it's supposed to be very ketogenic!

                              Stay strong!!
                              "We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
                              ~John Lennon

                              Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

                              ~Author Unknown


                                Can we get a weight loss tread started up in here?!

                                Well I did it again...lost 2, gained 2! Darn, it's so frustrating. I will admit that I DID cheat the other night and ate some Cheetos while I was watching TV...but seriously, all the WORK I did, and then some Cheetos ruins it all??? So NOT fair.

                                I hear ya Dip on not getting on the Metal's just so annoying. You would think that cutting out 1200 useless calories (beer) a day would cause some magical tranformation, but does NOT.

                                Well, all I can say is hang in there...I guess our efforts will pay off eventually!
                                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

