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So far so good but....

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    So far so good but....

    Haven't really posted here before, so here goes.

    Been AF for now 10 days straight and feel fantastic, full of energy, happy, and really living on a high. Its great, but we have people over for dinner tommorrow night and l just don't think l will be able to not drink. I love the way l am at the moment, but am very scared of drinking again, as l have been doing really silly things and feeling really bad the next day because l drink too much. Normally l can limit my alchohol consumption to safe levels, and safe for me, is 4 glasses, but lately l have had too many rough nights and hangovers and l say and do things l dont' really mean to my family. If l have a drink tommorrow night l know l will be fine, but what worries me is later down the track am l going to face that problem of having too much and having regrets over my behaviour.

    I have been drinking now since l was 16, and now l am 36.
    I only drink wine and l have always only drank socially, but in the past few years my social drinking has really increased. I might drink 1 bottle or more when out to dinner with friends on the weekends. I don't drink during the week, only on Frid, Sat and used to be Sun nights, and l managed to cut out Sunday's now for a while quiet successfully without missing it much at all, but l still can't quit on Frid and Sat nights. I am a pretty social person and enjoy being with others, but l just can't see myself not drinking at all, and l can't see myself going back to drinking. Not sure what to do.

    My goal was to try to go 30 days, but not sure l can do it. Why is it 30 days anyway? Is that how long it takes your body to detox?

    Anyway, sorry for rambling and l hope it all makes sense.

    So far so good but....

    Hi Shezian, welcome to the site, its good to hear from you. I'm Janice, 44 and have been drinking too much for too long!!! Like you, I love my wine and like you, I'm now on AF11!! I think you sound quite disciplined about your drinking and have some control over when you drink?? You have done really well cutting out your Sunday drinking! I'm afraid my weekend started earlier and earlier in the week and I've ended up drinking a bottle of wine every night (starting earlier and earlier in the day!) with more on a weekend. If you do feel you can drink in moderation, and find it hard not to drink wine when you are socialising, why not try a white wine spritzer - a longer drink -white wine topped up with lemonade - which will last you longer and be less alcoholic for you? Keep it going, you are doing well!! Janice
    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


      So far so good but....

      Thanks Janice
      Will give it a go tommorrow night.
      Let you know how l went.


        So far so good but....

        I think each person needs to find themselves...learn themselfes...test or try themselves as they take this journey. You try this and that as far as AF or moderation and you learn...hey I can do this or I should not do that cause it does or doesn't help me achieve or be what I want or be where I want to go...A few steps back is not failure nor the end of the road. Sharing here together we learn, we understand, we can overcome the addiction...

        Better not to put so much pressure on one's self for any particular step...

        Day by day my friends...
        Control the Mind


          So far so good but....

          Words of wisdom Rocky. I know I have been putting a lot of pressure on myself because I am so tired of myself. I think my answer will reveal itself. The one thing I know for sure is I don't want to feel like I do this morning, whether that means mods or AF.

