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My Key Story

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    My Key Story

    Here is my key story that I hope find interesting. I apologise in advance for the rambling badly spelt offering !!.

    A month ago after a mammoth drinking session , which I will spare you the gory details of , I deceided enough was enough and it was time to go af. A few days later I was lying on the bed in our quiet spare loft room and being a very spirtual person I asked for some help and guidance to help to stick to my af resolve. (As like most of us on here I had said I would not drink many many times before and never stuck to it. ) As I was lying there quietly the word KEY came into my head, so I though well a key must have some meaning so I made the decision to buy key for myself. A few hours later I was getting ready to go out to buy the pendant and I could not find my car keys. I felt physically sick as I am very careful with my keys and I assumed that I must have lost them when I was drunk a few nights before (something that I have done in the past). I was very upset and angry with as I could not believe how stupid i was to get so drunk again and loose my keys as I don't have a spare set. I was devastated not so much for the keys but the drinking session that had lead to their loss not to put to finer point on it I felt crap and ashamed of my actions. I also had to admit to my husband that I had lost the keys , fortunately he was understanding but I feel awful and really humiliated. Needless to say I was pretty miserable the rest of the afternoon. I came on here and spoke with another member who suggested I buy a key pendant as it would be a reminder of how I felt when I found I had lost my keys as memories as we all know af the stuff we do can rapidly fade and lead us down the path of thinking we are ok to drink !!. She said she had a charm necklace that she add to mark her af milestones and also its good to have it hanging there as a reminder if you every get twitchy for a drink.. I thought this was a brilliant idea. I was determined to buy a key. I live in a small town and the only one i could find in the short term was a really pretty key with a 21 on it ( I am many years past 21 !!!) but i was so determined to have a key that i bought it anyway with the plan to replace it when i saw a different one in the future.

    Now 2 things happened my son came home and yes you guessed it he had taken my keys as he could not find his own , big relief. But I have the pendant to remind me how it felt when i thought i had lost my keys and I also realised I will never replace the 21 key as I quite drinking on the 2/12/13 all numbers that the 21 on my little key help me remember.

    So now whenever I get a bit meloncolly sometimes about the whole being af thing I just hold my little key in my hand as an affirmation of my decision to go af. I have also pondered that a key is significant as being af is the key out of the hell whole that drink locked me in and being af is the key to a sober door and a happy bright future !!!

    I now plan to go shopping and find a little pendant that in my eye represent Christmas to go along side my key to remind myself that I got through the biggest drinking season of the year af .
    AF Since 2nd December 2013

    Being af is not your punishment ! its your salvation !!:goodjob:

    Diet Start

    25th Feb 2014 10st 6lbs 3rd March 10st 1.5lbs

    My Key Story

    Oh, what a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing it with everyone. You are exactly right in saying that we soon forget how bad things were, when we think we can drink again and it will all be different/better.

    The key is a great idea.
    My first "indifference experience" Saturday January 11, 2014. Thank God for Baclofen!


      My Key Story

      Thanks for sharing your story, Poppy. You're sounding so good and strong now. I loved your post in the Newbies Nest the other day.

      If you're ever tempted to drink but keep your hands clutched around that key, there is no way to pick up a glass . I promise you you'll never regret not drinking.

      :l NS


        My Key Story

        Thanks for the great story. I am inspired. I have my date set for Jan the 4th coming up so stop my daily drinking thing for 30 days and am looking for inpiration......
        ?Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday.?

        ― John Wayne


          My Key Story

          Thank you for sharing that! I love that idea. I have a pandora bracelet, and I will be buying a key charm for it! Thank God I won't be buying a martini charm, as I've seen those before!
          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.

