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An Exercise in Thinking

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    An Exercise in Thinking

    I thought this exercise would help you, the writer, and us the reader in our quest to better our lives through being AF. Sometimes, finding our reasons for something and actually hearing/reading it ourselves can trigger the change we need.

    Answer the following 2 questions:

    (i) What would be different about your life after 90 days of being AF. What about 1 year of being AF?

    (ii) Why is this important to you?

    An Exercise in Thinking

    Good to see you Londoner!
    (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


      An Exercise in Thinking

      Okay, let me begin.

      (i) What would be different about your life after 90 days of being AF. What about 1 year of being AF?

      I would be feeling physically and mentally fit. I would be working out frequently and eating well >90% of the time. There would be no guilt when talking to people, as I would not need white lies to cover my tracks. I could possibly get myself into a relationship and would be saving so much money. Life would feel great. Relationships with friends and family would improve. My social life would not revolve around alcohol - I would take up offers of cinema, walks etc. I would travel more and see the world. Basically, my life experience would be enhanced. My perception of myself and my actual self would be in line.

      (ii) Why is this important to you?

      I feel dead atm. Dead to the world, and my relationships with friends have dropped off. I have no motivation. If I keep up drinking, the next decade will disappear and the illusion of a good life would be the only thing getting me through. I need to delay gratification, rather than succumb to instant gratification. I don't want to die a single, pathetic excuse of a man.

