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changes needed in my life

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    changes needed in my life

    It's jan 2nd, I heard about baclofen over the christmas holidays and ordered the book from amazon. Read it yesterday, almost in one sitting. ordered from 4rx today. It will be a week or two until it gets here, so this is a good opportunity to start a baseline journal. a before, during and after. I probably should point out that this is not a new years resolution by any means, but having time off a christmas to really look at my life has motivated me to do something about it.

    I guess some background about me .. Everything in the book rings true for me. I do have anxiety, deep anxiety issues that I was not aware of until this past year. This past year I divorced, my wife was unfaithful to me. I got the I don't love you speech and then I started looking and found she had at least two affairs over the past 3 or 4 years of our marriage. I was pretty crushed. We went through marriage counseling and made some progress but eventually I felt like I was the only one trying to save the marriage. we separated a year ago and are now divorced.

    I have worked through my own issues in the best way I could. I can certainly say I am in better shape now then 1 year ago. I dealt with some abandonment issues from my childhood and found quite a few triggers. getting in the moment, exercise, visualization all seemed to help. until it didn't.

    I felt like all my life I was always my own worst critic. severely. I kept putting myself in a box, don't do this, don't do that, the person you are supposed to be would never do this, never do that, never be like that guy, and I put all these rules on myself and my world got smaller and smaller. It served me well at work, I have been very successful. It does not work in other areas. I drank to deal with rejection, my own inadequacies and insecurities... and I hated myself. I would either pull away and isolate in a mechanism to make my needs small, or I would blow up from not having my needs met. It was an emotional roller coaster I am sure many are aware of.

    After separating in Oct 2012, I did really good for a while. willpower mostly, but I made some great progress. I had some truly dark days in December, fuck the holidays are hard hard for a newly single dad who didn't want to leave his children. but I got through them somehow. many crippled alcohol nights. But I did make it through them.

    After the holidays last year I was exercising, lost a bit of weight, then I hurt my back in April. Really hurt it. degenerative disk disease. I was told surgery was my only option. I took the physical therapy/chiropractor path and it took 4 months to recover. I lost all of my progress in exercise and weight loss. Most of my self confidence was again zapped. I drank. I drank and drank.

    So I spoke before about how I put myself in this box and felt I had to do this perfect and that perfect. Well sometime in the summer, I pretty much said fuck that. I decided I was not going to feel guilt about anything. I went nuts a bit. I drank freely and without shame, I slept around, I blew off work meetings, I alienated some long time friends. I didn't really like living like that either.

    I have lived by myself for 14 months or so now, and I work from home. Nearly all of my social contact are the regulars at the bars I frequent. Karaoke singers at this place, poker players at this place, barflies and the like at the closest ice house. Most of them good people, many of them divorced men with nowhere else to go like me. Most of us ending the day in desperation just like me as well. (Of course we never say that) ..

    This past fall, my Mom died. That same week my divorce was final. That same week I found out I would not have or see my kids for christmas.

    I spent most of December evenings drunk as shit. Going to one bar after another. sometimes getting cut off, sometimes insulting people, often having drunk casual sex with strangers. waking up every morning cringing with terror and fear of what I had done the night before.. is my truck in the driveway, who did I text, who did I call? what did I say and do? It was terror every day. How long can I make it? can I make it until 5pm, noon .. fuck, its 830 in the morning why did I open this beer. I have time for everything that is bad for me.

    So fast forward a few days ... I got the kids on Dec 28, and we are having a good time. I try not to drink around them, and am finding the exact same anxiety that has hit me before. The afternoon comes on and I almost feel like I am freezing up. I try using vitamin B and other vitamins because I know they help me. It doesn't help. It doesn't touch it. Alcohol is such terrible medicine.

    I'm scared. I feel like I am on a path of self destruction. No one is looking out for me, and if I go off the rails, I do not feel like there will be anyone to help me get back on track.

    I just want off the roller coaster.

    changes needed in my life

    Welcome to MWO. Well, thanks for sharing your story. We can all relate to that isolation and the need for Al, because I certainly didn't want to feel anything. What I can tell you is that this is an awesome site, lots of incredible support, and loads of information that was extremely helpful to me. I quit many times, but this last quit has been so "real" for me. It can be real for you, too. And you said no one is looking out for you...Wrong! We are. You will make lots of friends quickly on here. I promise you. Look at the toolbox in Monthly Abs thread. It's a great read, as is so many other threads. You might want to wander over to the Newbie's Nest. Great group of people there. Good luck in your journey!
    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


      changes needed in my life

      Welcome muldoon,
      you have found a great place for support and lots of info.
      Check out the newbies nest and the tool box...newbies nest has lots of folks in various states of quit and the tool ox is full of great information. The links are below my signature.
      Hang in there and with a plan and support here you can do this!

      Newbie's Nest

      Tool Box
      AF 9.1.2013


        changes needed in my life

        Hi Muldoon - Welcome. You came to a very good place. One step is taken - your realization you need change. This is great. One of the AL withdrawals symptoms is anxiety and if you had some to start with - now this additional anxiety is not helping. Good news it doesn't last forever. It will pass. After your back injury - can you exercise now? This can help to feel better and improve sleep in case you have any sleep issues. Have you tried Valerian root or Lemon balm? Those herbal capsules can be found in any pharmacy and help to relax.
        AF since 10/20/2013
        Smoke free since 09/24/2007
        Meat free since 09/20/2008
        With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles


          changes needed in my life

          Life is better off the roller coaster. I too had awful anxiety. As I got more distance from al the anxiety had dramatically decreased. I was fixing the anxiety with the thing causing most of it. Eventually you can handle all the crap life throws at you much better. Life is full of ongoing change, good and bad. It truly is not what is how you react to it mentally.

          Wishing you the best.


            changes needed in my life

            Hi Muldoon and welcome. I think your story rings bells for us all on here. How do we manage the stresses in life that are thrown at us all the time and sometimes it never seems to fucking end!

            How many casual partners did i have when drunk, i felt worthless, that no one wanted me except for al. he was my best friend in the whole world. Even my children, who i would give the world for were not enough. It broke their hearts to see their mum like she was and they could not nothing.

            My ex screwed around on me also and boy that hurt for about 3+ years i felt worthless. Went to counselling and kept drinking and drinking. Anxiety was nearly out of control as was my life. What finally made me realise that i could stop drinking was that I had to help myself out of this hole, out of what i had become, no one else. It was ultimately my decision and my determination to not drink. With the support of my children and MWO i have now accomplished 34 days. The anxiety has basically gone, the shakes have gone, the bleeding gums, the nausea, the hangovers, the withdrawals, EVERYTHING. There is nothing positive about alcohol.

            Sorry for the ramble but your post hit me that my life was basically like yours. You will find a wealth of support on here. The oldies are the best in the world with advice and motivation. The Newbies Nest is always busy.

            Make it one day at a time, that is all we can do. I never want a drink again and that took me a long time to realise. I cannot moderate at all, tried that and ended back at Day 1. I am grateful for my af time and I am no means out in the clear yet but for today i will not drink.

            Good luck and you can do this.
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              changes needed in my life

              Muldoon - I am prone to anxiety and getting off alcohol caused a bout of bad anxiety, but only 32 days in and I am much less anxious and my mood swings are much more moderate.

              You have had a very stressful couple of years, but for sure alcohol is not going to help you get back on track. Now that you have posted here you have a number of us looking out for you, and we will notice if you go off the rails. For sure, your kids would notice!

              He hasn't been around much because he has been with his kids over the holidays, but search for a user named Gambler and read his posts. He might have some advice and experience that is helpful for you.

              When you are sober you will find many other ways to meet people and socialize that are healthy. My recently divorced sister just went on a Sierra Club hike with 40 strangers and had a wonderful time talking to and meeting new people, in addition to doing something she loves. There will be ways for you to be social that will also be good for you.

              Hope you find a way to get through that first few days - they are miserable, but once you press through them there is light on the other side, and a much better life. Hang on!


                changes needed in my life

                welcome Muldoon and WOW, your story really sums up a lot of the feelings that myself and many others here have. the anxiety, the isolating and alienating, the 'random shagging'. so true for so many of us. i agree with others about the anxiety, it really does improve the further away from alcohol you are. im not af at the moment but when i have been i have found my anxiety improved greatly and my confidence was way better than it had been in a long time.
                i have had the very same back problem as you, and also had to stop exercising much (still eating the same so i put on weight). i tried all the physio and painkillers without much relief. on new years eve i had a steroid injection procedure into the facet joints and am over the moon with the results. i am hoping to now be able to get back to some decent exercise. i hope your back is now 'fixed' but if you have further problems with it and get the chance to have this procedure i would very much recommend it.
                please keep posting and let us know how you are getting on. it seems you have struck a chord with a few of us here.
                Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                Keep passing the open windows


                  changes needed in my life

                  Thank you all for the kind words. I am humbled by how many replied to me... and with such support.

                  Jan 3- I am not alcohol free right now, but am trying to moderate as best I can. I stayed sober until about 7pm last night until I went to the store for a 6 pack of tall boys, which ended up being a 12 pack before I got to the counter I try to never have alcohol in my house because I do not always do well with temptation. I fail on that sometimes, but in general it is one of my "strategies".

                  That's kind of a funny thing, all these strategies I have created to manage this. do not drink alone, do not buy bulk booze and keep it here, abstain for a few days and reward with a few drinks. sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't.

                  I was grouchy last evening, and snapped at my son for really doing nothing wrong. He kept wanting to play with his nerf gun and was getting the dog all fired up. My dog is a chocolate lab, 10 months old and she was just just spaded a few days ago. She has stitches and is not supposed to get too excited. So I snapped at my son about it. I felt internally nervous and agitated and irritable. unusual for me, I stopped myself and had to leave the room. That was my precursor to going to get beer. After consuming a few beers I felt more like myself. We watched netflix together into the night.

                  This is a pretty clear example of letting this stuff run my life. It is not a horrible example plagued with danger and drama, it is just an example of day to day damage this shit is doing to me. Lows to highs, mood swings.

                  ohh .. it's 11:45am and I am on beer 2. kids are still asleep.


                    changes needed in my life

                    Hi muldoon. As other have said, your story is our story - yes, we do understand.

                    I'm on baclofen and I'm finding it very relaxing. I too am still drinking but not very much - a few glasses of wine at dinner. I have full confidence that baclofen is going to be THE tool I need to help me take control of my drinking. I want to moderate, I think, so plan on being able to have a glass once in a while - I just want to get off the merry-go-round of "I have to have it."

                    The Meds thread is a great place to learn from the experiences of others who've used drugs to help them. My advice is to read as many of the old threads that discuss baclofen as you can before your Rx comes. You'll be well prepared for how it feels, and what it does.

                    And there are lots of threads for those who want to abstain too if that's your goal.

                    Best of luck! JMum
                    My first "indifference experience" Saturday January 11, 2014. Thank God for Baclofen!


                      changes needed in my life


                      You are in the right place bro, follow the posts here and trust me the people here are understanding and you will feel the strong bond here amongst us. Do keep posting on your progress and you will be out of this soon bud. All the very best.



                        changes needed in my life

                        The baclophen showed up on Friday the 10th. I started taking it then, I think 2 10mg on Friday (1 at a time a few hours apart, Saturday I did the same because I forgot to take the third one. Sunday I took only 1. I bbq'd at an all day event and drank heavily. Today is day 4 I guess, so I am going to bump my third dose to 2x10.

                        I feel like shit this morning. dread, nervousness, hungover, I am behind on a few project things at work and somewhat ducking people who are trying to call me. I do not remember getting home exactly, but my girl was here in bed this morning.. what time did I call her last night?

                        My exwife is traveling to another city today for training tomorrow so I have my kiddos tonight. That always helps me have sober days. Things are just so much easier when I am not sitting home alone with my thoughts. I will get them this weekend as well so I have something to look forward to.

                        I feel nothing from the baclophen, nothing.


                          changes needed in my life

                          Hi Muldoon and welcome. I just got a chance to read through this thread, and it made my heart hurt. You have been through a lot in the last few years. Promise me, you will take care of yourself and remember that all of us here will be looking out for you. You are not alone!!

                          I'm another one who is recently divorce - husband was having an affair and "wasn't in love with me anymore." I totally understand. It hurts like hell. I thought my life was over. So I self-medicated. I drank and drank and drank. But all that happened was the anxiety got worse, my self-respect went into the toilet, and I damaged my relationship with my sons (who are young adults, so it's different from your story) but losing their respect almost destroyed me.

                          The good news is that I am now repairing my relationship with them, feeling better about myself every day that I don't drink, and realizing that I deserve better than spending my life with a cheater. Think about that, okay? You deserve better! So, try some self-care, and go easy on yourself. I can't speak to the baclofen, but I know there are threads here that can help. Stay close and good luck to you.

                          edit: I agree with Pav. Please try to find the posts by Gambler. He's been MIA for a while, but I think you would find value in his story. It sounds close to yours.
                          Everything is going to be amazing


                            changes needed in my life

                            Small update.

                            Later on the night of the 4th day on baclofen, after posting the above, I realized that I was not thirsty. I consumed had only 4 beers for the day, which was on the light side. I remember choosing to go to bed and tossing the beer I had at midnight because it was getting warm.

                            The next day, which was yesterday, I saw something really huge happen. Very evident. About 7:30pm and the kids are headed back to their mothers. We have had a great time, had some chillie cheese tots and chillie dogs for dinner. They leave and the first thing I notice is that I had not consumed beer that evening. I always go out when they leave, like 100% always. The transition from having both kids here at my house to a quiet house is one of my surest triggers and has been for the past year. so I crack a beer from the garage fridge and go about getting ready to go out. Fast forward a bit and I am sitting at an icehouse I frequent often. I have friends there and the crowd buzz is good, the bartender is one of the good ones. And I was bored, kinda uninterested in my beer which took an hour and a half to drink 2 of them. I was very aware that something was different. I cannot really explain it. At one point someone even commented that I was nursing my beer and I quipped back "well maybe I don't hate myself as much as you do". At the time it was just a smartass comment and it got a few laughs, but it really sank in a few minutes later and something I remembered a few times in the evening in an "that's interesting" sort of way.

                            I wish I could say I just went home and went to bed, but I didn't. I went to the patio with some folks and smoked some pot. It was good stuff, some medical strain without seeds. I felt an immediate difference. Not anxious, but thirsty. I began ordering beers and drinking them, smoking a bowl or two more with people over the next few hours. At last call, I was mostly sober and clearish. I had a buzz. My barbill was lower than an average night.

                            So, I thought about what had happened because it seemed important to me to do so at the time. The pot clearly "undid" some of the effects of the baclofen. I asked myself how would pot do that when pot just relaxes me, it doesn't cause anxiety does it? I tried to list the effects of dope and the first thing I thought of was increased heart rate, paranoia ... huh. It was clear to me for the first time how the combination of weed increasing anxiety drove me to drink harder because it generated the anxiety I was drinking to get away from.

                            I had never even considered that before, it was interesting to make that puzzle connection. I'm not beating myself up about the 12 or 14 beers I drank last night. Today is day six, same dosage as yesterday, 10mg when I wake, 10mg at lunchtime, 20mg in the evening. bring it.


                              changes needed in my life

                              today is day 8 of bac. bumped to 10-10-25

                              so sleepy. 4 or 5 beers during and after dinner but headed to bed. no poker game tonight... im tired.

