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Mental Health

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    Mental Health

    Happy Friday one and all. Been doing my thinking again and it occured to me that this last month , which has been af, my mental health has improved so much. My normal pattern was that after I had been drunk I would feel depressed and my mood would be low for at least a week. It really cast a shadow over my life as I could not be bothered to do anything and my head was full of negative thoughts and memories that just used to take over nd drag me into a pit of self loathing and dispair. Once I felt a bit better i would start the cycle all over again, so conesequently I felt awful most of the time. Now I am af I feel so much better and happier in my head, I know I still have some work to do on my personal attitude towards myself and life but its a sober work in process. Having done over a month af and conitinuing with it has given me so much positive confidence in myself, I want to loose a few pounds and I think to myself if I was strong enough and focused enough to go af then I am able to loose a few pounds. I am not saying I am invincable but al was like a demon that sucked the life, focus and pleasure out of me. Being af is a new begining where anything is possible as i am able to see myself and life around me with a clear postive head not a foggy hungover muddled up one !!!!.
    AF Since 2nd December 2013

    Being af is not your punishment ! its your salvation !!:goodjob:

    Diet Start

    25th Feb 2014 10st 6lbs 3rd March 10st 1.5lbs

    Mental Health

    Hi poppy - first of all congratulations on over a month alcohol free..that is an awesome accomplishment. Not only for being AF but for recognizing your mental mood and state of mind in a positive state. I notice as well as other people notice a big difference in me even after a few weeks. The most I have been AF was 33 days in the last 5 years. My mother lives in Texas and she even notices by the sound of my voice and positive outlook. I feel better, look better, act better...I can concentrate on work and school. I am very much more active! So bravo to you!
    Honeysoup :heart:


      Mental Health

      Hi Poppy - that is so great to hear! It gives me hope! I haven't gone more than 4 days in a row without AL in 28 years (I am 57). This winter I have gotten myself into such an overeating and over drinking funk - I didn't want to to anything I was supposed to do except those 2 things all December! My brain just wouldn't "get around" tackling any projects - even the small ones. I just didn't give a hoot.

      Yesterday was Day 1 of a 30-60 day abstaining period before trying to mod. It was successful, and today I woke up with some energy and a feeling of wanting to get some things accomplished. I already did get a couple of things done, AND I am planning out my healthy food for the day!

      It IS just amazing how a little success changes the brain to BELIEVE with confidence that more success can happen. A whole new mindset!

      What also encourages me is that you and others who are AF are actually happy. I kept thinking how miserable I would be without AL. Yesterday went fine, but it's "new" not to drink. How will I feel in a few weeks? What I need to do is find happiness in the little things. New hobbies.

      Anyway, keep up the great work and be happy!
      "We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
      ~John Lennon

      Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

      ~Author Unknown


        Mental Health

        First, congratulations to you all on your sober days and its wonderful that you are seeing a lift in your mental state. There is such a direct link between mood and AL, as well as more chronic mental conditions especially depression and anxiety.

        Its important also to realise (as I am sure you do) that you are likely to face tough days ahead - mentally. Thats all normal but its compounded by loosing the pixie-dust of AL. The clarity many get from sobriety includes good and bad - but in my experience - its easier to deal with this without re-introducing AL into the body and our habits. After a few weeks or months many people also go through a kind of grieving - for their constant companion (AL) that is now gone - and that can be very tough. That happened to me and it was Black. All reasons why its important to keep posting here. If you feel your mood is more than that (ie serious depression) then its important to seek medical help or at least talk to a trusted person. In my case, giving up AL meant I was eventually able to also cease taking anti-depressants. This didn't happen immediately but it came in time.

        Your plan about new hobbies and interests is excellent - you will find from the abstinence threads on MWO that many of us lead full and surprising :H:H lives! Much of what we do now depends on our age, financial resources, family circumstances, work, culture and where we live - not on the fact that we are all people who had/have a serious problem with AL.
        Keep the AF time up - and I hope the positive mental state gets better and better!


          Mental Health


          Congrats on the decision. U in right path bud,


