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    New Here

    Okay, here it goes. Does every first post on here start like that? I feel like it should. I don't know if I should even be here. I don't know if I drink because I'm a drunk, or if I drink because I'm me.

    To start, I'm 37, a gay man, and single. My sister, five years younger than me, just started a family. Being the new year just past Christmas, greeting all the happy families at home certainly hasn't made it easy for me to "control my drinking" like I promised myself.

    The funny thing is, that isn't even the life I want. I have terrible credit, a decent job I have luke warm feelings for, and I've never dreamed of picket fences, and I don't have a personal problem with any of that. Maybe I'm weird, but I've never sought more in someone else.

    I told a couple good friends about my drinking. The best responses I've gotten are disinterested, usually saying "well just stop." Some have even taken it as a personal attack replying with, "I don't drink that much, do I?," not seeming to understand it isn't about them.

    I'm sure that's common, even clich?. I don't want to be the alcoholic who projects my own problems on my friends, the one who thinks every hangover equals a problem. The ex-smoker who lectures smokers. Good people drink, and I know why I do.

    There's a benevolent monster inside me. It doesn't get angry or mean, even sloppy. In fact it's charismatic and charming, but most of all it passes time and numbs me.

    I'm just so scared I'm going to wake up one day in my fifties wondering where it all went. But at the same time I wonder what the point is. I'm weird. I'm a monster seeking a monster. I'm attractive and nice, life shouldn't be a problem. But life isn't the problem. The problem is me. I don't like most people because most people aren't like me. Drinking makes me like other people. It makes me feel human.

    My friends, as good as their intentions are, either don't get it or don't want to, nor should they. This is my problem. But they're dwindling and I'm more and more alone. I need solace in some who understand what it's like, not just alcoholism but the reason I drink.

    New Here

    Welcome, Philatonian --

    I was talking to my friend today about starting drinking to feel less socially awkward, and how I liked how it made situations so much easier. His reply was - isn't that why we all drink? If you get some time away from alcohol and spend some time with the real you, you may discover that there are more people like you than you think.

    Anyway - a large mish mosh of people here all with the same goal. One of the cool things about an online forum is that we can't really judge each other as different right away (NoSugar posted about this on a different thread).

    Take a look at the Newbies Nest - lots of people just starting out. Hope you find what you're looking for.


      New Here

      Pavati;1607626 wrote: Welcome, Philatonian --

      I was talking to my friend today about starting drinking to feel less socially awkward, and how I liked how it made situations so much easier. His reply was - isn't that why we all drink? If you get some time away from alcohol and spend some time with the real you, you may discover that there are more people like you than you think.

      Anyway - a large mish mosh of people here all with the same goal. One of the cool things about an online forum is that we can't really judge each other as different right away (NoSugar posted about this on a different thread).

      Take a look at the Newbies Nest - lots of people just starting out. Hope you find what you're looking for.
      Thank you so much for your reply! I honestly don't know what this is, I just appreciate having someone to talk to about it so, so much. It's really rough out there and I feel so alone. Just replying to my post gives me so much hope.


        New Here

        Hey there! I think you are on the right track searching for your future, but alcohol seems to be confusing things. I would order a starter pack here in the health store & give it a try. You don't even have to stop entirely to feel more clear headed, but I think maybe I less you drink the more you will want to quit. That is how it worked for me. Alcohol wasn't ruining my life either, just not making things nicer for sure. Give it a go, sounds like you have a lot of good things ahead!!
        (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


          New Here

          hi Phil and a big welcome. What struck me about your post was you mentioned you were an alcoholic straight up. I had the problem that i was a binge drinker, i wasnt an alcoholic and when i did admit to myself and others that i was it became easier to stop completely. As Pav (bless her) said about discovering more people like you. That is true but gees a lot of people annoy me now, being sober opens our eyes to a lot of things that the alcohol blur hid.

          This is a great site with lots of welcoming people who are in the same boat as yourself and all at different stages. I am just starting to tell people that i am an alcoholic and it feels like a great weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I am doing it for me and if they dont get it then that is their problem.

          Settle into the newbies nest as Pav says and introduce yourself. I am on here everyday to make myself accountable so i stay sober and it gets easier as the days wrack up.

          Good luck on your journey, you will notice a difference after a couple of weeks.
          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


            New Here

            philatonian;1607633 wrote: Thank you so much for your reply! I honestly don't know what this is, I just appreciate having someone to talk to about it so, so much. It's really rough out there and I feel so alone. Just replying to my post gives me so much hope.
            Phil, welcome here, and as Pav and Avail said, find a perch in the Nest - it's a great place, and one where you will never be alone!
            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


              New Here

              hi phil, and welcome. on thing is certain YOU ARE NOT ALONE. that was the most amazing thing I realized when I found this site. I can relate to you saying you don't like people, but when you drink you do. im not a people person... but who cares, so long as you are you, and it will ALWAYS be a better you without a muddled alcohol head
              Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
              Keep passing the open windows


                New Here

                Hi Phil,
                Welcome to MWO. We are all different, all have our strengths and faults, all find different things that we love to do. That makes us individual and special. Wouldn't this world be quite boring with all the same people in it? That would drive everyone to drink, I think. But we all do have one characteristic that is the same. Al has hurt us. This is a wonderful place for support, and no judgments here.
                Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                  New Here

                  Welcome Phil,
                  This is a great community. There is a lot of support to be found here. I really benefited from the starter pack. I think working holistically is a really good approach.
                  :earth: Tree23


                    New Here

                    Hi Phil, I know what you are going through.. I am new as well and know that I couldn't handle trying to normalize my AL consumption without the group here. Many of us, especially those of us who have addiction issues of some kind, feel at their core that they are not *good enough* or there is something *wrong with us*. But, when in reality we are just who we are.. and happiness and peace comes with accepting that person. Introverts, Extroverts, Loners, People Persons, etc... we are all different and that is okay! That is why I love the quote from John Lennon in my signature.

                    My story is very different than yours, but I am lonely, too. I am 57, and wonder where all the years went. So, yes, it can happen unless you realize who you are and do the best for yourself starting ASAP. I've been drinking since I was a teen. I have a husband (with a severe drinking problem) and several wonderful supportive friends, but no other family to speak of. I've used AL daily for 28 years to comfort me and entertain me. Prior to that I was a binge drinker. My story is somewhere here- posted a week or so ago.

                    A couple of things came to mind when reading your post that I'd like to comment on or question.. All in my opinion of course... and I am not at all educated in this field, but my friends love to come to me for advice. Since I have been trying to take care of my core issues, I have lots of thoughts on what makes me tick and can see some of that in others.

                    Comment - if the "friends" that you are talking about are men, unless they have an AL problem, too they just won't be as nurturing as talking to a woman. The men on this forum are wonderful, but I really think men in general aren't able to talk about deep feelings like women are. This forum is wonderful for your needs!

                    Question - what do you mean you are a monster seeking out a monster? Do you mean you are looking for another person like yourself for a life partner?

                    Question - You called yourself "weird" twice. What are you "like" that makes other people not "like" you and what makes you "weird"?

                    Just trying to help or give you something to think about. No worries if you don't like to be questioned!

                    "We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
                    ~John Lennon

                    Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

                    ~Author Unknown


                      New Here

                      Hi, Phil --

                      How are you today?


                        New Here

                        How r things Phil?
                        (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                          New Here

                          Hope I didn't scare you away! Wishing you well!
                          "We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
                          ~John Lennon

                          Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

                          ~Author Unknown

