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    I am only 2 AF so can't be too mad at me yet Just a thought.....could whatever anger you are feeling be the source of the reason you want to drink? Is it safer to get angry about not staying sober than to examine what feelings you are trying to avoid by drinking? Or am I full of shit? Been told that before



      Don't be hard on yourself, and I think it's safe to say that when someone is trying quit drinking, they feel a broad range of emotions, including anger. I know I have felt kind of angry, like at God or "the powers that be", for not letting me be one of those people that can drink in moderation and are not addicted. But it is what it is.

      I wish I could console you more. Just know we're all here for each other



        Star, I understand what you are feeling, but don't think that all of us are managing to "say no." You are not the only person on this site who still struggles, who still has ups and downs, you are not alone. I understand the anger issue as I sometimes get angry at myself and jealous of others when I hear them doing so well when I am going through a period of not meeting the goals I set for myself. When you hear so many people doing well it is easy to say, "well what the hell is wrong with me that I cannot do that?" Hope you start feeling better and just know I understand. It will get better....
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me



          Starlight - anger is pretty darn normal! I have felt so much anger over the years because I couldn't understand why I drank and why I couldn't quit. The anger I was feeling and blaming the alcohol for was actually anger I had been feeling pretty much my whole life. When I came off of the alcohol I was VERY angry!! It did subside within a couple of months after I let my emotions flow and dealt with what was triggering it. I am still very much a work in progress. After 4 months feeling pretty darn happy - the first time in my whole life. And this happiness is consistent. However.....

          Today, went out to the bank and did a bit of shopping. Well 'low and behold!" there was a liquor store in the plaza I was at. It took EVERY bit of my strength to not go in and by a bottle of wine. I had a HUGE craving out of no where. If there weren't a McDonalds across the street who knows what would of happened LOL! This brought on some anger - anger at myself for almost caving in. Went and stuffed my face with some chicken McNuggets instead. No matter what - it is tough - no matter how much time you have under your belt!

          Anyway, all I am saying you will feel a good range of all different types of emotions during this process. I use to feel jelouse of people who could have a couple and leave it. I was also jelouse of people who didn't 'have' to drink. But really it was me and something else going on deep down inside of me. I have been where you are and couldn't say no. You just keep working on thinking about the positives of not drinking. Positive thinking will eventually give you the strength to take the first step. Hang in there!!!!



            Welcome to the anger management club, I have been so angry about my lack of control it made me want to drink just to not feel so angry. What a vicious circle.

            But in all seriousness I used to think everyone could control themselves better than me, and it made me angry. But I have come to realize, thanks to MWO, that I wasn't alone.

            Accountable put it well " I am a work in progress" , I think that is the best way to look at this.

            You hang in there !!!!

            AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
            Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:




              I still get angry sometimes, I think it is normal. I hope.
              AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
              Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:



                Are you feeling any better Starlight?



                  I think goals need to be achieveable.

                  One way to think of it is to try to make some sort of progress every day, even if it is only checking in to this website.

                  any positive step is good, however little. you need to be positive to make change.

                  I have read a lot of stories about people failing, maybe you need to scan the
                  message boards some more.



                    Thanks to everyone who has replied.

                    Think I still lack the motivation to change, as I suffer from anxiety, and get anxious if I don`t have my nightly btl of wine, yet deep down, I believe the booze is causing most of the anxiety................

                    Starlight Impress




                      Much like MWO is great for drinking issue4s there is another fantastic web site that greatly helps for anxiety. I went through the program myself and it has helped me tremedously. It is the Midwest Center. Here is the link. Attacking Anxiety and Depression with Lucinda Bassett Visit the forums there and you will find many that are experiencing self medicating of Panic/Anxiety Disorder with Alcohol.

                      If you have any questions please contact me.



                        Self-medicating anxiety..............

                        Thanks hablur,
                        Will check out site you recommend for anxiety........last 6 /8 wks has been really bad phase for severe panic attacks with me.

                        Starlight Impress



                          I was thinking again about your post.

                          I think it's good for us to read about how people are succeeding.

                          If we just read the bad stories, we could just reassure ourselves that
                          noone seems to be able to quit, so why should we!!

                          re nightly bottle of wine. have you thought about trying non-alcoholic wine or beer?
                          it will give you the illusion of that comforting bottle.

                          however, may not get you past the psychological dependence.

                          regarding anxiety, you might want to see a nutritionist and cut back on things that cause anxiety, like coffee.



                            Hablur thank you for providing the link I also suffer from anxiety and depression which I medicate.

                            Starlight, if at all possible I would see a doctor and perhaps he can give you some xanax or other anxiety meds until you are feeling better, also kava tea has helped me, it may not be wise to go AF right away, depending on what your system is used to. Sometimes weening off is better or getting meds to help you transition.

                            Your doctor will probably know best.
                            Hope this helps, take care!
                            AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
                            Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:



                              Thanks, kitkat,
                              Think I do need some help from the doc with my anxiety, as has been dreadful the last couple of months. Am a tea-drinker, but have never really fancied herbal types, but should try them, as I also hear green tea is good for weight-loss, and I am at least 2 stones overweight due to the booze.

                              No offence, but just had to laugh at name of particular tea you recommended, ie kava, as my drink of choice is dry CAVA(sparkling white wine) lol

                              Starlight Impress

