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1st weekend day AF in 28 years

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    1st weekend day AF in 28 years

    It had to come sooner or later.. I went AF 4 days during the week 1 1/2 years ago (at least that's what I said in a post here in June 2012 I think it was), BUT never did I abstain on any weekend day.

    This is my 3rd day AF, it is 12:41 in the afternoon and about when I'd make my 1st drink - a strong bloody mary. Instead I cracked open a N/A beer that I hope will keep me company for awhile.

    One of the things on the suggested list of activities "to do" when not drinking is plan a trip. I love to do that, so will use my weekend afternoons when I usually drink heavily to plan a road trip for DH and I to visit the Grand Canyon and Sedona AZ this spring. We've never been there and it is on our bucket list. Hopefully it will give us both a reason to live a healthier lifestyle including start exercising. We can see the beautiful scenery from the car window, but I am sure we'll want to walk around a bit!

    A question for newbies - what do you do to keep you busy and distracted?
    "We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
    ~John Lennon

    Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

    ~Author Unknown

    1st weekend day AF in 28 years

    Hey Dip,

    Congrats on the decision to liberate yourself. Though I am a newbie, walks and running keeps me company...



      1st weekend day AF in 28 years

      Thanks for your note Vy! My body isn't up to that just yet.. especially my knees. I hope to get back to the swimming pool and fitness center next week and take it slowly. We are having some extreme winter weather that will keep me home bound for a few days. I do have an elliptical, and maybe I'll start slowly on that.
      "We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
      ~John Lennon

      Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

      ~Author Unknown


        1st weekend day AF in 28 years

        What to do, what to do - funny how that brings into focus the fact that when I drink, I do NOTHING - just sit in a chair.

        But, I've found that sometimes sitting in my chair, daydreaming and listening to music is just fine and I don't need a drink to enjoy it. And there are also lots of things that don't work so well when drinking, things that I like to do: reading (can focus on the letters better and remember what I read); drawing (used to do that as a child and teenager so just getting back into it); playing the piano (well - wouldn't that be a return to the past!); call a friend or relative (NOT recommended while drinking, highly recommended when sober!).

        So now until dinner, a time when I would be getting yet another glass of wine, I'm going to pour a big glass of fizzy water and read a book I need to read because it has to go back to the library on Monday.

        Congrats on the first AF weekend, DipGal!! My goal right now is to do at least five days. I think the last time I had five AF days was 2006. Hi Vynan. I'm an oldie here, but just returned so am posting in the getting started as that's really where I am.

        Love to all.


          1st weekend day AF in 28 years

          Thanks for stopping in DG.. yes, when I watch my movies or TV shows on Netflix I can actually pay attention and enjoy them! Same with books. I've been so out of the habit of listening to music and I love music.. Need to go back here!! Have a great day!
          "We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
          ~John Lennon

          Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

          ~Author Unknown


            1st weekend day AF in 28 years

            I'm going to listen to Gordon Lightfoot - a drinker who went cold turkey and never drank again!

            "Go my Way" and "Now and Then" are my current faves.


              1st weekend day AF in 28 years

              Hi dipgal!! Congrats on your AF weekend. I've followed some of your posts and wanted to say hi!


                1st weekend day AF in 28 years

                dipgal, I saw your post and just had to stop by and say FANTASTIC WELL DONE. you should be really pleased with yourself. its another hurdle overcome. now you've done it once you know you can do it again. well done
                Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                Keep passing the open windows


                  1st weekend day AF in 28 years

                  Good for you Dipgal - good luck on the journey - you have made a great start!
                  Last drink 6th September 2013


                    1st weekend day AF in 28 years

                    Congrats Dipgirl! I too am making it through my first weekend AF in I don't know how long. Feels good, doesn't it?

                    This weekend I watched A LOT of movies on Netflix and read a good book on my kindle. I also read through the tool box and am planning my AF week coming up.

                    I also love walking my dog which is impossible now for another few days, wind chills so bad that you can get frostbite within 10 mins. Tomorrow it's going to be -50 with wind chill which kinda freaks me out.


                      1st weekend day AF in 28 years

                      Congrats Dipgirl, a major turning point! Tavistock - sounds nippy!!! Saw your weather on the news today and it looks brutal to say the least - just getting into our summer down here in NZ! Though it's bee crap up to now! lols.
                      Anyway, back to the drink, good luck on your journey, hugs xxx


                        1st weekend day AF in 28 years

                        I started a separate thread for this, but today I may not be AF.. DH fell down a full flight of stairs yesterday and I am feeling REALLY sorry for myself.. Of course I feel so sorry for him because he has so many issues.. but right now I am making it about me.. sorry to be a downer. Yesterday was successful, but I'm not sure what today will bring...
                        "We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
                        ~John Lennon

                        Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

                        ~Author Unknown


                          1st weekend day AF in 28 years

                          today will be what you want it to be. You are the one who is in control.
                          Liberated 5/11/2013


                            1st weekend day AF in 28 years

                            Yes, Sam - thats so true. There are a lot of things we have no control over - e.g. the weather (well as a planet we may be able to slow things down but getting off-topic here), to which toxins we take in as we walk down the road - but deciding to quit AL is one thing we can control. Its really tough and we may need extra help at times but we can do it.

