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Campral vs Topa

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    Campral vs Topa

    So which is best to take then??

    Ive heard both dilute the cravings but Ive heard that by using campral, once off em, you go straight back to square 1.

    Does Topa do the same??

    Please help!!

    Campral vs Topa


    I'm on Campral. I read all the literature closely and it says when you go off the wagon the duration of your time is lessened if you are still taking it.

    I don't know, I'm only AF day 2. I don't notice many side effects and I am really not struggling-and we are talking about a 12 beer a day, every day drinker.

    The important thing is to choose one and DO IT! My doc happened to give me samples. Could you ask your doc for some? Might be a way to try w/o buying a lot.

    Good luck hon.:welcome:


      Campral vs Topa

      Welcome to MWO. My experience with the campral was very positive. I took campral for the first two months of being AF (now on month 4). The campral might be easy to get from a doctor than topa. Some doctors will not prescribe topa for alcohol abuse.
      Plus, hart is correct on the samples.
      Although, I thought the campral helped, alot of being AF is because I needed too and wanted too.
      It has to come from your heart that you want to quit drinking. I went from aleast one bottle of wine (if not more) a night to being af. Good luck with whatever you choose.


        Campral vs Topa

        There really is no miracle pill.

        Some people do well on Topa, some do well on Campral. Both drugs are geared to the fact that alcoholism is a brain disease so let's treat it as that. But each brain is so different-each person's craving is different.

        It comes down to what Abby said. You need to want it badly enough. It's that mindset & the meds that will help achieve your goal.

        From my experience I tried Campral when it first came out. Thought it was this wonder drug for alcoholics. Didn't work because I expected a miracle. No effort was put into quiting. Then I tried Topa a few yrs ago but only went thru the motions of quiting and failed on it. Finally in Dec. '06 I tried Topa again and with MIND, BODY and SOUL decided to go AF and am now at my 5 mo mark. Couldn't be happier & it was the best decision I ever made!

        So it really depends on you & your plans & goals. Wishing you success...
        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


          Campral vs Topa

          Abby and Breeze are right on about the mindset as it is crucial. I've been on campral and have noticed it helping my AB's and virtually no side effects.
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Campral vs Topa

            Hi Pennywise,
            There is of course the option not drugs at all.
            Why dont you try going AF drug free and see how you go.Test out your willpower and resolve and if the cravings are too much explore the chemical options.
            I was a bottle a day Vodka girl and this time I think I was just totally determined to make it.
            As Abby and Breez have said, success is reliant on how much you want to stop.
            Good luck and keep posting.
            Victoria xxooxx

