Yup bobbed back to the surface like some skanky cork in the sea, don't know what is happening with my head, my body (God knows), my life. Homestly tried to quit - BIG TIME - went totally cold turkey, walked the walk and talked the talk, but never got over the gaping hole that the lack of booze left in my very being. Wouldn't say I'm drinking more than before (that would be a challenge), but certainly back in the saddle.
There are so many wonderful, honest, giving and inspirational people on here, I want to be so much like you, but it's just not happening. I believe you when you say hang on in there, it even happens, briefly, then, wham, back to the beginning, but I'm not sorry about that. Strangley, but then I find myself back here, reading posts, understanding the terrible stories, I've been there so many times myself, I totally get it, and empethise with so many. So, back to 2-3 bottles a day (more some days), not wanting to stop, not caring about the outcome.
I am an artist, people expect, even appreciate my barmy behavoir. My childhood was traumatic and at parts horrific, which I am sure has lead to a complete self destruct mission for my mind. Alcohol has become part of my persona, my unwelcome siemese twin, My kids friends comment I smell funny (alcohol), that I act weird, they look ashamed. What can they say to that? I wonder how they will reflect on those times when they are older. That makes me sad, but obviously not sad enough. My husband threatens to leave, I say go, he never does, he loves me, but I know I'm doing his head in.
Yesterday I packed up our Christmas trimmings, and I wondered if I would be here next year to see them. I labelled them for easy reference for the family incase I wasn't. Even dying dosn't seem to deter me. Now even I realise that isn't rational behaviour.
I would kick myself up the arse, but I honestly don't self pity that much. I am pretty happy and grateful, I love my work, my kids and my husband, unfortunatley, I also love the bottle.
Where now?
Lost, Noodle xx
