Hello community.
I'm not even sure where to begin. I apologize if I'm in the wrong place asking for help.
Let me begin by introducing myself as Steve. That really is my real name and I'm happy with it so feel free to call me by it.
On we go. Am I in the right place. Maybe, maybe not. I do like to drink but am not an alcoholic. Have I confused you all yet?
I am a gambling addict so I can appreciate what everyone on this community is going through. We all have good days and the bad days are always just around the corner. Just like everyone here too.
The real crux is I have come to realize over the Christmas period that my very best friend is a very functional alcoholic. I never saw it coming at all. Everytime our paths would cross she would always act in a professional manner without showing any obvious signs of what had consumed her the previous night.To everyone who knows her even close family and friends its well hidden. But its eating away at here from the inside everyday.
I know she is already using the My Way Out system. She asked me to check it out as she thinks its the answer to her prayers. And help her find 'the secret to her little black box' Only she knows where that is but that's what she calls it.
So as to why I'm really here.
What advice can you all give me (the more the merrier) on how to support her on her mission to stop the drink winning everytime. She a very tough and determined woman but seems unable to beat this. Yet?
Sorry all for the log post but needed to start somewhere on this journey!