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Tired of the same old broken record-Need to actually change now

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    Tired of the same old broken record-Need to actually change now

    I have tried to taper many times, but even when I am doing well and down to two beers a night-I would often go on a bender. Then felt like it was hopeless and fall back into the sam routine. Wake up, work, go home and drink. I used to make excuses like I can't get all the supplements because I live on a tiny island in Asia, or it is rude in the customs here to turn down a drink from someone older than you-Basically I had just excuses to drink. My Korean girlfriend is supportive and wants me to clean up for my overall health and just see the person underneath this disease.

    So I am starting today going cold turkey, keeping a log, logging the supplements I will use, and how I feel hour to hour and day to day. I keep posting positive and inspirational quotes in my house. I need to beat this and prove I am better than this drug.

    Anyone out there just go cold turkey after drinking some alcohol for months straight? This is what I am scared about the most. The withdrawal phase. If anyone out there has done it this way please give me tips or suggestions to help me not think about a drink or what to do with craving. Also, what supplements to take to repair the liver and what to take to help with cravings. Thanks to all and God bless you and this site. I am hopeful and SO SCARED and ANXIOUS at the same time. Thanks again. Jeff

    Tired of the same old broken record-Need to actually change now

    Welcome spicoli0420 you have found a great place. Pop on over to the newbies nest...there are many folks just like you who can tell you their can also visit the tool box..lots and lots of great info...links to both are below my signature...glad u are here.

    Newbie's Nest

    Tool Box
    AF 9.1.2013


      Tired of the same old broken record-Need to actually change now

      Hi Jeff and welcome.

      I went cold turkey, did not taper, just stopped. No such word as tapering for me, i was a 1-2 bottles a night of sauv blanc, very very few af days that come to mind, well none being honest! Before i gave up i had horrible anxiety, the shakes as in i could not write properly, dehydration, bad gums, hangovers, dry wretching, missed work, family events due to al.

      The withdrawals were not too bad actually, the worst bit was the cravings. I did not sleep much, tired constantly, craving for sugary food, headaches (which still happen occasionally). The cravings i just went with and tried to distract myself with eating mainly and coming on here. I posted like a lunatic on the Newbies Nest, when i came home from work i napped as i was finding i was awake at odd hours. I had to listen to my body and stick to my resolve of not having a drink. Oh it would have been damn easy to do but i knew that my body was telling me that enough was enough.

      A week later the anxiety was gone practically, sleep was crap (still is), everything that was happening before with drinking was subsiding except the cravings. Its a matter of riding them out and being strong.

      Now i am up to 38 days sober and it feels great, fantastic, wonderful. I did not take anything so i cant comment on that, except some xanax the first few days for anxiety but i dont have them anymore.

      Good luck Jeff, you have the suppor of your partner and MWO and that is a great start.
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        Tired of the same old broken record-Need to actually change now

        Hi Av

        >sleep was crap (still is) >

        I'm just a few days ahead of you, at 45 days sober and my sleep was shocking. I take a very gentle herbal remedy called "Sleep" by Suisse, get it from Chemists Warehouse, costs under $30 for 50 tablets, which is almost a month's worth. It's just natural stuff; hops, valerian, china root, liquorice and a small amount of magnesium. I was determined not to ask for help from the doctor as I didn't want to swap one addiction for another. I'm going to take them for two or three months at the full dose, then start cutting them down in the hope that normal sleep will eventually prevail - just can't do what I need to do unless I get meaningful sleep. I don't think years of AL abuse and non-restful drunken sleep can be overcome in a few weeks, and I don't see any problem in taking a supplement like this if it's going to help. Hope it helps you, I just find it great.

        AF from 22 November 2013

        Happily on the road to Sobriety - there's nowhere else worth going to...


          Tired of the same old broken record-Need to actually change now

          Thanks Sixty i will check it out. Its the getting to sleep and staying there lol. I will go to chemist warehouse tomorrow as even now i am so tired but i know i wont get to sleep for another few hours. Im like you i hate taking sleeping pills from drs and he prob would not give them to me anyways and one addiction is enough to handle for sure.
          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


            Tired of the same old broken record-Need to actually change now


            Tapering may not work when you are mentally addicted to alcohol as in my case, I continued drinking with intention to taper, to avoid withdrawals, occasions, boredom etc. I am 2 weeks AF now and went from 650 ml of whiskey a day to cold turkey, no withdrawals, nothing. Make the decision and kick it off buddy



              Tired of the same old broken record-Need to actually change now

              Hi Jeff,

              I went cold turkey after drinking probably a bottle and 1/2 of wine a night for the last year or more?

              What finally got me off the rollercoaster was taking the plunge, posting, and dumping out the alcohol.

              as Nike says, JUST DO IT! You will not regret it.


                Tired of the same old broken record-Need to actually change now

                Double that Tavistock!:goodjob:


                  Tired of the same old broken record-Need to actually change now

                  Other than an L-Glutamine 1,000 mg tab taken on two separate occasions when I felt kind of weak, I had no physical withdrawals. Prior, I drank somewhere between 2 and 20 drinks a day. The 10 days prior were totally in *holiday* mode and I knew I was going to try to work on my drinking problem on Jan 2nd. So, I totally binged for a couple of weeks prior to stopping - anywhere between 10 and 20 standard drinks a day. I struggled emotionally (and still do after 5 days.. today is #6), but no physical issues at all. My sleep is great! I take two magnesium tabs and 6 sprays of a "Sleep Support" spray from Dr. Mercola.
                  "We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
                  ~John Lennon

                  Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

                  ~Author Unknown


                    Tired of the same old broken record-Need to actually change now

                    Hi, Spicoli (Fast Times was one of my favorite movies - prob. still is)

                    I want to point you to the links in Dottie's signature - the toolbox has lots of ideas for how to beat withdrawal and craving symptoms, and the newbies nest has a lot of people posting often - so there is usually someone there to give advice and support.

                    Welcome - you've come to a great place to get sober.

